Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

Do Federal/State/Local Governments Create Jobs?

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In some cases, they all do. All levels of government has tasks ( jobs ) that someone has to do. Government, on any level, is not a one man show. But, if the question is, "do they create jobs outside of government", again, in some cases yes. Government on all levels use office supplies, general services such as utilities, building maintenance, and other areas of services associated with their duties and operations. There are hundreds of millions of government employees. So, technically, the answer to the question is yes, without a doubt. All levels of government create jobs, either directly, or indirectly.
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.
Technically, the government owns millions of acres of land, our national parks and national forest. They collect revenue from visitors to those parks and forests. Also, they lease drilling rights to oil companies that drill off-shore. They do generate income. But, if you really want to get technical-technical, the American people own America. There are different ways to look at it.
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.

In "theory" the private sector has no money - unless consumers give it to them. You sound like one of those who thinks all government employees work for them.
Government cannot create jobs Virtually all government jobs are paid for by taxes taken from corporations and private citizens. That represents money that cannot be spent on improving products, inventing new ones, etc. Obviously some government functions are necessary, like patent office and courts. But the vast majority of the bureaucracy represents dead loss--money thrown down a pit.
Government cannot create jobs Virtually all government jobs are paid for by taxes taken from corporations and private citizens. That represents money that cannot be spent on improving products, inventing new ones, etc. Obviously some government functions are necessary, like patent office and courts. But the vast majority of the bureaucracy represents dead loss--money thrown down a pit.

Are you really that fucking dumb?
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.

In "theory" the private sector has no money - unless consumers give it to them. You sound like one of those who thinks all government employees work for them.

Who do they work for?
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.

In "theory" the private sector has no money - unless consumers give it to them. You sound like one of those who thinks all government employees work for them.

Who do they work for?

They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.

In "theory" the private sector has no money - unless consumers give it to them. You sound like one of those who thinks all government employees work for them.

Who do they work for?

They work for themselves. They have an employment contract with the government. Their paycheck and compensation package belong to THEM!

They have no boss? Let's see, they work for the government and the government is suppose to work for us.
Government cannot create jobs Virtually all government jobs are paid for by taxes taken from corporations and private citizens. That represents money that cannot be spent on improving products, inventing new ones, etc. Obviously some government functions are necessary, like patent office and courts. But the vast majority of the bureaucracy represents dead loss--money thrown down a pit.

Are you really that fucking dumb?
Translation: I am really that fucking dumb.
Everyone ultimately works for the consumer of their product. It is okay to have others to answer to. That is called society and when we invest in each other, it makes everything better. The problem enters when a few decide they need more without more effort.
Of course government creates jobs. See all of the contractors and companies who provide services to the government. The "government" also employs people and has a pretty large workforce, that's local, state, and federal.
Federal, state and local employees are shrinking in number. Where's your creating part?
In theory government has no money, unless they tax. They create currency, but the value of the currency is the production of the American worker and what people attach to that. This is why government merely redistributes money, and it does so at a loss in value due to the labor it requires to redistribute.

In "theory" the private sector has no money - unless consumers give it to them. You sound like one of those who thinks all government employees work for them.

Who do they work for?

Not for you!

Most of the funding for new research comes from grants.
Most of the funding for infrastructure comes from the government using our tax dollars to make it so.
So can be said outside of corporations with r&d. Most of the stuff we get for our millitary is from the private sector!
That the government pays for!

Understand how it works??? Losertrians would have us being a third world asshole of a nation.
Government is overhead and creates no capital. It only costs capital. Therefore it cannot create jobs. Democrats are stupid and should not be allowed to vote
Government is overhead and creates no capital. It only costs capital. Therefore it cannot create jobs. Democrats are stupid and should not be allowed to vote

Talk to china about this ;) I love the private sector but the government plays a very big part in areas that keep us ahead of the game.

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