Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

What they are asking for is reasonable rates. They are not saying they should pay nothing. Quit lying.
What's "reasonable" if you have cancer?

Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

OBTW, the ACA was based on a republican conservative plan by the heritage foundation. These are republican ideas.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

So half the people are greedy assholes? I suspect that is the half that usually votes for stupid Democrats hoping to get something for nothing.

Nobody wants to be forced to pay other people's bills. Any greedy asshole that says they are for single payer is just hoping that they will get their bill paid by some body else.

You are paying other people’s bills already. Every time someone without insurance and the ability to pay for their care gets treated as is mandated by law, that cost is spread out to everyone that has insurance and pays their bills.

You pay one way or the other

Sent from my iPhone using

I think you have have used that rational before. Since we are fucking up now we need to fuck up even more? Really?

That is not my rationale, my rationale is that if we are already paying for them why not make it as inexpensive as possible.

Sent from my iPhone using
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.

Point being that insurance is, as I pointed out, for unforseen events, NOT everyday expenses...If your auto insurance paid for oil changes and worn out tires, it would be as expensive as hell..

And while we're at it, the need to eat is a "pre-existing condition"...What do you think turning the entire farming and grocery businesses to insurance companies and The State would look like?
Rated the best health care system in the World is Luxembourg. With 570,000 population.
Luxembourg has by far the most expensive health system in Europe
The compulsory health insurance entitles the insured population to a very broad benefits package, which covers more services than those in neighbouring countries (Box 2). Nonetheless, complementary VHI is purchased by around 56% of the resident population to cover expenses for cost sharing for certain types of hospital care, dental treatment, visual aids and other services.

The state provides free basic health coverage to all citizens, and all employed citizens and employees contribute to this via payments to Luxembourg's social security system. All dependent family members are also covered by family members who pay social security. Children are covered under their parents, and students are covered until age 27. Coverage includes most treatment by your general practitioner or specialists, any laboratory tests, prescriptions and hospitalisation.

All employees and self-employed workers in Luxembourg are required to make sufficient social security contributions to be entitled to Luxembourg healthcare services; if you are employed, healthcare contributions will be automatically taken out of your wages by your employer.

While 99 percent of the population is covered by the state healthcare system, about 75 percent have some extra form of private health insurance (get a quote), purchased to help for coverage on things that might be covered by state health insurance in Luxembourg. Read more in our guide to health insurance in Luxembourg.

but make sure that your doctor is contracted into the state health scheme if you use public healthcare to avoid extra fees
When going to a hospital, you should take your own clothes, robe and slippers, as well as personal toiletries and towels. You’ll also need a small amount of money to pay for telephone calls, television programmes, bottled water and other items offered by private services within the hospital.

There are three classes of service: first, second and third. First class includes a private room that you pay extra for unless you have a premium private health insurance. Second class is a shared room with two or three other patients and is the standard service insured. Third class service is a ward with more than three patients, and occurs only in certain circumstances. Find a list of hospitals in Luxembourg below, or see Expatica's listing of hospitals in Luxembourg.
The healthcare system in Luxembourg

Just remember.. The population of the USA is over 326 million or 486 TIMES as large as Luxembourg.

Plus another factor of USA health care.
A law I'm sure most of the people on this forum and DEFINITELY MOST Americans are unaware of is call EMTALA!
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.

So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers
Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.

Personal responsibility is never stupid. However, what is selfish is expecting somebody else to pay your bills for you, which is exactly what a single payer system entitles.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

You would not be paying for my or anyone elses health care in any system that can be created. The amount you would pay into a government planned healthcare system would be so small that if you walked up to anyone and handed them 3 bucks then started preaching about how you are paying for their health care you'd get cussed out and rightfully so.
What's "reasonable" if you have cancer?

Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

OBTW, the ACA was based on a republican conservative plan by the heritage foundation. These are republican ideas.

Where is your LINKS? I don't believe a thing YOU write because YOU don't provide the substantiation!
Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.

Personal responsibility is never stupid. However, what is selfish is expecting somebody else to pay your bills for you, which is exactly what a single payer system entitles.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

You would not be paying for my or anyone elses health care in any system that can be created. The amount you would pay into a government planned healthcare system would be so small that if you walked up to anyone and handed them 3 bucks then started preaching about how you are paying for their health care you'd get cussed out and rightfully so.

So....we wouldn't pay for your health care, or anyone else's, but we would pay into a government healthcare that pays for everyone's healthcare....Christ sake, that's some typical lefty logic right there.
Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.

Personal responsibility is never stupid. However, what is selfish is expecting somebody else to pay your bills for you, which is exactly what a single payer system entitles.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

You would not be paying for my or anyone elses health care in any system that can be created. The amount you would pay into a government planned healthcare system would be so small that if you walked up to anyone and handed them 3 bucks then started preaching about how you are paying for their health care you'd get cussed out and rightfully so.

So....we wouldn't pay for your health care, or anyone else's, but we would pay into a government healthcare that pays for everyone's healthcare....Christ sake, that's some typical lefty logic right there.

And it will only cost 3 bucks!
You would not be paying for my or anyone elses health care in any system that can be created. The amount you would pay into a government planned healthcare system would be so small that if you walked up to anyone and handed them 3 bucks then started preaching about how you are paying for their health care you'd get cussed out and rightfully so.
Because if it's one thing that the gubmint is famous for, it's being breathtakingly inexpensive and totally cost effective.


Rated the best health care system in the World is Luxembourg. With 570,000 population.
Luxembourg has by far the most expensive health system in Europe
The compulsory health insurance entitles the insured population to a very broad benefits package, which covers more services than those in neighbouring countries (Box 2). Nonetheless, complementary VHI is purchased by around 56% of the resident population to cover expenses for cost sharing for certain types of hospital care, dental treatment, visual aids and other services.

The state provides free basic health coverage to all citizens, and all employed citizens and employees contribute to this via payments to Luxembourg's social security system. All dependent family members are also covered by family members who pay social security. Children are covered under their parents, and students are covered until age 27. Coverage includes most treatment by your general practitioner or specialists, any laboratory tests, prescriptions and hospitalisation.

All employees and self-employed workers in Luxembourg are required to make sufficient social security contributions to be entitled to Luxembourg healthcare services; if you are employed, healthcare contributions will be automatically taken out of your wages by your employer.

While 99 percent of the population is covered by the state healthcare system, about 75 percent have some extra form of private health insurance (get a quote), purchased to help for coverage on things that might be covered by state health insurance in Luxembourg. Read more in our guide to health insurance in Luxembourg.

but make sure that your doctor is contracted into the state health scheme if you use public healthcare to avoid extra fees
When going to a hospital, you should take your own clothes, robe and slippers, as well as personal toiletries and towels. You’ll also need a small amount of money to pay for telephone calls, television programmes, bottled water and other items offered by private services within the hospital.

There are three classes of service: first, second and third. First class includes a private room that you pay extra for unless you have a premium private health insurance. Second class is a shared room with two or three other patients and is the standard service insured. Third class service is a ward with more than three patients, and occurs only in certain circumstances. Find a list of hospitals in Luxembourg below, or see Expatica's listing of hospitals in Luxembourg.
The healthcare system in Luxembourg

Just remember.. The population of the USA is over 326 million or 486 TIMES as large as Luxembourg.

Plus another factor of USA health care.
A law I'm sure most of the people on this forum and DEFINITELY MOST Americans are unaware of is call EMTALA!
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.

So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers

All we have to do is export a few million of our welfare queens to Luxembourg and that would bankrupt their system pretty damn quick just like it would bankrupt us. Just look at the annual cost the Californians are predicting with their stupid single payer system. More than the entire state budget for the year..

In a cohesive, productive demographics pooled resource may sometimes work but not in the US when you have so many freeloaders.

The best health care system is a free market where the government stays out of it and competition produces the lowest priced commodity just like with everything else. If you can't afford health care then go be poor some place else.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.

Point being that insurance is, as I pointed out, for unforseen events, NOT everyday expenses...If your auto insurance paid for oil changes and worn out tires, it would be as expensive as hell..

And while we're at it, the need to eat is a "pre-existing condition"...What do you think turning the entire farming and grocery businesses to insurance companies and The State would look like?

Here's my point. Again.

I'm not a car.

Insurance for something that can be bought, burned, destroyed, and then bought again is one thing. But we're talking about a human body.

We can't get another one.

So, the system of having insurance for health along the same lines as insurance for cars, is bullshit.
Insurance premium cost consist of risk rates for the pool plus adminstrative costs and a profit for the company administering the funds.

We have pretty good estimates of the number of people in pool that could get cancer or other high cost diseases and can reasonably estimate the cost to the pool.

When you have somebody come into be the pool with high cost that haven't paid in because of government mandated acceptance of pre existing conditions that drives up the cost for everybody else.

I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

OBTW, the ACA was based on a republican conservative plan by the heritage foundation. These are republican ideas.

Where is your LINKS? I don't believe a thing YOU write because YOU don't provide the substantiation!

I don't care what you don't believe.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans
I'm not a car.

But you're no smarter than one. In fact, I suspect the self-driving cars might have an edge.

Insurance for something that can be bought, burned, destroyed, and then bought again is one thing. But we're talking about a human body.

Then don't buy insurance for health care. I know you really, really want insurance to magically become something its not. You want it to be a club anyone can join to score free health care. But your fantasies are, literally, killing us. Please stop.

On top of that, uninsured people get charged a higher rate for the same treatment as someone who is insured.

You are really confused aren't you?

My wife recently broke her wrist and had to go to the emergency room.

After waiting for the illegals to get their free health care she finally got called back. She was given a Tylenol, an arm sling and told to go see an orthopedic doctor the next day. Not even an X-ray.

For that visit my insurance company was billed $5,000.

We were paying for all those filthy ass illegals and welfare queens getting free health care that day and that is despicable.

The paying customers are the ones that pay for all that free shit and that is despicable.
Rated the best health care system in the World is Luxembourg. With 570,000 population.
Luxembourg has by far the most expensive health system in Europe
The compulsory health insurance entitles the insured population to a very broad benefits package, which covers more services than those in neighbouring countries (Box 2). Nonetheless, complementary VHI is purchased by around 56% of the resident population to cover expenses for cost sharing for certain types of hospital care, dental treatment, visual aids and other services.

The state provides free basic health coverage to all citizens, and all employed citizens and employees contribute to this via payments to Luxembourg's social security system. All dependent family members are also covered by family members who pay social security. Children are covered under their parents, and students are covered until age 27. Coverage includes most treatment by your general practitioner or specialists, any laboratory tests, prescriptions and hospitalisation.

All employees and self-employed workers in Luxembourg are required to make sufficient social security contributions to be entitled to Luxembourg healthcare services; if you are employed, healthcare contributions will be automatically taken out of your wages by your employer.

While 99 percent of the population is covered by the state healthcare system, about 75 percent have some extra form of private health insurance (get a quote), purchased to help for coverage on things that might be covered by state health insurance in Luxembourg. Read more in our guide to health insurance in Luxembourg.

but make sure that your doctor is contracted into the state health scheme if you use public healthcare to avoid extra fees
When going to a hospital, you should take your own clothes, robe and slippers, as well as personal toiletries and towels. You’ll also need a small amount of money to pay for telephone calls, television programmes, bottled water and other items offered by private services within the hospital.

There are three classes of service: first, second and third. First class includes a private room that you pay extra for unless you have a premium private health insurance. Second class is a shared room with two or three other patients and is the standard service insured. Third class service is a ward with more than three patients, and occurs only in certain circumstances. Find a list of hospitals in Luxembourg below, or see Expatica's listing of hospitals in Luxembourg.
The healthcare system in Luxembourg

Just remember.. The population of the USA is over 326 million or 486 TIMES as large as Luxembourg.

Plus another factor of USA health care.
A law I'm sure most of the people on this forum and DEFINITELY MOST Americans are unaware of is call EMTALA!
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.

So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers

All we have to do is export a few million of our welfare queens to Luxembourg and that would bankrupt their system pretty damn quick just like it would bankrupt us. Just look at the annual cost the Californians are predicting with their stupid single payer system. More than the entire state budget for the year..

In a cohesive, productive demographics pooled resource may sometimes work but not in the US when you have so many freeloaders.

The best health care system is a free market where the government stays out of it and competition produces the lowest priced commodity just like with everything else. If you can't afford health care then go be poor some place else.

We had that and still do. It's failed. You are a f-d up indibudal.

On top of that, uninsured people get charged a higher rate for the same treatment as someone who is insured.

You are really confused aren't you?

My wife recently broke her wrist and had to go to the emergency room.

After waiting for the illegals to get their free health care she finally got called back. She was given a Tylenol, an arm sling and told to go see an orthopedic doctor the next day. Not even an X-ray.

For that visit my insurance company was billed $5,000.

We were paying for all those filthy ass illegals and welfare queens getting free health care that day and that is despicable.

The paying customers are the ones that pay for all that free shit and that is despicable.

Illegals don't get free health care.
I AGREE with your statement 100% ! Now the dumb asses will complain about the "profit" issue !
These dummies don't seem to realize that the insurance companies have to have reserves for future claims otherwise the states' insurance regulators won't let them sell!
Now these reserves against future claims come from those NASTY profits...i.e. what is left after paying claims, administration,etc. profit!
I hope these dummies also understand that the so called "non-profit" insurance don't have to pay taxes! So again those evil profit making companies HAVE to pay taxes which is
deducted first from profits and then what is left is for "reserves".

I know YOU know this but these "hate capitalists" "evil profits" idiots don't seem to understand what "profits" really are used especially for building reserves!

Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

OBTW, the ACA was based on a republican conservative plan by the heritage foundation. These are republican ideas.

Where is your LINKS? I don't believe a thing YOU write because YOU don't provide the substantiation!

I don't care what you don't believe.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans

The Heritage Foundation gets most things right but not everything.

They were wrong in proposing an individual mandate.

We should never be required to pay for other people's heath care. That is their responsibility.
Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.

Are you really that confused?

No everybody pays in but everybody gets their medical bills paid. That is what "single payer" is really all about and that is not a good thing.

We need to stop all welfare in this country. A single payer socialized medicine program is nothing more than institutionalized entitlement for free health care.

You are not entitled to have somebody else pay your bills just because you are alive.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

This is a stupid and selfish way of thinking.

Personal responsibility is never stupid. However, what is selfish is expecting somebody else to pay your bills for you, which is exactly what a single payer system entitles.

I'll take care of paying my health care bills and you take care of paying yours, OK?

You would not be paying for my or anyone elses health care in any system that can be created. The amount you would pay into a government planned healthcare system would be so small that if you walked up to anyone and handed them 3 bucks then started preaching about how you are paying for their health care you'd get cussed out and rightfully so.

So....we wouldn't pay for your health care, or anyone else's, but we would pay into a government healthcare that pays for everyone's healthcare....Christ sake, that's some typical lefty logic right there.

Right wing illogical thought ignores the fact that liberals pay taxes. And the lack of a mind has right wing idiots not understanding that 100 million people paying taxes is what allows me to understand that your argument about what you are paying is ludicrous.
Rated the best health care system in the World is Luxembourg. With 570,000 population.
Luxembourg has by far the most expensive health system in Europe
The compulsory health insurance entitles the insured population to a very broad benefits package, which covers more services than those in neighbouring countries (Box 2). Nonetheless, complementary VHI is purchased by around 56% of the resident population to cover expenses for cost sharing for certain types of hospital care, dental treatment, visual aids and other services.

The state provides free basic health coverage to all citizens, and all employed citizens and employees contribute to this via payments to Luxembourg's social security system. All dependent family members are also covered by family members who pay social security. Children are covered under their parents, and students are covered until age 27. Coverage includes most treatment by your general practitioner or specialists, any laboratory tests, prescriptions and hospitalisation.

All employees and self-employed workers in Luxembourg are required to make sufficient social security contributions to be entitled to Luxembourg healthcare services; if you are employed, healthcare contributions will be automatically taken out of your wages by your employer.

While 99 percent of the population is covered by the state healthcare system, about 75 percent have some extra form of private health insurance (get a quote), purchased to help for coverage on things that might be covered by state health insurance in Luxembourg. Read more in our guide to health insurance in Luxembourg.

but make sure that your doctor is contracted into the state health scheme if you use public healthcare to avoid extra fees
When going to a hospital, you should take your own clothes, robe and slippers, as well as personal toiletries and towels. You’ll also need a small amount of money to pay for telephone calls, television programmes, bottled water and other items offered by private services within the hospital.

There are three classes of service: first, second and third. First class includes a private room that you pay extra for unless you have a premium private health insurance. Second class is a shared room with two or three other patients and is the standard service insured. Third class service is a ward with more than three patients, and occurs only in certain circumstances. Find a list of hospitals in Luxembourg below, or see Expatica's listing of hospitals in Luxembourg.
The healthcare system in Luxembourg

Just remember.. The population of the USA is over 326 million or 486 TIMES as large as Luxembourg.

Plus another factor of USA health care.
A law I'm sure most of the people on this forum and DEFINITELY MOST Americans are unaware of is call EMTALA!
The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) is a federal law that requires anyone coming to an emergency department to be stabilized and treated, regardless of their insurance status or ability to pay, but since its enactment in 1986 has remained an unfunded mandate.

So what happens is hospitals OVERCHARGE insurance companies and those that can pay i.e. $10 aspirin!
As one hospital CEO when asked "How do hospitals deal with the cost of the uninsured?
His answer: " Like any business, we pass it on to the paying customers

All we have to do is export a few million of our welfare queens to Luxembourg and that would bankrupt their system pretty damn quick just like it would bankrupt us. Just look at the annual cost the Californians are predicting with their stupid single payer system. More than the entire state budget for the year..

In a cohesive, productive demographics pooled resource may sometimes work but not in the US when you have so many freeloaders.

The best health care system is a free market where the government stays out of it and competition produces the lowest priced commodity just like with everything else. If you can't afford health care then go be poor some place else.

We had that and still do. It's failed. You are a f-d up indibudal.

You are confused. No, we never had a real free market on health care. At least not in the last 100 years or so.. What the Moon Bats called a free system was always the most regulated industry out there.

The government needs to stay out of regulating health care like they need to stay out of regulating everything else.

I know the socialist pricks do not believe it but free enterprise can produce the best health care for the lowest possible price. The worst system would be one run by stupid bureaucrats, whose bosses are corrupt politicians elected by special interest groups. What could possibly go wrong?

The idiot Left Wingers in this country want socialized medicine in order to get their free shit and that is disgustingly greedy, isn't it?
Things just aren't this simple.

It is simple.
1) States' regulators require insurance companies to show they have reserves to cover future claims.
2) If the companies can't show they have the reserves, they won't be able to do business in the states.
3) Reserves then come from premiums minus expenses and expenses include claims paid.
4) What is left is profits out of which reserves are calculated against future claims.
5) If there are no profits to create reserves NO future sales.

It is that simple.
Now how the companies can control future claim costs is to KNOW the health of the insured except in most group plans since the administration costs are far less for a 1,000 member group plan than 1,000 individual insurance policies. HENCE pre-existing conditions are calculated in the group plan... but is ONLY POSSIBLE in individual plans if the
assumption is which was the case under ACA that ALL the applicants have some pre-existing condition and as a result the premiums have to be increased.

It was that simplicity that caused Anthem to Aetna, major health insurers are leaving ObamaCare marketplace.

Only 28 percent of enrollees in Obamacare in 2014 were in the 18 to 34 age group; Obamacare requires a 40 percent threshold to operate optimally.
Why are Insurers Leaving the Health Insurance Exchanges - Boost! Health Insurance

So again, it was the fundamental stupidity of ACA's architects who among them the was Jonathan Gruber who said:
"And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really, really critical for the thing to pass."
ObamaCare architect: 'Stupidity' of voters helped bill pass

I hope you can understand that the gross efficiency costs of a group policy/employer paid allows no "pre-existing conditions" requirements...unlike individual policies.

And by the way not only the stupidity as Gruber called it BUT the outright LIES Obama told like:
1) "We are not a nation that accepts nearly 46 million uninsured men, women and children,
And HE included 11 million illegal aliens, along with 14 million Medicaid eligibles that his administration NEVER enrolled BEFORE ACA.
2) "Up to half of all Americans have a pre-existing condition."
Half would be 160 million! FACTS
A total of LESS THEN 1.5 million Americans who were denied health insurance or paid higher premiums due to pre-existing conditions.
Obama's Pre-existing Conditions Whopper

OBTW, the ACA was based on a republican conservative plan by the heritage foundation. These are republican ideas.

Where is your LINKS? I don't believe a thing YOU write because YOU don't provide the substantiation!

I don't care what you don't believe.

How the Heritage Foundation, a Conservative Think Tank, Promoted the Individual Mandate

Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans

The Heritage Foundation gets most things right but not everything.

They were wrong in proposing an individual mandate.

We should never be required to pay for other people's heath care. That is their responsibility.

I have to laugh at the sheer ignorance you display. You would be paying for your own health care and it would cost you less.

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