Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Bull shit outright lie. Tell you what, instead of listening to panic merchants on TV, how bout you crack your insurance book your job gave you. I have never been turned down for a pre existing condition. Before token negro care came along, all one had to do is cover the cost of the condition for sis months UNLESS they were undergoing treatment for the condition for six months PRYOR to getting a new policy. After token negro care came along that remained the same except for two things. One, token negro got to grandstand and two, the out of pocket costs were doubled and then tripled under token negro care. What you are parroting from TV just isn’t true when you dig into it.

I had a health insurance license and I have seen people denied because of preexisting conditions. I have also seen people rated up so high they couldn't afford the insurance

Bull shit. I don’t give two shits what license you held or hold. I can pull my plan books and shot you from 1996. Six months out of pocket unless the insurance you had prior was treating you for six months or more. I had two preexisting conditions and I was fine. All his other shit is nothing but lies ment to scare old people.
That was the Colorado GOP -- not some random guy tweeting from his personal account - deflection noted tho.

Something tells me when I give you more examples, you will try to minimize that too.
Yes, the ENTIRE PARTY made that post....Sap.
That is too bad. God bless. I wish him and your family well.

However, it is not my responsibility to pay his health care bills.

Never said it was. I would just like for him to have the same chances at insurance that the rest of us get

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If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.

Bad analogy.

We all pay for roads directly and indirectly. Even the people that don't drive pay through by buying goods and services from the people that do pay to use the roads.

An insurance pool is a closed economic system. The people in the pool pay via the risk assessment. If somebody entrees with a large cost because of pre existing conditions and hadn't pay into the pool then somebody else has to foot the bill and that is not right.

Insurance is not welfare and shouldn't be. You are not entitled to an insurance payout just because you are alive. You need to have paid your fair share. Pre existing conditions is wrong.
The right to life is a fundamental right of Americans

Good now that you say that, we can outlaw abortion for the murder it is...
VA is a failure that is letting our soldiers down with lethal results, that is way folks want it privatized. In private businesses there's not only profit recourse, but /legal/ recourse for piss poor performance that's not provided as promised and paid for.
Oh, I also find it funny that you feel the private markets as they are -- are failing -- yet you want to do more to help in its failure --- then you also want to add the VA to the mess? With no solutions? Brilliant!

How about republicans do what they campaigned on -- provide more affordable health insurance, with better insurance plans to more people than what we have -- that was what they campaigned on and they have failed ...but hey, lets throw the VA in there too

We can just blame democrats and Obama

The private markets were fine, until the government got involved. You can actually go all the way back to the very beginning of insurance and see every single government intrusion reflected in the cost of insurance and health care - because everything the gov touches goes to shit (save perhaps the military, they do okay with that, though not great.) In the mid-40s and 50s the gov decided to give tax breaks to [the brand new] co-op's run by hospitals (the first "insurance companies".) That was bad enough - the gov had no business getting involved in the first place. Then they really messed things up with EMTALA in the mid-60s; and if you check out medical costs chart you can see almost to the month that they foisted that off on us - you'll also note a massive uptick in illegal immigration at the same time (wonder why? /scarc)

Stop trying to force everyone to have health insurance when they may not want nor need it. Stop forcing my kids and grandkids to pay for your medical bills because /you/ failed to plan ahead.
The private markets were fine, until the government got involved. You can actually go all the way back to the very beginning of insurance and see every single government intrusion reflected in the cost of insurance and health care - because everything the gov touches goes to shit (save perhaps the military, they do okay with that, though not great.) In the mid-40s and 50s the gov decided to give tax breaks to [the brand new] co-op's run by hospitals (the first "insurance companies".) That was bad enough - the gov had no business getting involved in the first place. Then they really messed things up with EMTALA in the mid-60s; and if you check out medical costs chart you can see almost to the month that they foisted that off on us - you'll also note a massive uptick in illegal immigration at the same time (wonder why? /scarc)

Stop trying to force everyone to have health insurance when they may not want nor need it. Stop forcing my kids and grandkids to pay for your medical bills because /you/ failed to plan ahead.

No, they don't do OK with the military...The Pentagon is as big a den of waste, fraud, graft, inefficiency, and outright stupidity as any other federal program...In fact, it serves as a great example of how the feds can't even perform one of their enumerated powers without fucking it up, therefore it's idiotic to think that it would perform better in any other area.
The private markets were fine, until the government got involved. You can actually go all the way back to the very beginning of insurance and see every single government intrusion reflected in the cost of insurance and health care - because everything the gov touches goes to shit (save perhaps the military, they do okay with that, though not great.) In the mid-40s and 50s the gov decided to give tax breaks to [the brand new] co-op's run by hospitals (the first "insurance companies".) That was bad enough - the gov had no business getting involved in the first place. Then they really messed things up with EMTALA in the mid-60s; and if you check out medical costs chart you can see almost to the month that they foisted that off on us - you'll also note a massive uptick in illegal immigration at the same time (wonder why? /scarc)

Stop trying to force everyone to have health insurance when they may not want nor need it. Stop forcing my kids and grandkids to pay for your medical bills because /you/ failed to plan ahead.

No, they don't do OK with the military...The Pentagon is as big a den of waste, fraud, graft, inefficiency, and outright stupidity as any other federal program...In fact, it serves as a great example of how the feds can't even perform one of their enumerated powers without fucking it up, therefore it's idiotic to think that it would perform better in any other area.

To a point, but I doubt we'd be able to trust a private company for our national safety, so it is what it is.
To a point, but I doubt we'd be able to trust a private company for our national safety, so it is what it is.
A private company would be interested in national security, not imposing its might on the rest of the globe...And it sure as hell wouldn't put up with shit shows like the F-35, and uncounted other weapons systems that neither work right nor are anything that the field Generals wanted....Don't sell freedom and free enterprise short.
To a point, but I doubt we'd be able to trust a private company for our national safety, so it is what it is.
A private company would be interested in national security, not imposing its might on the rest of the globe...And it sure as hell wouldn't put up with shit shows like the F-35, and uncounted other weapons systems that neither work right nor are anything that the field Generals wanted....Don't sell freedom and free enterprise short.

That's nice, I'm not willing to pin my hopes of not getting randomly sold out to a hostile foreign market by a greedy CEO. It's bad enough we're randomly sold out by our own politicians isn't it?
It works for every leading country in the world, and they have far better outcomes.
But we're America, bitch. :rolleyes:
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.

That's a bunch of bologna.

The reason why so many weren't covered before Obamacare is because the insurance companies would kick them off policies and no other company would cover them. Of if they did it would be at rates so sky high that no one could afford it.

There are people like my best friend. Who got divorced in 2005. She lost her insurance because she was on her husband's policy through his work. She had a benign cyst removed from her breast in the 1980s. So no insurance company would sell a policy to her because of that preexisting conditions clause. She nearly died of diverdictulitus because of it in 2009.

I will lose my insurance that like my best friend, had for decades through my ex husband's policy. I got divorce in 2017. I can stay on cobra for 3 years.

I had cancer removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight for my life and win.

At the end of 2019 I will lose my Cobra insurance. Insurance I've had since the mid 1980s.

Now because of you and people like you and all your selfishness and buying that lie about cars and stuff, I will never be able to buy insurance ever again. Even though I want it and can pay for it. No insurance company will sell me a policy. Of If by some miracle I do find one, the premiums will be so astronomical I won't be able to afford it.

It has nothing to do with not buying insurance until you need it. It's about the fact that no insurance company will sell people a policy.

And if you believe everyone should have insurance, why do you fight so hard against that mandate? That mandate made sure people bought that insurance before they got sick or had an accident. Yet you republicans fight tooth and nail against it. Then use not having insurance to excuse kicking millions of people off insurance.

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.

That's a bunch of bologna.

The reason why so many weren't covered before Obamacare is because the insurance companies would kick them off policies and no other company would cover them. Of if they did it would be at rates so sky high that no one could afford it.

There are people like my best friend. Who got divorced in 2005. She lost her insurance because she was on her husband's policy through his work. She had a benign cyst removed from her breast in the 1980s. So no insurance company would sell a policy to her because of that preexisting conditions clause. She nearly died of diverdictulitus because of it in 2009.

I will lose my insurance that like my best friend, had for decades through my ex husband's policy. I got divorce in 2017. I can stay on cobra for 3 years.

I had cancer removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight for my life and win.

At the end of 2019 I will lose my Cobra insurance. Insurance I've had since the mid 1980s.

Now because of you and people like you and all your selfishness and buying that lie about cars and stuff, I will never be able to buy insurance ever again. Even though I want it and can pay for it. No insurance company will sell me a policy. Of If by some miracle I do find one, the premiums will be so astronomical I won't be able to afford it.

It has nothing to do with not buying insurance until you need it. It's about the fact that no insurance company will sell people a policy.

And if you believe everyone should have insurance, why do you fight so hard against that mandate? That mandate made sure people bought that insurance before they got sick or had an accident. Yet you republicans fight tooth and nail against it. Then use not having insurance to excuse kicking millions of people off insurance.


You could buy a policy here in Massachusetts with no problem at all for the same rate as anyone else your age. It is expensive, but available for everyone. The problem is that it is very expensive for everyone. If someone doesn't have an employer picking up 50% of the cost, it is really unbearable.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.

That's a bunch of bologna.

The reason why so many weren't covered before Obamacare is because the insurance companies would kick them off policies and no other company would cover them. Of if they did it would be at rates so sky high that no one could afford it.

There are people like my best friend. Who got divorced in 2005. She lost her insurance because she was on her husband's policy through his work. She had a benign cyst removed from her breast in the 1980s. So no insurance company would sell a policy to her because of that preexisting conditions clause. She nearly died of diverdictulitus because of it in 2009.

I will lose my insurance that like my best friend, had for decades through my ex husband's policy. I got divorce in 2017. I can stay on cobra for 3 years.

I had cancer removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight for my life and win.

At the end of 2019 I will lose my Cobra insurance. Insurance I've had since the mid 1980s.

Now because of you and people like you and all your selfishness and buying that lie about cars and stuff, I will never be able to buy insurance ever again. Even though I want it and can pay for it. No insurance company will sell me a policy. Of If by some miracle I do find one, the premiums will be so astronomical I won't be able to afford it.

It has nothing to do with not buying insurance until you need it. It's about the fact that no insurance company will sell people a policy.

And if you believe everyone should have insurance, why do you fight so hard against that mandate? That mandate made sure people bought that insurance before they got sick or had an accident. Yet you republicans fight tooth and nail against it. Then use not having insurance to excuse kicking millions of people off insurance.


You could buy a policy here in Massachusetts with no problem at all for the same rate as anyone else your age. It is expensive, but available for everyone. The problem is that it is very expensive for everyone. If someone doesn't have an employer picking up 50% of the cost, it is really unbearable.

Every budget is a matter of choice and compromise. You have to dedicate your resources to those things that are most important than you and other, less important, fiscal priorities may have to be foregone.

Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.

That's a bunch of bologna.

The reason why so many weren't covered before Obamacare is because the insurance companies would kick them off policies and no other company would cover them. Of if they did it would be at rates so sky high that no one could afford it.

There are people like my best friend. Who got divorced in 2005. She lost her insurance because she was on her husband's policy through his work. She had a benign cyst removed from her breast in the 1980s. So no insurance company would sell a policy to her because of that preexisting conditions clause. She nearly died of diverdictulitus because of it in 2009.

I will lose my insurance that like my best friend, had for decades through my ex husband's policy. I got divorce in 2017. I can stay on cobra for 3 years.

I had cancer removed from both of my breasts in 2011. I had the audacity to fight for my life and win.

At the end of 2019 I will lose my Cobra insurance. Insurance I've had since the mid 1980s.

Now because of you and people like you and all your selfishness and buying that lie about cars and stuff, I will never be able to buy insurance ever again. Even though I want it and can pay for it. No insurance company will sell me a policy. Of If by some miracle I do find one, the premiums will be so astronomical I won't be able to afford it.

It has nothing to do with not buying insurance until you need it. It's about the fact that no insurance company will sell people a policy.

And if you believe everyone should have insurance, why do you fight so hard against that mandate? That mandate made sure people bought that insurance before they got sick or had an accident. Yet you republicans fight tooth and nail against it. Then use not having insurance to excuse kicking millions of people off insurance.

So you're a high risk who believes that you should be treated as a low risk....That's how insurance ended up being the shit show that it is now.

Guess what...You don't have any right to have a third party pay for a service that you receive...If you and other gibsmedats gave up on that attitude, the out-of-pocket costs of medical services would plummet, and you could afford to pay for it yourself.
That's nice, I'm not willing to pin my hopes of not getting randomly sold out to a hostile foreign market by a greedy CEO. It's bad enough we're randomly sold out by our own politicians isn't it?
You've already been sold out to a hostile warfare/welfare state, by the greedy CEOs and politicians operating the military industrial complex.

You've been chumped and are too wedded to your statist model of operating to recognize it.
Here's my point. Again.

I'm not a car.

Insurance for something that can be bought, burned, destroyed, and then bought again is one thing. But we're talking about a human body.

We can't get another one.

So, the system of having insurance for health along the same lines as insurance for cars, is bullshit.
That you're not a car doesn't change the nature of how insurance works... How does you not being a car and claiming an exigent circumstance, obviate the laws of economics and render the actuarial models of how insurance companies work and stay in operation entirely null and void?...Your temporary acute situation suspends all reality, and demands that everyone else pay for it, right?

And lolberals claim others to be detached from reality....lmao.


Insurance doesn't change and it's totally unsuited to healthcare.

Firstly, it's unsuited to healthcare because it leads to massive fraud.

The $272 billion swindle

The $272 billion swindle
Why thieves love America’s health-care system"

Pharma companies are treating it like a cash cow. They gain their money from the US far more than anywhere else.

Doctors are part of the fraud. Handing out pills like crazy, because it makes the pharma companies rich and the doctors get a slice of the pie.

Pharmaceutical spending per capita by country 2017 | Statistic

In the US per capita the US spent the most on pharmaceuticals.

Antidepressant use on the rise in rich countries, OECD finds

"Separate data from the US shows that more than 10% of American adults use the medication. "

Secondly it leads to people not getting healthcare.

You're basically telling me that money is the only thing that counts. If you're not rich enough, screw you. If you were born wrong, screw you. If you get unlucky, screw you, unless you're rich.

The UK govt manages to spend LESS than the US federal govt and yet treats everyone.

So it's basically a case of "you don't have enough money to stay alive. Sorry"

What kind of a society doesn't look after its own people?
Here's my point. Again.

I'm not a car.

Insurance for something that can be bought, burned, destroyed, and then bought again is one thing. But we're talking about a human body.

We can't get another one.

So, the system of having insurance for health along the same lines as insurance for cars, is bullshit.
That you're not a car doesn't change the nature of how insurance works... How does you not being a car and claiming an exigent circumstance, obviate the laws of economics and render the actuarial models of how insurance companies work and stay in operation entirely null and void?...Your temporary acute situation suspends all reality, and demands that everyone else pay for it, right?

And lolberals claim others to be detached from reality....lmao.


Insurance doesn't change and it's totally unsuited to healthcare.

Firstly, it's unsuited to healthcare because it leads to massive fraud.

The $272 billion swindle

The $272 billion swindle
Why thieves love America’s health-care system"

Pharma companies are treating it like a cash cow. They gain their money from the US far more than anywhere else.

Doctors are part of the fraud. Handing out pills like crazy, because it makes the pharma companies rich and the doctors get a slice of the pie.

Pharmaceutical spending per capita by country 2017 | Statistic

In the US per capita the US spent the most on pharmaceuticals.

Antidepressant use on the rise in rich countries, OECD finds

"Separate data from the US shows that more than 10% of American adults use the medication. "

Secondly it leads to people not getting healthcare.

You're basically telling me that money is the only thing that counts. If you're not rich enough, screw you. If you were born wrong, screw you. If you get unlucky, screw you, unless you're rich.

The UK govt manages to spend LESS than the US federal govt and yet treats everyone.

So it's basically a case of "you don't have enough money to stay alive. Sorry"

What kind of a society doesn't look after its own people?
You've moved the goalposts....Claiming that people should be covered by insurance for pre-existing conditions is a separate issue from the pharmaceutical-industrial complex being a big scam.

But thanks for playing...Johnny has a case of Bardahl for you as a parting gift.
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~

I have insurance for serious things only. I'll pay for cheaper things myself. I have money saved, but $100,000, that'll take me a long time to save that up, way too long, and I have to pay for other stuff first.

Define "too long"? If you're buying into health insurance, figure at the /cheapest/ you're spending what $500 a month? That is $6k a year right there. If your young and want to play the odds and gamble a little; $6k a year will net you a comfortable "low risk" average of 5% ($300 on $6k) a year through something simple like Lending Club. (So +$300/y first year, +$600/y second year, etc. In general investing in the market is like 7% but it's more risky. LC gives you the option to choose from rated risk loans so you can easily customize the level of risk you're comfortable with. A zero risk option would be a bank money market at 1.50%ish a year.)

I'm not saying everyone has to have $100k in the bank, that's just how much my parents told me, I didn't set that aside straight away either. In fact, I had only saved up $20k when I defied my folks recommendations and threw it on the market gambling table without their permission a month after I turned 18 - my father straight up told me that I was going to die on the street and he wasn't going to give me a dime for "not listening to him." My 'reckless' (actually logical) gamble paid off though and the rest is what it is.

What I'm saying that folks should be making the effort to set money aside for emergencies. I'm also saying that the cost of insurance is a scam and that 99% of the time you are /far/ /far/ better off to have the money you would pay for insurance.

Ah, so you have two choices.

1) get fucked over.
2) Gamble with a large chance you'll get fucked over with the boom and bust economy.


So, I have two choices and they could both end badly.

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