Do liberals think the economy was worse under bush?


It was called a BUBBLE, for a reason....

OF COURSE it seemed like the whole Nation was doing good, in this BUBBLE...which was destined to POP, and it DID.
Through August 2014, Obama added 4 million more jobs than Bush.

Obama inherited 7.8% unemployment, and it’s now down below 6%.

The worst job creation since 1925 was between 2001 and 2005.

Here are some stats on job creation.
Jobs created during U.S. presidential terms - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Bush was a nightmare. His terribly managed war and his destruction of the housing and financial sectors did long term damage to the country.

Is Obama better? Not by much, but Bush is easily the worst president in the history of the USA - and this is coming from someone whose first presidential vote was cast for his father.

It was called a BUBBLE, for a reason....

OF COURSE it seemed like the whole Nation was doing good, in this BUBBLE...which was destined to POP, and it DID.

Exactly. Bush tried to avoid a recession by pumping money into the economy through a criminally manufactured housing bubble. When our financial institutions ran out of credit-worthy borrowers, they started lending money to people without jobs. They couldn't stop creating mortgages because everyone was making too much money from fees and construction and securities and derivatives. And this is to say nothing about the tsunami of consumer borrowing against fake bubble-equity. GWB didn't stimulate the economy like FDR, with high paying jobs. He stimulated the economy with criminally manufactured credit.

It was a manufactured asset bubble - and the crooks made money on the way up as well as hedging the crash. Then GWB bailed out the bankers and foreclosed on the poor - and their assets were seized and handed back to the banks so they could be sold to the next round of idiots. It was predatory lending at its finest. The deregulatory environment created by the Bush team rewarded crooks. It destroyed the otherwise rational incentive system of capitalism.

The Reagan Revolution started with a promise for fiscal responsibility and small government - and it ended with the greatest financial crimes in over half a century coupled with Soviet-style surveillance. It's not Bush's fault. He was carried away by the movement - and it destroyed a generation of Americans.
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The economy was great under Bush until he got lame ducked by the truther movement.

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