Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?

I have read all kinds of stuff about what IT IS SAID that JOHN THE BAPTIST SAID-----but the stuff seems
to me to be legend. I believe that it is well established that John was a cousin of Jesus----up there in the Galil and seemed to accompany him sometimes. The christian thrust seems to be that John was a ELIJAH DOPPELGANGER which made him
a herald for THE MESSIAH -----seems kinda contrived to me
My take is that both John and Jesus were apocalyptic eschatologists. Jesus started as a follower of John and, when John was killed, Jesus went off on his own with some of John's followers. Both were viewed as threats to Rome and both were executed. All else is window dressing added later.
My take is that both John and Jesus were apocalyptic eschatologists. Jesus started as a follower of John and, when John was killed, Jesus went off on his own with some of John's followers. Both were viewed as threats to Rome and both were executed. All else is window dressing added later.

talk is cheap ...

that's as far as anyone has established any verification the 1st century exemplar was in any way involved with roman politics -- "both were viewed" -- without a single shred of evidence for the latter.

in fact - one was ignored ... at best. not knowing who he was to be arrested.
talk is cheap ...

that's as far as anyone has established any verification the 1st century exemplar was in any way involved with roman politics -- "both were viewed" -- without a single shred of evidence for the latter.

in fact - one was ignored ... at best. not knowing who he was to be arrested.
breezie---you are treading in waters far too deep
for little you. Try reading a few books-----you
not buy them-----little old ladies give them out
in December
breezie---you are treading in waters far too deep
for little you. Try reading a few books-----you
not buy them-----little old ladies give them out
in December

not so rosie -

not one sentence in their books of forgeries and fallacies is there a single involvement between the exemplar and the roman gov't - except of course the forgery - “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” - never spoken, proof being would probably have saved their life - antithetical in every way. the romans would have insured their safety.

your alibi, the money changers is a joke - crumbs for the pigeons. render to caesar - is the same.

"Try reading a few books" - are you joking - the answer is in them as much as their tablets from the heavens, actually existed. ... believers - in what, has nothing to do with religion.
not so rosie -

not one sentence in their books of forgeries and fallacies is there a single involvement between the exemplar and the roman gov't - except of course the forgery - “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.” - never spoken, proof being would probably have saved their life - antithetical in every way. the romans would have insured their safety.

your alibi, the money changers is a joke - crumbs for the pigeons. render to caesar - is the same.

"Try reading a few books" - are you joking - the answer is in them as much as their tablets from the heavens, actually existed. ... believers - in what, has nothing to do with religion.
thank-you for your contribution to the discussion,
What I'm saying is do most Jews agree with the Jesus being crucified? In the religion itself and amongst the jewish population. What do they truly believe?
Jews do not believe he was the Messiah.

Jews do not view practicing Christians and Muslims as sinners. Practicing Christians and Muslims are righteous Noahides.
Jews view practicing Christians and Muslims as righteous Noahides. We view Atheists as sinners.

Sadly, many Christians view Jews as sinners.
Jews view practicing Christians and Muslims as righteous Noahides. We view Atheists as sinners.

Sadly, many Christians view Jews as sinners.


In addition to prohibiting idolatry, the Noahide code also forbids blasphemy, forbidden sexual relationships, murder, theft, and cruelty to animals.

have you found the etched tablets from the heavens and your 10 commandments as well -
When Moses approached the camp and saw the calf and the dancing ...

- do the jewish nohad's prohibit dancing as well ...

have you found the etched tablets from the heavens and your 10 commandments as well -

- do the jewish nohad's prohibit dancing as well ...
no ----dancing is ok-----but not of a lascivious nature
like the Romanesque girl---Salome
no ----dancing is ok-----but not of a lascivious nature
like the Romanesque girl---Salome

rosie, did you miss mary magdalene ... (or worse) - oh, is she not in your book.

would the contract w/ hubby be nul and void if you "digressed" - as a jew or just your marriage.

- and behold, mary and joseph never married never meant to and lived happily everafter - without a contract - by choice.
Or, as a good Jew, he resented the Roman rule of land promised by God to the Jews.
Again, can you cite any passages that Jesus resented the Romans or anything they had done?
The NT might not be accurate on this point. Don't forget the NT is a work of theology not of history.
Then again, it might be accurate. Don't forget, from a Jewish perspective, the NT is a history of the collapse of the age.
Was that Jesus' belief or yours? There is much evidence that Jesus believed the end times were imminent, a common belief at that time.
Both my belief and Jesus'. The tribal peoples' end did indeed come in that generation.
That is true so long as their power was not threatened.
Again, got any verses? No small band of Jewish misfits and their atypical master was going to do anything against the Roman Empire. Hell, a Jewish army couldn't even defend a single city from a Roman legion.
Does anyone understand anything this guy says?

who's that bing - norwegen

* maybe your comprehension is clouded by - desert religion - try a heavenly experience for a change ... can't hurt - in your case, up is all there is.
Or, as a good Jew, he resented the Roman rule of land promised by God to the Jews.

The NT might not be accurate on this point. Don't forget the NT is a work of theology not of history.

Was that Jesus' belief or yours? There is much evidence that Jesus believed the end times were imminent, a common belief at that time.

That is true so long as their power was not threatened.

Jesus knew it was the end of the age. The end of the temple. .. not the end of the world.
Don't forget, from a Jewish perspective, the NT is a history of the collapse of the age.
From the Jewish perspective, the NT means nothing.
Both my belief and Jesus'. The tribal peoples' end did indeed come in that generation.
What “tribal people’s” end are you talking about? If you haven’t noticed, it’s 2,000 years later, and we are still here.
Again, got any verses? No small band of Jewish misfits and their atypical master was going to do anything against the Roman Empire. Hell, a Jewish army couldn't even defend a single city from a Roman legion.

Rome didn’t like Jesus for the same reason leftists don’t like religion: they want the state to be Gd.
From the Jewish perspective, the NT means nothing.

What “tribal people’s” end are you talking about? If you haven’t noticed, it’s 2,000 years later, and we are still here.

Rome didn’t like Jesus for the same reason leftists don’t like religion: they want the state to be Gd.
Your political masters pretend to like Jesus for the same reason the Roman emperor made it the official religion: to control the unwashed masses.
From the Jewish perspective, the NT means nothing.

What “tribal people’s” end are you talking about? If you haven’t noticed, it’s 2,000 years later, and we are still here.

Rome didn’t like Jesus for the same reason leftists don’t like religion: they want the state to be Gd.

The various Jewish factions we're fighting each other and the Romans. They couldn't take on the Roman empire. They were a client state. Jesus didn't take on Rome. He said his kingdom was in heaven.
From the Jewish perspective, the NT means nothing.
Jews wrote the NT. Maybe I should have said, "From a first-century Jewish perspective, the NT was a history of the collapse of the age."

What “tribal people’s” end are you talking about? If you haven’t noticed, it’s 2,000 years later, and we are still here.
What tribes do you think I mean? The twelve tribes of Israel.

What tribe are you? Be honest, now.

Rome didn’t like Jesus for the same reason leftists don’t like religion: they want the state to be Gd.
Except at a local level, the Roman government didn't even know who Jesus was. And the pagan rank-and-file were quite tolerant of Judaism and Christianity.
Jews wrote the NT. Maybe I should have said, "From a first-century Jewish perspective, the NT was a history of the collapse of the age."

What tribes do you think I mean? The twelve tribes of Israel.

What tribe are you? Be honest, now.

Except at a local level, the Roman government didn't even know who Jesus was. And the pagan rank-and-file were quite tolerant of Judaism and Christianity.

True . The Romans didn't give a fig about Jesus.

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