Do Democrats really know the definition of "peaceful"?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
We've all heard Democrats mask the heinous acts of the rioters / looters with the bullshit lie that most protesters were "peacful".
Do peaceful protesters impede traffic on roads and highways?
Do they shout demands at innocent bystanders? "Take a knee" "Say his name"
Do they jump on the rooftops of autos?
Do they defy curfew orders?
Do they throw projectiles at law enforcement officers?
Do they spray paint and deface property?

Dems, are you sure the bulk of the protests were "peaceful"?


peace·ful | \ ˈpēs-fəl \
Definition of peaceful

1: PEACEABLE sense
They are a peaceful people.
2: untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion : QUIET, TRANQUIL
the feeling … that we as neighbors could settle any disputes in peaceful fashion— F. D. Roosevelt
3: of or relating to a state or time of peace… the feasibility of creating a peaceful world order.— Alan Tonelson
4: devoid of violence or force
We've all heard Democrats mask the heinous acts of the rioters / looters with the bullshit lie that most protesters were "peacful".
Do peaceful protesters impede traffic on roads and highways?
Do they shout demands at innocent bystanders? "Take a knee" "Say his name"
Do they jump on the rooftops of autos?
Do they defy curfew orders?
Do they throw projectiles at law enforcement officers?
Do they spray paint and deface property?

Dems, are you sure the bulk of the protests were "peaceful"?


peace·ful | \ ˈpēs-fəl \
Definition of peaceful

1: PEACEABLE sense
They are a peaceful people.
2: untroubled by conflict, agitation, or commotion : QUIET, TRANQUIL
the feeling … that we as neighbors could settle any disputes in peaceful fashion— F. D. Roosevelt
3: of or relating to a state or time of peace… the feasibility of creating a peaceful world order.— Alan Tonelson
4: devoid of violence or force
The issue is never the issue
The issue is always the revolution by any means necessary.
Can't stop protesting though. That would not be good either. Protesting legally is patriotic. Breaking the laws is not.
Negro 1: Some white cop we never met put his knee down on the neck of some black dude we never met and the black dude died.
Negro 2: Let's go break into a store and steal some fucking TV's!!!
Negro 1: Sounds good! Let's go!
It's not the Democrats who know the definition. It's they really don't care, period.

I say this a lot, but it seems like I have to keep correcting people....

Democrooks can not possibly "know" anything. Knowing something requires cognitive thought and a functioning Frontal Lobe. I'm not sure what sphincter bed wetters use in lieu of one, but I'll bet it's in the lower digestive tract. Clearly they manage to negotiate their way through what little danger is left in modern life and manage to escape natural selection at alarming rates, but there is no real "knowledge" in them, there is no more an active thought process than found in any parrot that repeats things it's heard other than a greater capacity to remember shit to repeat. Imagine a parrot with a massive neocortex, then you have a bed wetting liberal if you train it.

If you must use a term for "what bed wetters know", it's better to acknowledge what they "believe".

They believe in a magical figure I will call Santa Marx, who lives in an abandoned Moscow subway tunnel with 13 gender neutral reindeer. He is divorced and in a spiritual "marriage" with Ho Chi Mihn. He flies around the world every night except for secular holidays distributing free shit like medial supplies, diplomas and education credentials, to all the non-white children of the world. He freed his elves a century ago, but purged them for converting to orthodox Christianity. He was forced to leave the North Pole, because Nixon caused Global Warming and exposed his ties to the benevolent NKVD.


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The Democrat party has become a domestic terrorist organization. They make excuses for violence and kneel to terrorist.

A vote for Democrats is a vote for crime
The police need to be unionized
The damned police union needs to be busted for ongoing complicity and active involvement in major, serious organized crime.
The cops who have not been beaten and bloodied and tortured into submission to the law themselves should not be laying a finger on us to press their false and frivolous criminal charges against us at the pleasure of pimps and street whores.
All units are corrupt to a certain extent.
We need a purge. A full blown Stalinist purge of every rotten corrupt town hall police department in the nation. What the Ukrainians call a lustration.
The police need to be unionized
The damned police union needs to be busted for ongoing complicity and active involvement in major, serious organized crime.
The cops who have not been beaten and bloodied and tortured into submission to the law themselves should not be laying a finger on us to press their false and frivolous criminal charges against us at the pleasure of pimps and street whores.
All units are corrupt to a certain extent.
We need a purge. A full blown Stalinist purge of every rotten corrupt town hall police department in the nation. What the Ukrainians call a lustration.

I sympathize but it's just not possible.

I sympathize but it's just not possible.
It will be busted by a much greater force than that which the corrupt union halls and fraternal orders of police bring to bear against us.
When we call upon a higher power, there will be nothing to save the damned cops, no one to answer their prayers or hear their hideous screams when they serve the punishment which is so justly ordained from on high over them for what they have done to us.

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