Do conservatives not understand how important it is to protect pre-existing conditions?

10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Dear Billy000
Do Liberals who believe in universal health care
understand if you want to provide and pay for everyone's access
then you should do the work to set up provisions and make sure they are not abused?

If I want everyone to have free transportation then I should take on the responsibility for
provisions that would make this accessible, affordable and sustainable for all the people I want to serve.

so why not hold liberals and conservatives to their own approaches to health care
A. if Liberals believe in universal coverage, then by all means, set up a system
that Liberals pay for so Preexisting conditions can be covered under that policy.
Not to meantion coverage for abortion, recreational drug use, or added conditions
AGAINST high sugar diets, meat consumption, or anything liberals DON'T believe in supporting either
in terms of health care costs and medical conditions caused by adverse factors.

B. if conservatives believe in free market provisions WITHOUT govt regulating the business conditions
(except for medical professional licensing, health and safety regulations on drugs and services provided)
then require conservatives to go through private programs and not access public institution unless they pay their costs of services used.

So if Christians/Conservatives want to fund health care through charity, and do NOT believe in
paying for abortions, birth control, drug addiction or abuse, smoking or alcohol effects, sex changes etc.
then those believers can fund programs under the terms of their choice as well.

Do liberals not understand the concept of free choice?
and not wanting govt to dictate what can and cannot be paid for through public systems?

Do liberals not understand there are not enough public hospitals to accommodate
the populations, especially given the growing immigrant populations that Liberals
believe in including and providing services and education for.

Do liberals not understand that working citizens and taxpayers that
pay for these services and institutions have EQUAL RIGHT to be represented in policies?
And if there is disagreement, then taxpayers should have equal right to separate
funding so they are NOT forced to fund policies they don't believe in?

Do liberals understand the difference in service quality and efficiency between
nonprofit groups, free market businesses, and govt run bureaucracies that
require voting on legislation before policies can be changed, corrected or improved?

Billy000 if you ask any Harvey survivor like me the difference between
getting help from nonprofits vs. getting help from a govt agency like FEMA
trying to serve several cities and states at once with one centralized program,
you would know that health care cannot be managed collectively through federal govt.

We had to wait in line, miss work, and wait for months, going back and forth
to answer appeals and claims through a bureaucratic user-unfriendly system.

You would understand why conservatives are saying not to rely on federal govt
to manage benefits. It all needs tob be localized.
and the nonprofits that worked locally fared much better.

That's what conservatives mean. it's not about denying services
but not tying them up in govt bureaucracy that can't provide individualized attention
to the masses from the top down.

Thanks Emily ...
There are reasons Progressives won't develop their own healthcare/insurance that treats or covers all the conditions they desire.

It doesn't require everyone to be subject to their program and therefore dependent on their favor.
It doesn't place the government at the head of the table in our healthcare industry.
It doesn't have a chance of surviving without the money people who will choose a better system have.

And many more ...

Included in what? You believe someone should walk into an insurance office with a preexisting condition and get approved for a policy the same day? Once again, that isn't insurance. It's welfare.

If insurance covers preexisting conditions ... Then there is no need to be "approved for a policy".
I think they are trying to make it so that a pulse is the only determining factor for approval.

10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

People won't overpay. When you charge healthy people for pre-existing conditions, you break the bank. Of course that's your plan, destroy the medical industry so you can get your beloved single payer
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

I’m as conservative as they come but not covering pre-existing conditions is heartless & cruel. That said, I don’t agree with how things are done now either. Rand Paul’s ideas would have solved this quite easily by expanding who can offer insurance. Associations, not just employers or state exchanges could have provided quality insurance (at a higher price—there is greater risk here) to people with such conditions. But they could also supplement their insurance too & spread the cost around. Maybe they purchase a percentage from their employer, maybe they get a percentage from their bank after opening an account, etc. Perhaps they join a risk pool as well. Regardless, they get choice.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Actually conservatives have INSURANCE, so they don't need to buy it after the fact that illness has been detected.

Liberals on the other hand, expect others to carry them by hand when they get ill, without wanting to give corresponding compensation so that other people would be helped as well.

Free shit overlords at it again.
Never said it was. I would just like for him to have the same chances at insurance that the rest of us get

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If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

So half the people are greedy assholes? I suspect that is the half that usually votes for stupid Democrats hoping to get something for nothing.

Nobody wants to be forced to pay other people's bills. Any greedy asshole that says they are for single payer is just hoping that they will get their bill paid by some body else.
Insurance is for the unexpected...You don't wreck your car, then go to your insurance agent demanding collision coverage for your "pre-existing condition"... Either socialists won't understand this, or are just plain stupid.

That's the GIBSMEDAT! culture for you.


If you car breaks down, you go buy a fucking new one.

What do you do when your body breaks down?

What if you're BORN with a condition?

If you get a condition, does this mean you can no longer change insurance companies, and then they can charge youas much as they like knowing you're a slave to their insurance packages?

Fuck insurance companies and especially fuck insurance companies who profit from other people's health.

Fuck socialism! Fuck greedy Liberal assholes that think they are entitled to have somebody else be forced to pay their bills just because they are alive.
Do parents not understand the value of teaching their kids to set money aside for their medical needs?

My folks pounded it into me that I needed to have a minimum of $100k set aside for emergencies from day one. They also bitched at me if I didn't immediately put 3-5% of my paycheck into savings/money markets. Different worlds I guess. ~shrug~

I have insurance for serious things only. I'll pay for cheaper things myself. I have money saved, but $100,000, that'll take me a long time to save that up, way too long, and I have to pay for other stuff first.
If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

So half the people are greedy assholes? I suspect that is the half that usually votes for stupid Democrats hoping to get something for nothing.

Nobody wants to be forced to pay other people's bills. Any greedy asshole that says they are for single payer is just hoping that they will get their bill paid by some body else.
We all are forced to pay.

Due to grotesque inefficiencies, USA pays more for healthcare than any other nation. In UK for example spends half that we do (and are just as unhealthy), yet they are forced to pay other peoples bills as your call it.
My son is a Type-1 diabetic because his own body attacked his pancreas and it no longer produces insulin. There is no diet in the world that can fix it. His only choice to live is to put artificial insulin into his body multiple times a day.

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That is too bad. God bless. I wish him and your family well.

However, it is not my responsibility to pay his health care bills.

Never said it was. I would just like for him to have the same chances at insurance that the rest of us get

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If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.
They will with mandatory insurance for all

Coverage of preexisting conditions is the cornerstone of national coverage
My son is a Type-1 diabetic because his own body attacked his pancreas and it no longer produces insulin. There is no diet in the world that can fix it. His only choice to live is to put artificial insulin into his body multiple times a day.

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That is too bad. God bless. I wish him and your family well.

However, it is not my responsibility to pay his health care bills.

Never said it was. I would just like for him to have the same chances at insurance that the rest of us get

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If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.

Bad analogy.

We all pay for roads directly and indirectly. Even the people that don't drive pay through by buying goods and services from the people that do pay to use the roads.

An insurance pool is a closed economic system. The people in the pool pay via the risk assessment. If somebody entrees with a large cost because of pre existing conditions and hadn't pay into the pool then somebody else has to foot the bill and that is not right.

Insurance is not welfare and shouldn't be. You are not entitled to an insurance payout just because you are alive. You need to have paid your fair share. Pre existing conditions is wrong.
The right to life is a fundamental right of Americans
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If he has been paying into an insurance pool the same as the rest of us then he should be able to get his money out.

If not then he needs to find another way to pay.

Just leave me out of it.

Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

So half the people are greedy assholes? I suspect that is the half that usually votes for stupid Democrats hoping to get something for nothing.

Nobody wants to be forced to pay other people's bills. Any greedy asshole that says they are for single payer is just hoping that they will get their bill paid by some body else.

You are paying other people’s bills already. Every time someone without insurance and the ability to pay for their care gets treated as is mandated by law, that cost is spread out to everyone that has insurance and pays their bills.

You pay one way or the other

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When the "conservatives" figure out what an amniocentesis is they'll be forcing them on women & then their platform will change to mandatory abortions & sterilization.
The Republican Party is the party of flip flopping. Just ask all those fake Christians & their fake higher moral & family values.

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Fuck pre existing conditions. That is nothing more than welfare to have a government mandate to require that insurance companies accept somebody that didn't pay into the insurance pool.

Liberals don't understand the concept of what insurance is all about. It is not welfare. It is pooling. You pay in when you are well and take out when you are sick. If you don't pay in then you shouldn't be allowed to take out.

All filthy Liberals want is for somebody else to pay their bills. Despicable!

Isn't that the point of the mandate? Everyone pays into the system, or pays a tax/penalty. Of course the mandate is gone now.
10s of millions Americans would be affected by this. Either conservatives do not even understand this subject, or they believe it won’t affect them personally. That’s their “I got mine - fuck everyone else philosophy”. Of course once they realize it will affect them, only then would they support the protections.

That’s America for you.

Actually conservatives have INSURANCE, so they don't need to buy it after the fact that illness has been detected.

Liberals on the other hand, expect others to carry them by hand when they get ill, without wanting to give corresponding compensation so that other people would be helped as well.

Free shit overlords at it again.

Have you conservatives ever taken the time to realize that liberals pay taxes too?
Insurance is about more than just a pile of money that people pay into, it is also about shared risk.

Some people pay in money and never come close to using what they paid in, should they get that back when they die? Of course not.

Some people pay in money for 30 years and never come close to paying for what the spend.

Health insurance is not unlike the roads you in your city and state. You pay for them all, but you only drive on a few of them.
No insurance company is going to allow people with preexisting conditions have a policy on the same terms as healthy people. They would go bankrupt if they did.


...and the friggin government should not mandate it.
woe is you. just over half support single payer.

So half the people are greedy assholes? I suspect that is the half that usually votes for stupid Democrats hoping to get something for nothing.

Nobody wants to be forced to pay other people's bills. Any greedy asshole that says they are for single payer is just hoping that they will get their bill paid by some body else.

You are paying other people’s bills already. Every time someone without insurance and the ability to pay for their care gets treated as is mandated by law, that cost is spread out to everyone that has insurance and pays their bills.

You pay one way or the other

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I think you have have used that rational before. Since we are fucking up now we need to fuck up even more? Really?
Yeah, it would be horrible to live in a healthy society.

You do realize that all those children (no matter what their illness) if not treated grow up (maybe) to be adults with an even more expensive condition with more side effects & are likely to be your future welfare recipients.
Gee, I'd hate to point out the obvious to you RWNJ's.

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Evidently you haven't explored these options. It sounds like you can't afford his diabetic supplies so once again here is some help from the Internet!

I have no trouble affording his supplies. My concern is not for the now, it is for when he is no longer covered by my insurance.

OH! So all his supplies are covered by YOUR INSURANCE!!!

You are so full of deceit! Making people feel sorry for you!

AGAIN obviously then:
A) Is your son incapable of holding a full time job that will provide health insurance with NO pre-existing conditions? Have you checked into that?
B) Again.. have your son then check the below. Very simple to do!
Patient Assistance Programs
Most pharmaceutical companies offer financial assistance programs to persons who have trouble affording their medications and supplies.

Each program has specific criteria that must be satisfied in order for an individual to be considered eligible for a financial assistance program.

Contact Information for Pharmaceutical Companies
Abbott Laboratories

AbbVie Patient Assistance Foundation

AZ & Me Prescription Savings Programs
P.O. Box 15197
Wilmington, DE 19850-5197
1-800-AZandMe (1-800-292-6363)

Bayer Corporation
Precose (acarbose)
Bayer HealthCare Patient Assistance Program
P.O. Box 29061
Phoenix, AZ 85038-9209

BD (Becton, Dickinson and Company)
BD Insulin Syringe Assist Program
1 Becton Drive
Franklin Lakes, NJ 07417

Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
Bristol-Myers Squibb Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 220769
Charlotte, NC 28222-0769

Eli Lilly and Company
Humulin (insulin)
The Lilly Cares Foundation, Inc.

GSK for you
GSK Access
Bridges to Access

Medtronic Mini-Med
Insulin pumps
Pump supplies
Financial Assistance Program
1-800-MINI-MED (1-800-646-4633)

Merck and Co., Inc.
The Merck Patient Assistance Program
One Merck Drive
P.O. Box 100
White House Station, NJ 08889-0100

Novartis Patient Assistance Foundation, Inc.

Novo Nordisk Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Tresiba® (insulin degludec injection 100 U/mL, 200 U/mL)
Levemir® (insulin detemir [rDNA origin] injection)
NovoLog® (insulin aspart injection)
NovoLog® Mix 70/30 (70% insulin aspart protamine suspension and 30% insulin aspart injection, [rDNA origin])
Novolin® (human insulin [rDNA origin] injection)
GlucaGen® HypoKit® (glucagon [rDNA origin] for injection)
Victoza® (liraglutide injection 1.2 mg, 1.8 mg)
PO Box 370
Somerville, NJ 08876

Glucotrol (glipizide)
Glucotrol XL (glipizide – extended release)
Connection to Care
Pfizer Friends
Pfizer Helpful Answers

Roche Laboratories, Inc.
Genentech (part of Roche group)
Genentech Access Solutions
1 DNA Way
Mail Stop #858a
South San Francisco, CA 94080-4990
1-866-4ACCESS (1-866-422-2377)

Sanofi-Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Patient Assistance Connection
P.O. Box 222138
Charlotte, NC 28222-2138

Takeda Pharmaceuticals North America
Help at Hand
P.O. Box 5727
Louisville, KY 40255-0727

  • Last Reviewed: April 24, 2018
  • Last Edited: May 11, 2018
Not every full time job has healthcare.
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