Do drugs make artists more "creative"??

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Everyone is made up differently. Everyone has had different experiences that may or may not have affected them mentally or emotionally as a base to compare the effects of mind/perception altering drugs.

Drugs ...I'm assuming you mean illicit ones have no standards so the quality and dosage varies wildly.

Then one has to explore and compare what an "artist" is.

Many if not most people already experience the kind of ranges in perceptions drugs cause in thier dreams. Some people remember the visions in their dreams and act on these revelations in their "art". I doubt Picasso had access to LSD. His visions however he aquired them probably scared him.

No two people react to what they percieve in dreams the same way. Some may be entertained by what others are frightened of in their "nightmares".

Many people walking around in public already have hallucinations without any aid from chemicals. Some see things that are not there and some hear voices that are not there.

Who should take drugs? Probably people of sound mind that work with others in the mental health fields would have a better understanding of what they are working with if they could "turn on" and "turn off" the symptoms they work to understand and treat.

Artists? I don't know. Much of the halucination of drugs is disconnected and meaningless and would not relate well to "normal" people.

Perhaps some gifted engineers and scientists would do well to experiment with drug use. They could see things that they have not seen before and if they had enough stability to diferentiate what is usefull from what is not it could lead to some breakthroughs.

All this is assuming that drugs or any endeavor must have some public worth or usefullness to be accepted.

Me ...I just enjoyed the ride. It's too bad no cameras were allowed.
I dunno.. look at all the bands/artists who's music completely SUCKED after they got cleaned up....


Artists are just less ashamed of it / more able to reveal it.

Truth is EVERYONE smokes pot. Carpenters, electricians, dishwashers, floor cleaners, lawyers, doctors, fuckin' politicians, CDC employees, principals, people who paint the lines on the fuckin' roads.

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More creative, perhaps in that drugs and alcohol remove inhibitions.

Back when I was designing and developing scientific instruments, I worked in a cutting edge outfit in Connecticut.
Bleeding edge stuff rarely works as planned from the start and usually required a lot of diverse opinion and input to make concepts reality.
When in the development phase, the engineering team of 10 would put in some long hours, but every evening about 5, all work would cease, copious amounts of beer would be consumed, a joint or 2 passed, guitars would come out and people would pursue non work related projects for about 90 minutes.
When 6:30 rolled around, we went back to work unfettered by the laws of Physics.
No. Not every idea was brilliant, or even sane, but we accomplished some ground breaking stuff.

Speaking as a poster who is involved with two art galleries, I can only say, that the best selling artists, are not taking drugs, that I know of. They have had, or do have, professions, in addition to their painting.

Of the ones, taking drugs, they have to live with mom, or on entitlements, as their art work rarely moves.
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It makes them drown themselves in their own vomit and immediately qualifies them to be enshrined in the pantheon of Rock Gods!

You cannot be a Rock God until you have died from some Overdose
The people who take drugs delude themselves into thinking they're really playing good while stoned.
The people who take drugs delude themselves into thinking they're really playing good while stoned.

Loser guitar players like Stevie Ray Vaughn and Jimi Hendrix? and... Thousands of other musicians and singers/songwriters that have been enjoyed by billions of people for the last 60 plus years. Maybe you have not recieved any entertainment value from these people. THAT would put you in a very small group of Americans and those that live in first world countries. Fair enough. Most would dissagree with you.
I think it depends on the instrument(s) being played. I've never even considered smoking a blunt before playing the piano.
More creative, perhaps in that drugs and alcohol remove inhibitions.

Back when I was designing and developing scientific instruments, I worked in a cutting edge outfit in Connecticut.
Bleeding edge stuff rarely works as planned from the start and usually required a lot of diverse opinion and input to make concepts reality.
When in the development phase, the engineering team of 10 would put in some long hours, but every evening about 5, all work would cease, copious amounts of beer would be consumed, a joint or 2 passed, guitars would come out and people would pursue non work related projects for about 90 minutes.
When 6:30 rolled around, we went back to work unfettered by the laws of Physics.
No. Not every idea was brilliant, or even sane, but we accomplished some ground breaking stuff.

When I was a musician and had bands I always had a strict rule of no drugs during rehearsal until we had practiced what needed to be worked on. Then we would smoke a joint and 'get creative' and jam. We always swore that we playedl better during the latter period.

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