Do Liberals ever get tired of being wrong, or do they INTENTIONALLY just make shite up...?!

Are you enjoying being wrong?
I'll let you know when I am wrong. In the meantime, why don't YOU tell me how it feels, since you have been wrong on about everything so far... :p

You were wrong to say the judges lied. If you can't figure that out, I can't help you.


The judges never claimed no attacks had come from those countries.
Congratulations - I never said they did. I said the 9th Circus Court decided there was no merit to the case. They obviously believe that they pose no threat, thus their ruling. :p
We have a Second Amendment. 10USC311 is federal law. Why are gun lovers being illegal to federal law, when the security of our free States is involved?
HOW are they 'being illegal to federal law, according to you?
Did you know, nobody takes the right wing seriously about the law or economics?

10USC311 is federal law. There is no, Individual Right in our Second Amendment.
Can YOU spot the 'Widows' and 'Orphans'?

View attachment 112080
, neither.

This is what made even some democrats really pissed off,I know it did me seeing all of these older men coming in while the US said it was women and children...

I see nothing wrong with wanting to protect our borders, but then we need to protect those who are away out of the states re -entering...
10USC311 is federal law. We have a Second Amendment. Why is the right wing, such "big chickens"?
Y'all make it seem, like no "terrorists" came from States with conflicts of interest with our, "Tax Avoider in Chief".
Awwww, precious....... snowflake, here, is butt-hurt and confused, believing paying all the taxes he legally owed is somehow equivalent to NOT paying your taxes, like almost all of Obama's 1st Cabinet Member appointees in 2008. :p
the poor pay taxes; how much in personal federal income tax did our Tax Avoider in Chief, actually pay?
Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia

"Reports published by the CIS have been widely deemed misleading and riddled with basic errors by scholars on immigration; think tanks from across the ideological and political spectrum; media of all stripes; several leading nonpartisan immigration-research organizations; and by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The organization has also drawn criticism for its financial and intellectual ties to extremist racists."

In a post complaining about liberals making shit up, you post a link to a group that makes shit up. Even Alanis Morrisette would correctly find that ironic.
Just national socialist right wing propaganda, like usual.

they keep hoping for their "wunder arguments".
The Government offered no evidence of those attacks during the case itself.
Yeah, imagine that - OBAMA'S / Holder's hand-picked DOJ did not offer any of these cases up in defense of Trump's Ban at the hearing, saying they could not 'find' them.

Can you say 'sabotage'. Were I Sessions / Trump I would clean house, fire just about all of them and hire new people.

So you admit you were lying. Good on ya.
What are you paid to post this constant barrage of bullshit?
lol. the left didn't vote for pander.
So you admit you were lying. Good on ya.
:wtf:are you talking about, snowflake. I admit nothing of the sort, as it is apparent your pea brain is malfunctioning.

It has been proven that 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries since 2001. The DOJ claiming they know nothing about any of these / 'could not FIND' any information on them when CONGRESS HAD THEM, suggests Obama-Loyalists allowed to stay within the DOJ are intentionally sabotaging the Trump administration.

The fact that 72 terrorists from those nations have been convicted here since 2001 shows the 9th (Political) 'Circus' Court was WRONG in its ruling, effectively killing the snowflake's argument about the Ban being 'religious' in nature.
lol. special pleading, like usual for the right wing.
Is *has* been proven? Can you share a link that's not CIS (who has a reputation for misrepresenting facts to make immigration look worse) or a regurgitation site that simply reprints the CIS "article"? Maybe there is, which is why I'm asking for outside verification.
I have posted several links on this issue - feel free to look them up.
so have I; all you have, is special pleading.
Is *has* been proven? Can you share a link that's not CIS (who has a reputation for misrepresenting facts to make immigration look worse) or a regurgitation site that simply reprints the CIS "article"? Maybe there is, which is why I'm asking for outside verification.
I have posted several links on this issue - feel free to look them up.
so have I; all you have, is special pleading.
too lazy?

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