Do Dogs Go To Heaven?

What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.

I was told by the Nuns that dogs have doggy souls and that St Francis of Assisi runs God's menagerie...........including Rosie, our English Spanie(RIP)l!!


What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.

I meant to say, so you believe there are no animals in heaven? Or just not animals from Earth in heaven?

Tribbles definitely go to heaven.


but they are so much trouble....

So are our kids, but we look forward to seeing them in Heaven one day.

What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.

I was told by the Nuns that dogs have doggy souls and that St Francis of Assisi runs God's menagerie...........including Rosie, our English Spanie(RIP)l!!



I don't trust Nuns. They told me that Mary was a virgin until death. Total lie!
What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.

I was told by the Nuns that dogs have doggy souls and that St Francis of Assisi runs God's menagerie...........including Rosie, our English Spanie(RIP)l!!



I don't trust Nuns. They told me that Mary was a virgin until death. Total lie!

Don't care. They're right about Rosie and St Francis.

I have a doggie, I love her, but....
What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.
So, animals in heaven?

From a Jesuit: they're cool.

A slightly different view on whether animals can go to Heaven comes from Fr. John Hardon, S.J.:

“Pets, as pets, do not go to Heaven. But animals and such like beings may be said to be brought to Heaven because, after the Last Day, they can serve as part of the joys of Heaven. In other words, animals and such like creatures may be said to be brought to Heaven to serve as part of our Heavenly joys. Clearly, we do not need pets to provide happiness in Heaven. But pets and such like creatures will be brought to Heaven to become part of our creaturely happiness in the Heavenly kingdom. Consequently, we may say that animals and such like creatures may be brought to Heaven by God to enable us to enjoy them as part of our creaturely happiness in Heavenly beatitude.”

GW Catholic Q & A: Do animals have souls?

CATS ARE DAMNED TO HELL FOREVER................................................except for my kids' kitties.

What about other animals?
Dogs do not go to Heaven. Of all of God's creations, man is the only one that was given a soul. And a soul is required to go to Heaven.

I meant to say, so you believe there are no animals in heaven? Or just not animals from Earth in heaven?
I think Billy Graham said it best.

God has a special reason and place for each of His created beings. Animals, too, have a purpose in God’s creation. Man, as the highest order of creation, has been given dominion over the animal kingdom (Genesis 1:26-28).

We believe that animals were intended for man’s enjoyment and use. The Bible itself does not indicate that there is life after death for animals. It may be that God’s purpose for animals is fulfilled on this earth. However, if animals would make us happier in heaven, surely there will be a place for them there.

Some Bible interpreters have called attention to Isaiah’s description of the peace of God’s future kingdom where he says that “the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox” (Isaiah 65:25). Heaven will lack nothing that is good and that will bring glory to God.
A Little Dog Angel

High up in the courts of heaven today
a little dog angel waits;
with the other angels he will not play,
but he sits alone at the gates.
"For I know my master will come" says he,
"and when he comes he will call for me."

The other angels pass him by
As they hurry toward the throne,
And he watches them with a wistful eye
as he sits at the gates alone.
"But I know if I just wait patiently
that someday my master will call for me."

And his master, down on earth below,
as he sits in his easy chair,
forgets sometimes, and whispers low
to the dog who is not there.
And the little dog angel cocks his ears
and dreams that his master's voice he hears.

And when at last his master waits
outside in the dark and cold,
for the hand of death to open the door,
that leads to those courts of gold,
he will hear a sound through the gathering dark,
a little dog angel's bark.
If there was a heaven, then dogs would deserve to be there more than people, that's for sure.
You have not met my dog obviously! Oy!!!

If a dog is misbehaving, it is usually because of something the owner is doing wrong. Watch the Dog Whisperer for tips. That guy is amazing with dogs. He really does understand dogs and how they think.
She isn't fond of of those that has a pet but keeps it tied to a tree outside.

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