Do people still think Trump is going to be good for the middle class?

John Shaw

Gold Member
Jul 22, 2017
That he isn't backing big banks and huge corporate interests? All we have to do, really, is take a look at all the deregulation going on with the FCC AND CFPB. That alone is terrifying to me, and makes Roy Moore seem insignificant by comparison. Then look at his cabinet. What do you see? Bankers. Bankers. Everywhere, bankers.

How can anyone still believe that Trump is a man of the people?
Trump is good for everyone if this economy continues as it has this far.

And what makes you think that is his doing and not just a consequence of coincidence and the Obama administration? He hasn't done anything significant in that arena, except make big promises.
Leftists hate corporations and banks.
Leftists love government rule and government checks.
Nuff said.
"Do people still think Trump is going to be good for the middle class?"

Anyone who ever believed that is a fool.
He'll fucking destroy the middle class
1. Taxes our going up for them
2. Less unions to make money
3. Less education as education will be punished because of this stupid bill

Wake the fuck up
He'll fucking destroy the middle class
1. Taxes our going up for them
2. Less unions to make money
3. Less education as education will be punished because of this stupid bill

Wake the fuck up
if he passes his tax reform and adds $1.7 trillion bucks to the national debt he'll be great for middle class americans - they catch he brunt of paying the tab for rich bitches ... be proud uneducated middle class morons that voted for him.
I see this isn't as popular a topic on here as anything bashing Hillary or Obama.

Or Trump, for that matter. .This isn't bashing him; it's a basic observation that he's not staying true to his word in the slightest. In fact, he appears to have dumped a fresh reservoir of sludge into the swamp, if anything.
if he passes his tax reform and adds $1.7 trillion bucks to the national debt he'll be great for middle class americans - they catch he brunt of paying the tab for rich bitches ... be proud uneducated middle class morons that voted for him.
$1.7 trillion over 10 years .... hell of an improvement over the last guy.

Of course, that estimate assumes that there will be no economic growth as a result of the tax reform.
Trump is good for everyone if this economy continues as it has this far.

And what makes you think that is his doing and not just a consequence of coincidence and the Obama administration? He hasn't done anything significant in that arena, except make big promises.


Just so happens that there are millions upon millions of minute occurrences happening every minute that ultimately have a great effect on what comes to pass. Few are predictable and none are the result of any individual or administration.

Unless you have some concrete examples of what he's done with noticeable results, apart from running his mouth and artificially inflating the markets that way.
Trump is good for everyone if this economy continues as it has this far.

And what makes you think that is his doing and not just a consequence of coincidence and the Obama administration? He hasn't done anything significant in that arena, except make big promises.


Just so happens that there are millions upon millions of minute occurrences happening every minute that ultimately have a great effect on what comes to pass. Few are predictable and none are the result of any individual or administration.

Unless you have some concrete examples of what he's done with noticeable results, apart from running his mouth and artificially inflating the markets that way.
Nahhh ... I don't have time to try to educate you, I need to cash in my 401(k) ... you know, the one that's almost doubled in the past year.

We don't need to talk about the investments unleashed by deregulation, or the increased economic activity based on the improved future. We don't need to talk about the cuts in government personnel, or decreased government interference in productivity.

None of that matters .... the only thing that matters is you have latched on to nothing, and tried to discredit success. Take a look at my bank account - or yours - and tell me he hasn't been good for us. You can whine all the way to the bank.
He'll fucking destroy the middle class
1. Taxes our going up for them
2. Less unions to make money
3. Less education as education will be punished because of this stupid bill

Wake the fuck up

Thats some combination.
A gender bender and a buffoon......
He'll fucking destroy the middle class
1. Taxes our going up for them
2. Less unions to make money
3. Less education as education will be punished because of this stupid bill

Wake the fuck up
It seems you have changed your screen name. Care to elaborate?
Trump is good for everyone if this economy continues as it has this far.

And what makes you think that is his doing and not just a consequence of coincidence and the Obama administration? He hasn't done anything significant in that arena, except make big promises.


Just so happens that there are millions upon millions of minute occurrences happening every minute that ultimately have a great effect on what comes to pass. Few are predictable and none are the result of any individual or administration.

Unless you have some concrete examples of what he's done with noticeable results, apart from running his mouth and artificially inflating the markets that way.
Nahhh ... I don't have time to try to educate you, I need to cash in my 401(k) ... you know, the one that's almost doubled in the past year.

We don't need to talk about the investments unleashed by deregulation, or the increased economic activity based on the improved future. We don't need to talk about the cuts in government personnel, or decreased government interference in productivity.

None of that matters .... the only thing that matters is you have latched on to nothing, and tried to discredit success. Take a look at my bank account - or yours - and tell me he hasn't been good for us. You can whine all the way to the bank.

But I don't think you can demonstrate how Trump is actually responsible for anything.

And when the bubble pops ... then we'll see who he blames next.
Middle class taxes are going to rise and the savings will be minimal. Why won't they drop the middle class tax rate a lot more than proposed? Like double the rate cut?
Trump is good for everyone if this economy continues as it has this far.

And what makes you think that is his doing and not just a consequence of coincidence and the Obama administration? He hasn't done anything significant in that arena, except make big promises.


Just so happens that there are millions upon millions of minute occurrences happening every minute that ultimately have a great effect on what comes to pass. Few are predictable and none are the result of any individual or administration.

Unless you have some concrete examples of what he's done with noticeable results, apart from running his mouth and artificially inflating the markets that way.
Nahhh ... I don't have time to try to educate you, I need to cash in my 401(k) ... you know, the one that's almost doubled in the past year.

We don't need to talk about the investments unleashed by deregulation, or the increased economic activity based on the improved future. We don't need to talk about the cuts in government personnel, or decreased government interference in productivity.

None of that matters .... the only thing that matters is you have latched on to nothing, and tried to discredit success. Take a look at my bank account - or yours - and tell me he hasn't been good for us. You can whine all the way to the bank.

But I don't think you can demonstrate how Trump is actually responsible for anything.

And when the bubble pops ... then we'll see who he blames next.
Your view indicates a lack of understanding ....

The economy runs on perception. Any good businessman tries to forecast the future - he isn't worried about today - it is what it is - but he IS worried about the future, and how best he can position his company to take advantage of future trends.

Managers produce today's product ... businessmen strategize for the future. That single difference is probably the biggest reason that most companies fail on start-up ----- the guy running it knows how to produce his product, he just doesn't know how to predict, and anticipate, the future.

We have watched the stock market rise 7,000 points in a year - an astronomical increase. That increase is all based on perception - what is likely to happen in the future (not what is happening today). It is no coincidence that the market skyrocketed after Trump's election - and even before he took office. He was perceived as a pro-business president that would ease government regulation, and lower onerous taxes.

Trump's presence is the cause of that - when coupled with his deregulation efforts and commitment to tax reform - is what makes businessmen feel confident about the future. It's why we have seen an increase in manufacturing, as well as other business areas. It's why we have seen the increase in the financial business area. It's why the GDP is growing at 3% - a level most economists believed we'd never see again. It's why there are more jobs - more contracts - more business.

Give him credit - or don't - it doesn't matter. The fact remains - his presence - and his vision - has generated an economic boom. Your choice is simple - take advantage of it, or sit and whine that he doesn't deserve credit for it.

For me? I'm headed to the bank in the morning.

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