Do I look cool with this "firm look" and shadow/light effect?

Do I look cool with this "firm look" and shadow/light effect? I did that by looking through the window in the sunshine... and now i look half shadow/ half light on my face

You like a f-king idiot.
Not "like " , but "is" . Until you lose that huge bag of lard , Rottenfuhrer Mortuary, it does not matter what you do .Just look at your cheeks and the start of a second chin .

Do you notice my jaw deformation? Do you remember when I talked about a jaw deformation, surgery and sleep apnoe? But I agree losing weight would help alot with sleep apnoe and with everything else. That is more important than the jaw surgery.

Do I look cool with this "firm look" and shadow/light effect?​

No, I like you much better in your summer hat and evening wear. It give you that 'come hither' look.


I did that by looking through the window in the sunshine...
I didn't know they let people have windows there in Liechtenstein! :shok:
Do I look cool with this "firm look" and shadow/light effect? I did that by looking through the window in the sunshine... and now i look half shadow/ half light on my face

WTF is wrong with you?
Do I look cool with this "firm look" and shadow/light effect? I did that by looking through the window in the sunshine... and now i look half shadow/ half light on my face

Very distinctive look you have there. Looks like you just had an unexpected shart.
Do you notice my jaw deformation? Do you remember when I talked about a jaw deformation, surgery and sleep apnoe? But I agree losing weight would help alot with sleep apnoe and with everything else. That is more important than the jaw surgery.
Walk, Swim, and drop all that food you are eating right now!

I swear what happened to working in the fields or just delivering stuff?
Very distinctive look you have there. Looks like you just had an unexpected shart.
Your attempts at making jokes suck, Mr. Bulldog. You are humorless, dull, and you most likely neglected circumcision. Poor Morty here is a train wreck. He is playing with the photo features on his phone, for fuck's sake, and he looks to be around 40. It is really sad for me to see some knob like you making fun of him. The only way - and I mean the ONLY WAY - making fun of retards is ok is when it is really funny (like saying "this is more fun than watching a couple of kids with Down's Syndrome trying to do algebra"). When Morty posts here it is probably during the 20 minutes each day that the institution lets him walk in the yard and have possession of his phone. The rest of the time he is in pajamas, doped up on psych meds, and playing with his toes. Imaging the burden his family has to carry. And here YOU are, trying to make lame jokes at his expense. You should fucking be ashamed of yourself!

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