Zone1 Do most Jews believe they killed Jesus?

ignorance and the desert religions go hand in hand ... written for them their inability to read themselves the criminals guide their nefarious agendas that wittingly is endorsed by their then corrupt congregations. both working together in a self serving debauchery they claim to be a religion.

and refer themselves to be special ... to the heavens. .so sad.

... culprets - or its - - oh - - and is the paramount importance to their victims, now they can rest in peace.
OK….I correct myself. There is a big correlation between ignorance/education and bigotry. You demonstrate it with every post.
THE RESPONSE ----a cut and paste from an islamo nazi propaganda site

Herod killed John the Baptist because John was theologically OPPOSED to a ROMAN APPOINTEE

Herod Antipas was never King of Judea. He was a tetrarch assigned to Galilee... Like a minor governor.
Herod Antipas was never King of Judea. He was a tetrarch assigned to Galilee... Like a minor governor.
who was "KING"? at the time----AND does it matter what the Roman appointees CALLED HIM?
Your comments are BEYOND IDIOTIC
OK….I correct myself. There is a big correlation between ignorance/education and bigotry. You demonstrate it with every post.

seems the message is not getting through ... comprehension appears to be the problem.

the 1st century messenger - was murdered, the culprits disguise who drove the nail with who put the hand on the board ... the true criminals at large to the present day.

* hope that helps ...

and for the true prescribed religion of antiquity - from the heavens - the criminals are required by those true followers as those similarly persecuted and victimized - they be brought to justice.

the errant jewish, christian and islamic text's - throughout - to be corrected and their corrupt congregations to be brought to heal.
Not a very convincing argument. I see John the Baptist as an apocalyptic eschatologist, whose message was that "God, very soon, imminently, any moment, is going to descend to eradicate the evil of this world in a sort of an apocalyptic consummation...". His message was viewed as a threat to Rome and was executed like Jesus for exactly the same reasons.
Not a very convincing argument. I see John the Baptist as an apocalyptic eschatologist, whose message was that "God, very soon, imminently, any moment, is going to descend to eradicate the evil of this world in a sort of an apocalyptic consummation...". His message was viewed as a threat to Rome and was executed like Jesus for exactly the same reasons.

The Baptist was beheaded for insulting the wife of Herod Antipas.
Not a very convincing argument. I see John the Baptist as an apocalyptic eschatologist, whose message was that "God, very soon, imminently, any moment, is going to descend to eradicate the evil of this world in a sort of an apocalyptic consummation...". His message was viewed as a threat to Rome and was executed like Jesus for exactly the same reasons.
I have read all kinds of stuff about what IT IS SAID that JOHN THE BAPTIST SAID-----but the stuff seems
to me to be legend. I believe that it is well established that John was a cousin of Jesus----up there in the Galil and seemed to accompany him sometimes. The christian thrust seems to be that John was a ELIJAH DOPPELGANGER which made him
a herald for THE MESSIAH -----seems kinda contrived to me
I have read all kinds of stuff about what IT IS SAID that JOHN THE BAPTIST SAID-----but the stuff seems
to me to be legend. I believe that it is well established that John was a cousin of Jesus----up there in the Galil and seemed to accompany him sometimes. The christian thrust seems to be that John was a ELIJAH DOPPELGANGER which made him
a herald for THE MESSIAH -----seems kinda contrived to me

Yes.. Herod Antipas didn't want to execute John the Baptist.
The Baptist was beheaded for insulting the wife of Herod Antipas.
Yes. Herodias had been married to Herod's brother, Phillip. Under Jewish law it was forbidden for a brother to marry another brother's wife. John noted the marriage was illegal, Herodias was offended, so off with John's head.
Yes. Herodias had been married to Herod's brother, Phillip. Under Jewish law it was forbidden for a brother to marry another brother's wife. John noted the marriage was illegal, Herodias was offended, so off with John's head.
Herod was not concerned with JEWISH LAW----he responded to the fact that John ---like his fellow pharisees had a multitude of reasons to reject Herod as whatever suradie decides to call his official status.
POLITICALLY they were opponents. In jewish law a man cannot marry a divocee? ----your catchism "teacher" lied

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