Do Liberals ever get tired of being wrong, or do they INTENTIONALLY just make shite up...?!

Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.
Did you even read the crimes?
"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban
Why did you parrot this lie?

Why do you BEG to be lied to? Why do you start a neverending stream of topics which are based on lies?

Are you on a Parroting Retard Facebook feed or something? Is there a big red firebell above your cot which alerts you to the next lie you are to rush here and parrot?

Why do you continue to parrot web sites which have been shown over and over and over again to have lied to you?

What the fuck is exactly going on with you? Are you a special needs person? If so, let me know, and I will stop kicking you in the nuts for being a parroting retard idiot clueless motherfucking moron dumbass rube.
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

They dont' get tired of it.
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

The Government offered no evidence of those attacks during the case itself.

Could it be because it comes from Bullshit mountain?
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

They dont' get tired of it.
A brainless monkey idiot starts a topic about "making shite up" and then proceeds to copy and paste a "72 convicted terrorists" manufactured lie.

Other brainless monkeys then line up to congratulate and commiserate with the first brainless monkey in their mystification of why there are so many lies being repeated by others.

It is literally not physically possible to laugh as hard and as loud at this collective retardation as it deserves.

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Is *has* been proven? Can you share a link that's not CIS (who has a reputation for misrepresenting facts to make immigration look worse) or a regurgitation site that simply reprints the CIS "article"? Maybe there is, which is why I'm asking for outside verification.
I have posted several links on this issue - feel free to look them up.
I did. You posted 1 link to the Center for Immigration Studies, a group known for making stuff up to make immigrants look bad. I also read their report. They claim to base their findings on a Senate report, but they do not link to it. Their "proof" is a spreadsheet they made which doesn't list anyone's country of origin. In fact, many entries don't even say if a person is a US citizen or not.

I'm asking for any original sources or outside verification of this data. I'm not even saying you're incorrect — yet. I'm just saying that you claim CIS proves it, but that CIS is very biased and unreliable.
Stephen Miller’s claim that 72 from banned countries were implicated in ‘terroristic activity’

"The list does include some people who were convicted of providing material support, such as money or personnel, to groups that are designated as terrorist organizations, such as al-Shabab and al-Qaeda. But it also includes people who were convicted of passport fraud, visa fraud and making fraudulent claims to federal investigators. About two dozen people on this list were not charged with any crimes relating to providing material support to known or suspected terrorist activities or organizations.

Others were believed to be tangentially related to terrorism groups abroad, but did not face terrorism charges. Regardless of the direct or tangential ties that investigators believe each individual may have to terrorist activities, these charges need to be proven in a court of law. Suspected or potential terror links involving these 72 individuals do not confirm Miller’s claim that they were “implicated in terrorist activity.”

Moreover, some people on this list entered the United States — many of them naturalized — decades before they were charged with any of the crimes. That makes Miller’s use of this list to defend Trump’s executive order quite questionable. We award Three Pinocchios."
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

The Government offered no evidence of those attacks during the case itself.
The clueless clowns in the 9th had no idea there were 72 convicted terrorists. They bragged about their stupidity and lack of understanding.
I did. You posted 1 link to the Center for Immigration Studies, a group known for making stuff up to make immigrants look bad.
Wrong, my friend. If you want to know what I believe, what I have posted, and what is out there you have to dig deeper. I was not talking about what I posted in this thread alone. This issue, this discussion, has come up several times on this board, and I have posted in all of them. I have posted links in every one of them - different links, all proving and saying the same things. I gave up a while back trying to go back and find the same links and repost them every time someone new comes along and demands I do so. That's why I say feel free to look back at my posts, do some research yourself.

As they say, 'Give a man a fish....teach a man to fish..'


"making stuff up to make immigrants look bad"

Do you REALLY think there is need to do so?

Terrorism and Immigration: A Risk Analysis

Somalis in America: A Horror Story of Crime, Violence, and Now Terrorism - The New Observer

ISIS finds success infiltrating terrorists into refugee flows to West

STATS: Migrants Committing Disproportionately High Crime In Germany, Media/Govt Focus on 'Far Right' Thought Crimes

Germany's migrant crisis: Refugees committed more than 200,000 crimes last year
--- Only idiots think that can only happen THERE when we have an open border and allow refugees here without proper vetting
I did. You posted 1 link to the Center for Immigration Studies, a group known for making stuff up to make immigrants look bad.
Wrong, my friend. If you want to know what I believe, what I have posted, and what is out there you have to dig deeper. I was not talking about what I posted in this thread alone. This issue, this discussion, has come up several times on this board, and I have posted in all of them. I have posted links in every one of them - different links, all proving and saying the same things. I gave up a while back trying to go back and find the same links and repost them every time someone new comes along and demands I do so. That's why I say feel free to look back at my posts, do some research yourself.

As they say, 'Give a man a fish....teach a man to fish..'


"making stuff up to make immigrants look bad"

Do you REALLY think there is need to do so?

Terrorism and Immigration: A Risk Analysis

Somalis in America: A Horror Story of Crime, Violence, and Now Terrorism - The New Observer

ISIS finds success infiltrating terrorists into refugee flows to West

STATS: Migrants Committing Disproportionately High Crime In Germany, Media/Govt Focus on 'Far Right' Thought Crimes

Germany's migrant crisis: Refugees committed more than 200,000 crimes last year
--- Only idiots think that can only happen THERE when we have an open border and allow refugees here without proper vetting
Who is that kilt wearing MacMuffin a sock for?
Illegal Immigrant Stung Buying Grenade Launcher in South Texas

"BROWNSVILLE, Texas — An illegal immigrant from Mexico has been charged in connection with the attempted purchase of at least one grenade launcher and three AK-47s in Texas; it remains unclear if the weapons were meant for a drug cartel. The grenade launcher was bound for Mexico before the bust."

Evidently this guy missed out on the 'Great Obama gun give-Away' and was forced to come to Texas to try to buy his own....

(It's a JOKE...relax :p)
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

The Government offered no evidence of those attacks during the case itself.
The clueless clowns in the 9th had no idea there were 72 convicted terrorists. They bragged about their stupidity and lack of understanding.

It's not the responsibility of the judges to do the lawyers' work for them.
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

Are you enjoying being wrong?
It's not the responsibility of the judges to do the lawyers' work for them.
But it is the DOJ's job to do their job competently - they did not. It smacks of political partisan sabotage. Fire 'em, clean hose, and get fresh, non-partisan team players who will do their jobs.
Study Proves Judges Wrong — 72 Convicted Terrorists Have Come From Travel-Ban Countries

"At least 72 convicted terrorists since 9/11 have come from the seven countries affected by the Trump administration’s travel ban, according to a new study by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), which reviewed information compiled by a Senate subcommittee in 2016. At least three of the 72 individuals were convicted of using a weapon of mass destruction (WMD). At least 17 of those convicted arrived in the country as refugees."

There is a reason BARAK OBAMA put these countries on this list.

The Government offered no evidence of those attacks during the case itself.
The clueless clowns in the 9th had no idea there were 72 convicted terrorists. They bragged about their stupidity and lack of understanding.

It's not the responsibility of the judges to do the lawyers' work for them.
It was the central point behind halting the temporary restrictions, and why they will be overturned again.
Are you enjoying being wrong?
I'll let you know when I am wrong. In the meantime, why don't YOU tell me how it feels, since you have been wrong on about everything so far... :p

You were wrong to say the judges lied. If you can't figure that out, I can't help you.


The judges ruled there was no merit to the Ban, that immigrants / refugees posed no threat. They clearly do.

Spin it any way you want - ignorance, lawyers failed, etc... What the 9th Circuit Court declared was wrong (as it is reportedly 80% of the time). Desperation, my friend...tie a not at the end of that rope, and hold on. :p
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It's not the responsibility of the judges to do the lawyers' work for them.
But it is the DOJ's job to do their job competently - they did not. It smacks of political partisan sabotage. Fire 'em, clean hose, and get fresh, non-partisan team players who will do their jobs.

The judiciary is not part of the Department of Justice, which is in the executive branch. The judiciary is part of the judicial branch. duh.

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