Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
You have just proved you understand neither what a pre-existing condition is nor how insurance works.
it seems you don't know.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
Stupid fucks with no iq think this way,yiou dumb fuck.What was happening before is you would pay for years for your insurance and as soon as you actualy had calims they tagged you with pre-exisating conditions raised your rates to the point they could not be paid. You miss a payment and they drop you. You do not set it up so there is no way the insurancfe company ever has to pay any real money. Tnst id theft pure and simple.You might as well not pay for any at all Of course you dumb fucks do not recognize theft when you see it with head so far up CEO's asses and your hands stroking thiier cocks they tirn you in to suckers.Same with asset ofrfeture brought to you by the mindless zombie fuck facees the conservatives.
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What is the solution for those who have a condition prior to getting insurance but cannot afford to pay for the treatments and cannot get insurance either?

Do we just let them die?

Do we have the Govt pay for them?


Do we put the HI carrier on the hook for treatments when they have not collected $1 in premiums?

pre existing conditions have been on the books for over a decade now ... name one insurance company that has gone bankrupt ... just one.
explain why it is up to them to pay for someone who never paid in? it seems you all keep avoiding that answer.
You really don't have a clue, do you?
This is why the ACA was put into place. So you RWNJ's couldn't moonshine or meth or opioid yourselves into a coma & then go into an ER looking for help once you've done yourselves harm.
If all you "fake Christians" believe that life begins at conception then so do pre-existing conditions.
You buy healthcare coverage & pay in BEFORE you need it.
You buy car insurance & pay in BEFORE you need it.
You pay homeowners insurance BEFORE you need it.
You RWNJ's need a crash course on Econ 101, not to mention civics.
What you're advocating for is the governing of some tribal island with absolutely no civilization whatsoever.
You don't seem to understand the Constitution or what's written at the base of The Statue of Liberty.
A nice history class might help you as well.
Nothing will help you illiterates until you get some slings to stop your knuckles from dragging on the ground.

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You buy healthcare coverage & pay in BEFORE you need it.
You buy car insurance & pay in BEFORE you need it.
You pay homeowners insurance BEFORE you need it

And if you never bought in, why do insurance companies have to cover the pre-existing condition?
Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!
Your stupidity lies in that health insurance should be treated the same as other types of insurance. Why does it matter to treat it like car insurance? Did republican Jesus tell you any type of insurance should be treated all the same? I guess it’s in the republican bible.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You don't understand the concept of insurance, do you?

It is not welfare.

You pay into the pool when you are well and take out when you are sick. The cost of the insurance is a balance between what is coming in and what is going out. If you have somebody with preexisting condition that never paid into the pool that the filthy ass government required being allowed to go in then somebody is getting something for nothing and that is despicable because somebody else has to pay for them.

You may be confused with self funded employer insurance which is really not insurance although it is called that. It is where a corporation covers the cost themselves and they allow employees with preexisting conditions to enter.

Are you still confused about insurance or do you still have your head up your ass?
Christ dude this isn’t hard to figure out. We should not treat healthcare coverage as if it is car insurance. The actual definition of insurance does not matter you sack of garbage.
then why does it exist?
Hey, FUCK people with pre-existing conditions.

They shouldn't HAVE them to BEGIN with, y'know?

In the past, all they asked was for one year pay in before coverage. My wife developed diabetes as a child, One year in on my insurance after we married and she was fully covered. what's the deal? BTW, she got the dental and all of the other insurance benefits, check ups and prescriptions for insulin.
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Anybody demanding that they get preexisting conditions covered when they didn't pay insurance is also demanding that somebody else pay their bills.

Disgusting, in't it?

What they are asking for is reasonable rates. They are not saying they should pay nothing. Quit lying.
What's "reasonable" if you have cancer?

Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper
This is all fine & dandy if the people you right wingers vote for weren't bought & paid for by lobbyists - health insurance lobbyists, pharmaceutical lobbyists & others who keep making profits off of keeping people sick instead of curing them.
Stop continually filling the swamp with your greed mongers & people wouldn't be so dependent on government to pick up a portion of the cost.

In the 1980's my employer paid 100% of my healthcare - no copayment whatsoever. In fact, we chose the plan we wanted. Each employee was given $2,000 to spend on which coverage they wanted. I chose the top plan AND I got $600 cash back because I was only insuring myself.
What happened from the 1980's to now that back then it only cost $1,400 a year to insure me, yet now (& still healthy) those same insurance companies want 20X that much?
I rarely go to a doctor. I've broken a finger & a toe & toughed it out, only to find out later that they were in fact broke.
What happened is the republicans are now bought & paid for & they fight harder for their "handlers" than they do for the fools who keep voting for them.

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Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.
What conservatives don’t understand is that to allow insurance companies to deny coverage for pre-existing conditions means those denied will be forced to seek treatment in emergency rooms, which will be considerably more expensive due to the medical condition having become critical and because the patient has no health insurance to cover the cost of that expensive treatment; a cost that will be passed on to consumers as higher insurance premiums to address hospitals increasing the expense of their services to make up for the losses incurred treating the uninsured.

Unless the GOP ‘plan’ is to have hospitals and their emergency rooms refuse to treat those uninsured and relegate those uninsured to die in the streets.

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Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!
Your stupidity lies in that health insurance should be treated the same as other types of insurance. Why does it matter to treat it like car insurance? Did republican Jesus tell you any type of insurance should be treated all the same? I guess it’s in the republican bible.

You are confused Moon Bat.

You don't understand the concept of insurance, do you?

It is not welfare.

You pay into the pool when you are well and take out when you are sick. The cost of the insurance is a balance between what is coming in and what is going out. If you have somebody with preexisting condition that never paid into the pool that the filthy ass government required being allowed to go in then somebody is getting something for nothing and that is despicable because somebody else has to pay for them.

You may be confused with self funded employer insurance which is really not insurance although it is called that. It is where a corporation covers the cost themselves and they allow employees with preexisting conditions to enter.

Are you still confused about insurance or do you still have your head up your ass?
Christ dude this isn’t hard to figure out. We should not treat healthcare coverage as if it is car insurance. The actual definition of insurance does not matter you sack of garbage.
then why does it exist?

This whole situation exists because a large percentage of voters want socialized health care but can't bring themselves to admit it. So they're trying to enlist the insurance industry as a kind of 'privatized' socialism, which is basically the worst of both options - all the authoritarian bureaucracy of socialism, with all the greed and private profits of capitalism. In their view this is a 'step in the right direction'.
Stupid fucks with no iq think this way,yiou dumb fuck.What was happening before is you would pay for years for your insurance and as soon as you actualy had calims they tagged you with pre-exisating conditions raised your rates to the point they could not be paid. You miss a payment and they drop you. You do not set it up so there is no way the insurancfe company ever has to pay any real money. Tnst id theft pure and simple.You might as well not pay for any at all Of course you dumb fucks do not recognize theft when you see it with head so far up CEO's asses and your hands stroking thiier cocks they tirn you in to suckers.Same with asset ofrfeture brought to you by the mindless zombie fuck facees the conservatives.
Who knew that Tourette syndrome affected the fingers?
This is all fine & dandy if the people you right wingers vote for weren't bought & paid for by lobbyists - health insurance lobbyists, pharmaceutical lobbyists & others who keep making profits off of keeping people sick instead of curing them.
Stop continually filling the swamp with your greed mongers & people wouldn't be so dependent on government to pick up a portion of the cost.

In the 1980's my employer paid 100% of my healthcare - no copayment whatsoever. In fact, we chose the plan we wanted. Each employee was given $2,000 to spend on which coverage they wanted. I chose the top plan AND I got $600 cash back because I was only insuring myself.
What happened from the 1980's to now that back then it only cost $1,400 a year to insure me, yet now (& still healthy) those same insurance companies want 20X that much?
I rarely go to a doctor. I've broken a finger & a toe & toughed it out, only to find out later that they were in fact broke.
What happened is the republicans are now bought & paid for & they fight harder for their "handlers" than they do for the fools who keep voting for them.

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if you don't know that all politicians are bought and paid for a discussion with you is senseless. What say you?
Agree. However what most people assume is incorrect.
If you have to go to an emergency room & you are not insured it is NOT free.
I had a lapse in coverage when Baby Bush tanked the economy & I needed to see a doctor on a Saturday because I broke out in head to toe hives.
When you go to an emergency room you do not get treated until you sign the "contract" agreeing to pay.
On top of that, uninsured people get charged a higher rate for the same treatment as someone who is insured.
So in fact, hospital emergency rooms can turn people away.
There is no free ride no matter how the right wingers try to spin it.

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What is the solution for those who have a condition prior to getting insurance but cannot afford to pay for the treatments and cannot get insurance either?

Do we just let them die?

Do we have the Govt pay for them?


Next stop on the Trump Agenda, Debtors Prisons? Houses for the poor?***

Q. Do we have the Govt pay for them

A. Taxpayers pay for those who don't buy insurance, can't afford to buy insurance or lose their job and lose their coverage.

Public Hospitals provide emergency treatment, and public hospitals are paid for by local taxes, which take away money from critical other areas provided by local governments.

Fiscal conservatism is fraught with problems and can easily lead to an economic crisis for people, cities, counties, and even states.

How? When natural disasters occur (a health crisis, a fire, a flood, a hurricane, a series of tornadoes, an earthquake, a tsunami, or a massive volcano eruption. Or when we kick the can down the road, a man made crisis when a bridge collapses and other man made structures fail due to a lack of maintenance and neglect.

***take a look at census records in your county, and see how many people live at the same address, mostly women and children but also men who have no income, no job and no future.
Universal Lawn Care is my right!


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Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.

What the hell? Why not?
After the idiot in the Oval Office got into the Oval Office he made sure to give extra tax breaks to "golf course owners".

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What they are asking for is reasonable rates. They are not saying they should pay nothing. Quit lying.
What's "reasonable" if you have cancer?

Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

I was a licensed agent. I know full well about these requirements. I also know the many ways they make sure they have the reserves. Things still are not just as simple as you declared.

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