Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

The standard conservative stupidity. When you divide 100-150 million people paying taxes you should be able to understand that the argument you idiots make about what and who you are paying for is a dumb argument. If a person is billed 100,000 dollars for a medical procedure that's paid for by taxes put in by 100 million people what the hell does that equal per person? A penny maybe?

Duh... We aren't talking about your $100,000 bill but the cumulative medical procedures! Which are for NON Medicare out of pocket was 11% of the $3.3 trillion and
hospitals rang up 32% of that share or : $123.4 Billion divided then by 100 million is :$1,234 per tax paying people for you non tax payers!

Who are you talking to? I pay taxes. And since we pay more for bombs, I think I'd rather my money go to this.

OK are you telling me that the US military spends $3.3 trillion on bombs?

See this is why people like you are truly laughed AT!!!
Your exaggerations. Hyperbole. Hysteria is just laughable!

FACTS: Military Spending in the United States.
In fiscal year 2015, military spending is projected to account for 54 percent of all federal discretionary spending, a total of $598.5 billion.
Military Spending in the United States

NOW where in the hell is $598.5 billion MORE than $3.3 trillion except in the heads of really ignorant, uneducated, hysterical idiots?

When will you people learn that all you do is make reasonable logical, FACT driven people just ignore your comments?

All I can do is help dummies like you just realize that your totally unrealistic statements like "since we pay more for bombs" just make people laugh at your hysteria!

More standard conservative stupidity. Number 1 this is 2018. And $1,234 annually for health care is cheap. You pay more than that in premium in your private free market system for a comprehensive health care plan.

IDIOT statement you made: . And since we pay more for bombs, Really?? You totally ignored that dumb ass comment!
Now as far as $3.3 trillion being spent on health care! Dummy... Medicare spending grew 3.6% to $672.1 billion in 2016, or 20 percent of total!
  1. Payroll taxes paid jointly by workers and employers: $1.07 trillion, 34% of all tax revenues. of which Medicare at rate of 2.90% or $31 billion Medicare revenue!
That means all employees AND employers pay $31 billion a year for Medicare...while spending $672 billion! right... And that is Medicare.
Republicans consider people who are uninsurable due to health issues as having character flaws. One can not have a meaningful conversation with someone with that mind set.
Moonbats create straw men and hurl absurd recriminations when they run short on intellectual ammunition, which happens with alarming regularity.
How can anyone honestly expect an insurance company to cover damages that occurred prior to the purchase of the policy? As long as the discussion revolves around absurd ideas like that, the problems will never get solved. A program like that is not insurance.

There's no rational thought put into any of this - at least not by voters. They just know that health care is very important and very scary and anyone who doesn't give them some is evil. The scammers in Congress know what's up, they just don't care.
The ACA was an attempt by the Obama administration to implement a national healthcare system that was based on what Republicans had proposed.

Well, that sounds like straight up fraud. How is it we elect Democrats and get Republican legislation?

Now it's time to admit that the ACA hasn;t worked very well. Now it's time to extend medicare for everyone!

Now's its time to pull the plug on the whole mess. Democrats had their chance to socialize health care and they weren't able to pull it off.
Universal Lawn Care is my right!


Went right over their heads but this post actually is right on point.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.
I get the feeling you can't tell the difference between insurance and a benefit. :deal::iagree:
“Hello? State Farm? I have a pre-burnt house I need to get fire coverage on. Democrats say you owes me”

If the polls are any indication, very few people understand how irrational guaranteed issue is.

It is the problem of allowing people to bill somebody else for their own handouts. There is no rational accounting system that can account for that...except total collapse which is the end result of all socialism. I am being serious when I say start with the people who demand soon as Nancy pelosi opens her mouth the Federal government should seize at least 92 million of her 93 million and give it to whatever program she is advocating.
Her mouth would be as if taped shut under those rules. You dont acquire $93,000,000.00 by giving your *own* money away.
It is a very very simple concept...being generous with other peoples money is not charity. It is theft.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.
A lot of people don't understand pre-existing conditions. They think if I get really sick, somebody will pickup the tab. They want just let me die but the fact is they certainly will.

Yes, the ER will provide medical care to keep you alive, but they won't provide the operations you'll need, chemo, imaging, the dozens of doctor visits and thousands of dollars in medication.
Republicans consider people who are uninsurable due to health issues as having character flaws.
It is a common belief among a large number of conservatives..if you are poor, you have low character.

Moonbats create straw men and hurl absurd recriminations when they run short on intellectual ammunition, which happens with alarming regularity.

Meanwhile in real life...examples of conservatives doing exactly what Vandal said..
Well, that sounds like straight up fraud. How is it we elect Democrats and get Republican legislation?
It was a fraud, most progressives wanted single payer or a public option -- Since Obama is a centrist corporatist -- he chose the republican-Romney style plan -- not knowing that republicans will vote against their own ideas if a black guy was going to get credit

Now's its time to pull the plug on the whole mess. Democrats had their chance to socialize health care and they weren't able to pull it off.
You clearly don't understand what socialize medicine is -- the only truly socialized medicine we have is the VA -- Republicans desperately want to privatize the VA but some reason the socialist loving commie veterans don't
Meanwhile in real life...examples of conservatives doing exactly what Vandal said..

Wow, one anonymous dickweed on a social media account speaks for everyone....Does being such a sap hurt much?
That was the Colorado GOP -- not some random guy tweeting from his personal account - deflection noted tho.

Something tells me when I give you more examples, you will try to minimize that too.
I get it.
I'm a lib.

It's the cons that do not want to opt in until they're on their death bed (totaled) & then expect to get a "new car replacement" after the fact.

Maybe. But that really has no bearing on the merits of guaranteed issue.

The ACA wanted all to opt in - both to pay for those who need it NOW & for others to have it WHEN (not IF) they need it.

ACA makes a couple of unwarranted assumptions. First, it assumes that government-approved, corporate health insurance is the only way to pay for health care. Second, it assumes that we must all pay for health care in the same way. Neither of these holds up. Health insurance, particularly the employer-provided group health insurance promoted by the government, is a proven failure. And there's simply no reason we have to agree on one solution and force everyone to play along. What the hell happened to live and let live?
VA is a failure that is letting our soldiers down with lethal results, that is way folks want it privatized. In private businesses there's not only profit recourse, but /legal/ recourse for piss poor performance that's not provided as promised and paid for.
VA is a failure that is letting our soldiers down with lethal results, that is way folks want it privatized. In private businesses there's not only profit recourse, but /legal/ recourse for piss poor performance that's not provided as promised and paid for.
If only those dumb ass soldiers and veterans groups would stop resisting privatization right?
VA is a failure that is letting our soldiers down with lethal results, that is way folks want it privatized. In private businesses there's not only profit recourse, but /legal/ recourse for piss poor performance that's not provided as promised and paid for.
Oh, I also find it funny that you feel the private markets as they are -- are failing -- yet you want to do more to help in its failure --- then you also want to add the VA to the mess? With no solutions? Brilliant!

How about republicans do what they campaigned on -- provide more affordable health insurance, with better insurance plans to more people than what we have -- that was what they campaigned on and they have failed ...but hey, lets throw the VA in there too

We can just blame democrats and Obama
Why do conservatives, a group of people whose ideas are consistently wrong, keep talking?
I'm not a "conservative", and you commies still have no ideas of your own....You refuse to own up to the fact that you're bereft of any new ideas, and have no recourse but to heap recriminations upon those who point this out.

Sucks to be you, comrade.

Socialized healthcare has been a success in countries throughout the world since it was first implemented in Germany by Bismark. (who was not a commie).

The past 200 years has repeatedly seen new ideas by progressives that have been extremely succussful. You just choose to remain blind to those facts.

If left up to you we'd still be ruled by monarchs and the majority of the people would live in abject poverty.

Alfie Evan's grieving parents disagree.
How can anyone honestly expect an insurance company to cover damages that occurred prior to the purchase of the policy? As long as the discussion revolves around absurd ideas like that, the problems will never get solved. A program like that is not insurance.

I have long been for universal health care. I have been self employed most of my life and have looked at quotes as high as $2000 per month for a family insurance plan. The cost of these insurance policies is already more than what many people pay for rent or a mortgage and is always rising. That cant go on forever.

Even now, the bankruptcy courts are loaded with people filing to wipe out medical bills. Who pays then?

Right now, the truth is still being hidden by employer provided health insurance. Many people I know, don't even know the difference between gross and net pay. They have no idea what they are really paying for health insurance.
For the reasons you stated we need universal healthcare. However, to make it work we would have to allocated a much larger percent of our GDP to healthcare than we do now which is more than most countries do.

The alternative would be single payer which would eliminate most of a half million jobs in health insurance and effectively eliminate hundreds state and federal agencies involved in paying our healthcare bills. However transitioning to single payer would make the transition to Obamacare a walk in the park. It would require support from both parties which is highly unlikely. My guess is the healthcare system is not going change much until we solve the huge political division.
it was all a big fallacy.

don't you remember ?

you could pay for insurance with "pre existing" conditions, but they told us the doctor didn't have to take you

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