Do I have a right to succeed in America?


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief...

...obligated to hand over for government redistribution?


Just wondering... Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.


not much to reply to. straw men are so passe

you do have the right to look and sound like a fool. and you have done so, and I salute you for exercising your freedoms :clap2:
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Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

I really don't know...maybe you should ask the 10% of the population that controls 90% of the nations wealth.

They do not seem to be having too much of a problem
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Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

I think the redistribution of wealth worked really well. The Bush/Republican so called "tax cuts" moved more than 52% of 2.5 TRILLION dollars from the middle class to the top 5% creating the largest redistribution of wealth in history. It's the way the Republicans show their love for the American middle class.
I think the redistribution of wealth worked really well. The Bush/Republican so called "tax cuts" moved more than 52% of 2.5 TRILLION dollars from the middle class to the top 5% creating the largest redistribution of wealth in history. It's the way the Republicans show their love for the American middle class.

On what planet does letting people keep what they earn remove 2.5 Trillion dollars from the middle class? Where did you learn math?
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.
I thought you asking if you have the right to depart from the union or no longer be subject to the authority of the government not about whether or not you have the right to personal success.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

You have the right to succeed and Obama has the right to tax the crap out of you to pay for his healthcare bill and welfare programs.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief...

...obligated to hand over for government redistribution?


Just wondering... Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.


not much to reply to. straw men are so passe

you do have the right to look and sound like a fool. and you have done so, and I salute you for exercising your freedoms :clap2:

the OP obviously has company. :eusa_whistle:
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

I really don't know...maybe you should ask the 10% of the population that controls 90% of the nations wealth.

They do not seem to be having too much of a problem

The only problem that 10% is having is the liberal gov't stealing their wealth to redistribute it amongst the other 90%.....including the 50% who don't pay income taxes. And since 10% of the population pays over 75% of all total taxes anyway, the other 90% should be thankful as our protectors- the police, fire and ems, as well as roadways, are funded by that 10%.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.

No. They are not. I paid more in fed income tax this year than last, and I earned the same. PLUS.........I smoke. And go to tanning beds in the winter along with my girlfriend, because she does fitness competitions. Thus, I am paying higher cigarette taxes for Obama, plus I'm also paying the White Person Beautification Tax, aka, the tanning bed tax. Bush tax cuts expire this year, I'll pay more then. And of course, I'll have higher medicare and medicaid taxes soon because they are going bankrupt.

You leftist zombies are addicted to Obama's kool-aid. I'm embarrassed that my fellow countrymen could become so obsessed and hypnotized by a simple politician.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.

Not if you make more than 250K......Which I dont...and oddly enough, my income is pretty much the same as it was last year...except for that extra whopping 18 bucks a month I got right after the election...and for some reason, this year, my return was about 2 grand less. My accountant said, and I quote..."They always figure out a way to keep screwing you. And you don't even know it till it's over and your wondering why your ass hurts so bad."
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.

Not if you make more than 250K......Which I dont...and oddly enough, my income is pretty much the same as it was last year...except for that extra whopping 18 bucks a month I got right after the election...and for some reason, this year, my return was about 2 grand less. My accountant said, and I quote..."They always figure out a way to keep screwing you. And you don't even know it till it's over and your wondering why your ass hurts so bad."

And here is the saddest part:

A husband makes $150,00 a year.
A wife makes $110,00 a year.
Combined household income is $260,000 a year for a family of four.
Their taxes, under Obama, will go up despite still being upper-middle class and their contributing to a recovering economy.

How can they avoid higher taxes? GET DIVORCED. Then each will not be penalized as they will earn under the magic 250K number. Still live together, still be a family. Just legally divorced.

How's gonna now pay to get divorced. And it will be a penalty for two people making 125K each to marry.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.

Not if you make more than 250K......Which I dont...and oddly enough, my income is pretty much the same as it was last year...except for that extra whopping 18 bucks a month I got right after the election...and for some reason, this year, my return was about 2 grand less. My accountant said, and I quote..."They always figure out a way to keep screwing you. And you don't even know it till it's over and your wondering why your ass hurts so bad."

And here is the saddest part:

A husband makes $150,00 a year.
A wife makes $110,00 a year.
Combined household income is $260,000 a year for a family of four.
Their taxes, under Obama, will go up despite still being upper-middle class and their contributing to a recovering economy.

How can they avoid higher taxes? GET DIVORCED. Then each will not be penalized as they will earn under the magic 250K number. Still live together, still be a family. Just legally divorced.

How's gonna now pay to get divorced. And it will be a penalty for two people making 125K each to marry.


I guess one of them could always go into their boss's office and beg for a demotion....
Not if you make more than 250K......Which I dont...and oddly enough, my income is pretty much the same as it was last year...except for that extra whopping 18 bucks a month I got right after the election...and for some reason, this year, my return was about 2 grand less. My accountant said, and I quote..."They always figure out a way to keep screwing you. And you don't even know it till it's over and your wondering why your ass hurts so bad."

And here is the saddest part:

A husband makes $150,00 a year.
A wife makes $110,00 a year.
Combined household income is $260,000 a year for a family of four.
Their taxes, under Obama, will go up despite still being upper-middle class and their contributing to a recovering economy.

How can they avoid higher taxes? GET DIVORCED. Then each will not be penalized as they will earn under the magic 250K number. Still live together, still be a family. Just legally divorced.

How's gonna now pay to get divorced. And it will be a penalty for two people making 125K each to marry.


I guess one of them could always go into their boss's office and beg for a demotion....

Sadly, there is coming a day in America when you will have a more comfortable lifestlye if you simply work a petty low paying job with few demands and then rely on the government to take care of your needs. Only those with an ounce of pride left will strive to be independent. But, hey, that few people also led us to 1776, so maybe it's a good thing.
Seeing how redistribution of wealth has become such a popular belief in the American left, I had to ask the question: Do I, or a company, have the right to succeed? Seriously. If we follow all the laws in our civil and criminal courts, and still find a way within the law to earn more and live a better lifestyle than leftists believe I even have a right to that success? They seem to want to take it away from me to distribute amongst those I beat out on the way up, legally.

So, lefties, I ask you, how much success am I entitled to, or do I have the right to have, before it is "obscene profits" and to be taken by force from me for redistribution? Can I just write you a check? What percentage of my income is justified for me to keep, and what percentage am I morally obligated to hand over for government redistribution?

Just wondering if they believe I actually have the right to succeed. I mean their savior King Obama told Joe the Plumber it's better for everyone if his hard earned success was taken and shared amongst those who Joe beat out on the way to success. If so, why even bother trying? Just watch others succeed.......then wait for the government to take it from them and share it with all.

Your taxes are lower than ever, genius.

could you link me to the legislation passed since 2008 which lowered taxes.....i was unable to find it.....

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