Do homosexuals deserve Hell?

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.
They should go to hell if all the people who ever had sex out of wedlock go to hell, since that is another one of those Biblical tickets to hell.
They have created a "crime" (sin) in the eyes of God. Unless they repent then hell it will be.
We all deserve hell.

The only people who will escape it will be the people who realize that, accept Christ, and repent of their sins to the best of their ability.

Claiming that you aren't sinful isn't an option.

Claiming that you're nice most of the time won't make any difference.

So homosexuals deserve hell if they don't accept Christ, since Christ is the only way that their sins can be redeemed. And that would be true regardless of their sin of choice.
We all deserve hell.

The only people who will escape it will be the people who realize that, accept Christ, and repent of their sins to the best of their ability.

Claiming that you aren't sinful isn't an option.

Claiming that you're nice most of the time won't make any difference.

So homosexuals deserve hell if they don't accept Christ, since Christ is the only way that their sins can be redeemed. And that would be true regardless of their sin of choice.


YOU, of all people, have no room to talk. You've always got your nose in someone else's bedroom window. MYOB
Whether gays deserve hell or not is up to God, not us. We can argue and fight about it, but the final judgement belongs to Him.
They should go to hell if all the people who ever had sex out of wedlock go to hell, since that is another one of those Biblical tickets to hell.

You don't have an assclown avie - meaning your IQ was above 50 and you didn't quality for DUMPSTA membership.

Still, you're far too stupid to grasp what the Bible actually teaches.

Look of "repentance" and see if you can figure it out.
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.

Is this a subject that is really, really important to you?
Hypothetical situation: Two people of the same gender engage in sexual activity. Both are willing to do so and aware of all potential consequences (disease, injury, embarrassment, etc.). No one is affected in any way by this act except the two homosexuals. Have these people committed a crime? If so, please explain how.
I see no Commandment in my Bible saying "Thou Shalt Not Plug Thy Buddy in the Butt, Neither Shalt Thou Take Him Up the Poop Chute".

But, it doesn't appeal to me.

Do what you like.
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

HERE is a proud DUMPSTA member - well below the 50 IQ point requirement!

Bravo Statist.

Leviticus 20:13
Viewing the King James Version. Click to switch to 1611 King James Version of Leviticus 20:13.

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.}

Stupid, and dishonest - that's Statist!
Whether gays deserve hell or not is up to God, not us. We can argue and fight about it, but the final judgement belongs to Him.

Actually, as Christians, we believe every person on the face of the earth deserves hell.
And that drives the anti-Christians nuts, because they realize that in their rejection of Christ lies their damnation.

So they pretend that's us being superior.

We aren't superior. We recognize ourselves as inferior.

God is superior, however. And to deny that is to embrace hell.
Actually, the Torah does not say that homosexuals deserve "hell" at all....

Actually the Torah prohibits homosexuality, a to'evha, punishable by death.

a to'evha means "abomination".

But you are wrong.

The Tanakh does not prohbit homosexuality.

It prohibits two very specific sexual acts that we describe as homosexual.

It does not prohibt thinking homosexual thoughts or having homosexual feelings.

Plus, to very different verbs are used as well. if you want more information, I will provide it, but otherwise, I won't overload the thread.

But just to put this in perspective: there are 613 mitzvoteem (commandments) in the Tanakh, and only two verses deal with anything "gay" at all.

Add to that the fact that Yeshuah (Jesus) was not quoted as having said a single word about anything "gay" is also very telling.

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