Do Guardian Angels Exist?

It's something I think about. I wonder if knowing and not doing is worse than not knowing and not doing.

i believe it would be the former. the latter would mean you're not consciencely aware & making those decisions with forethought.
Thanks, but that's probably not good for me to hear. I'm challenged enough.

My point is none of us are good enough without Christ,.. but all we can do is try anyways. :)
My point is none of us are good enough without Christ,.. but all we can do is try anyways. :)
It's a slippery slope. We can fool ourselves. We can lie to ourselves. There are a lot of OT verses about lip service. Even Christ told a parable about it. Several, I think.
I was just hearing a debate whether or not guardian angels are biblical or unbiblical, and if God can do anything for us then why would He need angels to look out for us, and I say that I believe in guardian angels and that they're like God's workers and He's the boss except they don't get paid. Btw, I'm just adding this video because I think it's really cute. :)

“Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.” -Hebrews 13:2

Thread 'Angels Walk Among Us'
Angels Walk Among Us
I was just hearing a debate whether or not guardian angels are biblical or unbiblical, and if God can do anything for us then why would He need angels to look out for us, and I say that I believe in guardian angels and that they're like God's workers and He's the boss except they don't get paid. Btw, I'm just adding this video because I think it's really cute. :)

Many cultures and many religions have guardian angels of some type. From my research and knowledge, these beings aren't necessarily from heaven or hell. They are along the lines of people who've not moved on, because they have a final step in their process before entering their Nirvana. And that usually entails finding someone to muse, care for, or look after.

No, not all people in need get one, but it does seem to be a random thing. Once they've helped that person with their need, they finally move on.

Not anything I believe in, but I much prefer this explanation of guardian angels than any other.
Here is what Jesus says about it:
Matthew 18:10.
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

Churches have them. Jesus spoke to,
the angel of the church of seven different churches in Rev.
God puts them in front of us. And in Hebrews 13 it tells us why they are here for us:
“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?”
Here is what Jesus says about it:
Matthew 18:10.
"See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven.”

Churches have them. Jesus spoke to,
the angel of the church of seven different churches in Rev.
God puts them in front of us. And in Hebrews 13 it tells us why they are here for us:
“Are they not all ministering spirits, sent out to render service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation?”

I copied these comments from another site.

We should not despise or look down upon these little ones. We should treasure and greatly esteem them.

Jesus reveals a reason why we should not despise them. The reason He offers is because their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven. Jesus says that these little ones are represented in heaven by their angels. Their angels are always before the face of Jesus’s Father and has His full attention. Nothing that happens to these little ones, including every way someone treats them goes unnoticed or unrequited by God. Therefore, see to it that you do not despise even one of these little ones.

Here it seems highly probable that Jesus refers to literal children having guardian angels, given the context of Jesus’s words. But it could also be that this principle applies to those of lesser station, which is a greatly comforting thought. This would mean that those who the world does not esteem, those who cannot repay us for rendering them service, have such great value that God assigns angels to watch over them. Keeping that in mind might help us change our perspective about who is truly valuable.
I copied these comments from another site.

We should not despise or look down upon these little ones. We should treasure and greatly esteem them.

Jesus reveals a reason why we should not despise them. The reason He offers is because their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven. Jesus says that these little ones are represented in heaven by their angels. Their angels are always before the face of Jesus’s Father and has His full attention. Nothing that happens to these little ones, including every way someone treats them goes unnoticed or unrequited by God. Therefore, see to it that you do not despise even one of these little ones.

Here it seems highly probable that Jesus refers to literal children having guardian angels, given the context of Jesus’s words. But it could also be that this principle applies to those of lesser station, which is a greatly comforting thought. This would mean that those who the world does not esteem, those who cannot repay us for rendering them service, have such great value that God assigns angels to watch over them. Keeping that in mind might help us change our perspective about who is truly valuable.
God's "little ones" can be anyone/"thing" created by God whom you may despise or hold in contempt.

The problem isn't the ",little one" but the one who holds contempt for God's creation

That includes so much more than most here can hear. But I will say it. It includes EVERY Living CREATURE God put under Man's Dominion/stewardship

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