Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

I have to laugh at the sheer ignorance you display. You would be paying for your own health care and it would cost you less.


The standard conservative stupidity. When you divide 100-150 million people paying taxes you should be able to understand that the argument you idiots make about what and who you are paying for is a dumb argument. If a person is billed 100,000 dollars for a medical procedure that's paid for by taxes put in by 100 million people what the hell does that equal per person? A penny maybe?

Duh... We aren't talking about your $100,000 bill but the cumulative medical procedures! Which are for NON Medicare out of pocket was 11% of the $3.3 trillion and
hospitals rang up 32% of that share or : $123.4 Billion divided then by 100 million is :$1,234 per tax paying people for you non tax payers!

Who are you talking to? I pay taxes. And since we pay more for bombs, I think I'd rather my money go to this.

OK are you telling me that the US military spends $3.3 trillion on bombs?

See this is why people like you are truly laughed AT!!!
Your exaggerations. Hyperbole. Hysteria is just laughable!

FACTS: Military Spending in the United States.
In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion.
Military Spending in the United States

NOW where in the hell is $598.5 billion MORE than $3.3 trillion except in the heads of really ignorant, uneducated, hysterical idiots?

When will you people learn that all you do is make reasonable logical, FACT driven people just ignore your comments?

All I can do is help dummies like you just realize that your totally unrealistic statements like "since we pay more for bombs" just make people laugh at your hysteria!
How can anyone honestly expect an insurance company to cover damages that occurred prior to the purchase of the policy? As long as the discussion revolves around absurd ideas like that, the problems will never get solved. A program like that is not insurance.

I have long been for universal health care. I have been self employed most of my life and have looked at quotes as high as $2000 per month for a family insurance plan. The cost of these insurance policies is already more than what many people pay for rent or a mortgage and is always rising. That cant go on forever.

Even now, the bankruptcy courts are loaded with people filing to wipe out medical bills. Who pays then?

Right now, the truth is still being hidden by employer provided health insurance. Many people I know, don't even know the difference between gross and net pay. They have no idea what they are really paying for health insurance.
I have to laugh at the sheer ignorance you display. You would be paying for your own health care and it would cost you less.


The standard conservative stupidity. When you divide 100-150 million people paying taxes you should be able to understand that the argument you idiots make about what and who you are paying for is a dumb argument. If a person is billed 100,000 dollars for a medical procedure that's paid for by taxes put in by 100 million people what the hell does that equal per person? A penny maybe?

Duh... We aren't talking about your $100,000 bill but the cumulative medical procedures! Which are for NON Medicare out of pocket was 11% of the $3.3 trillion and
hospitals rang up 32% of that share or : $123.4 Billion divided then by 100 million is :$1,234 per tax paying people for you non tax payers!

Who are you talking to? I pay taxes. And since we pay more for bombs, I think I'd rather my money go to this.

OK are you telling me that the US military spends $3.3 trillion on bombs?

See this is why people like you are truly laughed AT!!!
Your exaggerations. Hyperbole. Hysteria is just laughable!

FACTS: Military Spending in the United States.
In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion.
Military Spending in the United States

NOW where in the hell is $598.5 billion MORE than $3.3 trillion except in the heads of really ignorant, uneducated, hysterical idiots?

When will you people learn that all you do is make reasonable logical, FACT driven people just ignore your comments?

All I can do is help dummies like you just realize that your totally unrealistic statements like "since we pay more for bombs" just make people laugh at your hysteria!

More standard conservative stupidity. Number 1 this is 2018. And $1,234 annually for health care is cheap. You pay more than that in premium in your private free market system for a comprehensive health care plan.
I get it.
I'm a lib.

It's the cons that do not want to opt in until they're on their death bed (totaled) & then expect to get a "new car replacement" after the fact.

The ACA wanted all to opt in - both to pay for those who need it NOW & for others to have it WHEN (not IF) they need it.

Cons want it both ways. They don't want to pay a small amount while they're healthy, yet expect to reap all the benefits WHEN they become sick.

It's not surprising chump loves the uneducated. You (& I) are going to be picking up his tab - while all along he is profiting off the backs of "we the people".

By any chance, do you own a golf course or a jet? How many attorneys do you employ? Have you ever hired a criminal defense attorney for something you haven't been charged with?


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The ACA was an attempt by the Obama administration to implement a national healthcare system that was based on what Republicans had proposed. The same basic system had been implemented in Massachussets by Gov. Romney and been endorsed by Pres. Bush. Obama must have thought that the Republicans would support this type of healthcare program. It's free market based.

He was greatly mistaken - Conservatives hate the ACA.

Now it's time to admit that the ACA hasn;t worked very well. Now it's time to extend medicare for everyone!
Do Progs understand that overpriced insurance is not health care?
For those paying attention, evercurious is clearly foreign and likely a russian troll. The slip up mistranslation of "moose ass" instead of motorcycle is a dead giveaway. Of course maybe it is true "her" husband was riding a moose ass at 65 mph.

You are a total dumb ass. Thanks for letting everyone on the board know.

For those who have become confused by the idiot who apparently can't read English and/or has no comprehension skills:


My Subaru legacy after my husband hit a moose at 65MPH. Thank goodness that Subaru's have no door frame around the side windows or my husband would be dead, thankfully his head pushed the window out and he only lost about 1" of scalp off his skull and 1/2" of flesh off his throat.

And no, no one else paid for this because my husband and I have set aside money for emergencies. We paid for it with cash. (Then we paid the government taxes for the "privilege" of withdrawing our own money from the market lol)
Why do conservatives, a group of people whose ideas are consistently wrong, keep talking?
I'm not a "conservative", and you commies still have no ideas of your own....You refuse to own up to the fact that you're bereft of any new ideas, and have no recourse but to heap recriminations upon those who point this out.

Sucks to be you, comrade.
Ah, the uneducated at their finest!
("Where is....")

Do you remember a guy named Romney? The one who moves from state to state to run for office?

Google his healthcare program. You'll find all those lovely answers you're looking for & probably a few links you might want to get familiar with.

I can't believe that chump's base still surprises me.
You give late night comedians their material.

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Another stooge who blames the other party for the idiotic idea that they stole....YOUR team enacted it on a national basis, and it's an unmitigated disaster...But it's still the fault of republicans.....rofl.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.
You idiot. The point is that healthcare shouldn’t be treated like it’s insurance. You equating car insurance as justification for rejecting healthcare coverage is ridiculous

It's the same thing, not responsible for you stuffing your fat face with junk food and not working out

There are plenty of people who are born with pre-existing conditions. How did they stuff themselves.

I am not talking about being born with them, I have no problem helping them, it's the people who abuse themselves and want me to take care of them..

And how would your 12 cent's help them?

If you think that give me my thousands of dollars back today in social security .
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~

I have insurance for serious things only. I'll pay for cheaper things myself. I have money saved, but $100,000, that'll take me a long time to save that up, way too long, and I have to pay for other stuff first.

Define "too long"? If you're buying into health insurance, figure at the /cheapest/ you're spending what $500 a month? That is $6k a year right there. If your young and want to play the odds and gamble a little; $6k a year will net you a comfortable "low risk" average of 5% ($300 on $6k) a year through something simple like Lending Club. (So +$300/y first year, +$600/y second year, etc. In general investing in the market is like 7% but it's more risky. LC gives you the option to choose from rated risk loans so you can easily customize the level of risk you're comfortable with. A zero risk option would be a bank money market at 1.50%ish a year.)

I'm not saying everyone has to have $100k in the bank, that's just how much my parents told me, I didn't set that aside straight away either. In fact, I had only saved up $20k when I defied my folks recommendations and threw it on the market gambling table without their permission a month after I turned 18 - my father straight up told me that I was going to die on the street and he wasn't going to give me a dime for "not listening to him." My 'reckless' (actually logical) gamble paid off though and the rest is what it is.

What I'm saying that folks should be making the effort to set money aside for emergencies. I'm also saying that the cost of insurance is a scam and that 99% of the time you are /far/ /far/ better off to have the money you would pay for insurance.
Why do conservatives, a group of people whose ideas are consistently wrong, keep talking?
I'm not a "conservative", and you commies still have no ideas of your own....You refuse to own up to the fact that you're bereft of any new ideas, and have no recourse but to heap recriminations upon those who point this out.

Sucks to be you, comrade.

Socialized healthcare has been a success in countries throughout the world since it was first implemented in Germany by Bismark. (who was not a commie).

The past 200 years has repeatedly seen new ideas by progressives that have been extremely succussful. You just choose to remain blind to those facts.

If left up to you we'd still be ruled by monarchs and the majority of the people would live in abject poverty.
Dear Flash and busybee01
Yes and no.
If liberal Democrats/progressive Greens want collective discounts as a group,
then by all means, "health care cooperatives" can be set up where members
DO agree to pool their resources together and pay for each other's services on a sustainable basis.

I recommend this be set up through medical education and training programs to ensure there
are enough service providers to meet the needs of local populations.
I even recommend converting prison facilities and budgets into health care
screening, treatment and rehab/recovery programs so the resources can come from there.

The way the Christian health share ministries work is by sharing costs among
the members who agree to the same cost-cutting policies (such as no smoking, drinking or drug use).

If liberals believe in a more lax policy, including sex that could lead to abortion
and smoking or drug use that could lead to lung and brain damage,
the terms of membership in that collective pool would be different to cover these costs
that other groups may not agree to pay for!

Instead of saying NO to the progressive ideal of health care for all,
we should encourage advocates to set up their own health care cooperatives,
train enough workers and build enough facilities/schools, in order to meet this lofty goal and get to YES.

Give them what they want.
If they want that responsibility, then spell it out.
And require them to write up sustainable business plans
and apply for loans and grants like any other business or nonprofit seeking donations, investors and support.

Liberals have this philosophy called "I do what I want and you pay for it". Sometimes it is expressed as "keep you christian morals off my body you bigot but you are cruel if you dont pay for abortion and fatherless kids"
Republicans consider people who are uninsurable due to health issues as having character flaws. One can not have a meaningful conversation with someone with that mind set.
Socialized healthcare has been a success in countries throughout the world since it was first implemented in Germany by Bismark. (who was not a commie).

The past 200 years has repeatedly seen new ideas by progressives that have been extremely succussful. You just choose to remain blind to those facts.

If left up to you we'd still be ruled by monarchs and the majority of the people would live in abject poverty.
Alfie Evans was unavailable for comment.
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