Do Dogs Go To Heaven?

My dog might have made it to heaven, but, I confess, I never had him baptised. I feel terribly guilty about that. Worse, I never really confirmed whether or not he was Catholic. I would feel better, if I found out that he was jewish, but I never saw him wear a yamaka, or prayer shawl.
What about other animals?
My personal view about the non-human animals of the Earth is that they stay on the Earth and are reincarnated here.

God probably does not need more animals in Heaven.

But since few humans probably make it that is where the need is for God.
What about other animals?
There is no such thing as heaven without animals, for it would then be hell.
I would miss my cat in the next life, but I am sure he will get to choose which of his many masters he wants to stay with.

Cats are very choosy. If you are mean or neglectful to a cat it will leave you and go find another human.
My dog might have made it to heaven, but, I confess, I never had him baptised. I feel terribly guilty about that. Worse, I never really confirmed whether or not he was Catholic. I would feel better, if I found out that he was jewish, but I never saw him wear a yamaka, or prayer shawl.
Jesus did not say that non-human animals need baptism or faith.

So where are you conjuring up (no pun intended) this baptism thing.

You need to have good works to get to Heaven. Read Matthew Chap 25.

If you want to play it safe, then seek Catholic baptism.

If you want to take a chance, then go for Protestant. But the Protestants believe you don't need to do anything. So that is already 2 strikes against them.
If all dogs go to heaven God must love them more than humans
More salient a question would be, "do any animals go to Hell?"

I would think sharks go to Hell.

And snakes.

And biting flies and mosquitoes and ticks.

But that's all.
I had some scorpions in my house. I sent them to heaven. I figured that they would be happier there. also, scorpions hide in people's shoes, and everyone knows that in heaven, everyone wears open sandals. That makes it better for all parties.
I got a scorpion bite on my foot once and it hurt like Hell for about a week.
Yep, all you can eat but no weight gain or cholesterol issues.
I have to limit what I feed my cat -- no more than half a mouse sized meal at a time. Otherwise he will eat all of it and then throw it all up. He is a little 15 lb glutton.
Bonzi you are becoming quite a philosopheress in your middle age.

That's good though. It shows that your brain has finally fully developed and you have gained a consciousness of all things around you.

So, what about one celled animals? Do amoebas go to Heaven or Hell?
Do we get to eat meat in heaven, or are we back to being vegetarians?
Frankly, i would miss my rib eyes
The bible says in the new age... when heaven is on Earth for a thousand years, the animals go back to all being vegetarian, and the lions, and wolves will lay next to the lambs etc...or something of the sort.... :)

it doesn't say if we become all vegetarians but it does say the animals will be
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There is something seriously wrong with people who think animals have no souls. It can tell you a lot about that person, too.
But it seems unfair all animals make it except humans, and there are too many theories on the Golden ticket
There was a Twilight Zone episode like that

An old guy walking the dusty road to heaven with his dog. When he got to the gate, he was told dogs weren't allowed. So he told them, If my dog ain't allowed, I ain't going either
So he kept walking until he found another gate and this one allowed dogs to enter

Turned out that dogs do not like the devil so he will not let them in. The gate that let him in was to heaven


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