Do Lib Dems detest western culture and is an open southern border essential to root out western civilization / culture and to longterm Democrat rule?

That’s a cool feel good theory….Where is TODAYS multiculturalism working? What diverse community, city state or nation is safe, clean, productive, united and ‘America like’?


And there's a crucial distinction between "multi-racial" and "multi-cultural".

Multi-racialism can be absorbed by a free country with no problem - it can even be an asset. (But it's not necessary, as many on the Left obsessively profess.)

Multi-culturalism augurs in the death knell of even the greatest of nations.

Quite simply, a nation's culture is its lifeblood.

You lose the culture, you lose the nation.

Prager is correct regarding judging/judgement which the 'statist left' completely regurgitates when mentioned. This is simply the age old problem associated with pride that leads to arrogance, selfishness, the god complex, narcissism etc.

Prager gets it correct again as the left, ESPECIALLY the statist left are NOT liberals. Originally Liberal typified the likes of Tom Jefferson /Ron Paul types. The term "Liberal" was kidnapped by the comnumalist cult in the early 1900's to confuse the American constituency into thinking that they were voting for a candidate that held Jeffersonian ideology, when in reality the candidate harbored a Marxist(dark side of humanity) ideology. There is a MAJOR difference between CLASSICAL liberal & SOCIAL liberal(see links below).

Fortunately Americans have a choice on which ideology to navigate! Unfortunately the two differing ideologies come with a vastly differing situation regarding eternity. We all have a VIN number called a soul that tells who manufactured the individual & on what date the individual was manufactured. The VIN number also gives a complete readout on the individuals complete performance record during his/her functional lifetime of service(nothing is missed during this inspection). If the service record shows satisfactory performance the individual is rebuilt complete with a certificate of both the rebuild, guarantee of future indefinite quality performance & a modified VIN number. If one fails the inspection their VIN number is discarded & the individual is sent to the scrap yard to await final meltdown. Make sure to follow the map so you don't take the wrong road to eternity as one of the roads is strictly a one way road with no option to turn back around!


Looky…..I found one!

Do you really believe you’ve made a point here. Everybody knows for every one you post there’s 1000 on the taxpayers dime. And so are their kids and their kids kids . On and on for generations.

And there's a crucial distinction between "multi-racial" and "multi-cultural".

Multi-racialism can be absorbed by a free country with no problem - it can even be an asset. (But it's not necessary, as many on the Left obsessively profess.)

Multi-culturalism augurs in the death knell of even the greatest of nations.

Quite simply, a nation's culture is its lifeblood.

You lose the culture, you lose the nation.

That’s the leftists plan . Problem is the vast majority of them are either to dumb or to groomed to figure it out.
Why would those who genuinely care about the future of America want to morph our nation into something unlike the social construct it was built and pillared on?
The US is not all of Western Civilization

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