Do "ready, Fire, Aim!" Republicans Realize How Badly Obama Just Embarrassed Them?


Looks important!
Syria to U.S. Don t repeat fiasco in Iraq with ISIS -

Do you believe it? Syria saying don't repeat the GOP "fiasco" in Iraq?

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Oh, the guy can't "lead".

Take a look at the "coalition of the willing" Bush and the GOP put together:


WHAT THE FUCK?????????

That's not a list of "the willing". Where are the Arabs???? In fact, it looks like the list of countries we give "foreign aid" to. No wonder some of them sent 2 or 3 troops.

This isn't called "leading from behind". It's called "taking the lead". And it takes longer. Why? Because it's common sense.

Oh these Republicans.


I don't understand why people like you, even post stuff like this.

Childish insults, unsupported opinion, very little real fact, and your interpretation of what little facts you have.

What was the point? Were you expecting us to debate the substance of your post.... which doesn't exist?

So of course, I just waded through 3 pages of people mocking your stupidity.... and what else did you expect?

It doesn't make sense. I guess some of you leftists have no intention of debating anything, you just liked being insulted and mocked by everyone else.
Hey's "ready - aim - fire" would make a pathetic soldier. . :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

I was in Headquarters Battery S2 in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and graduated from Fort Sill as an 82C (Forward Observer)
ya dumb fucking shit.

For Republicans it's "Ready, FIRE, Aim!!! because they want to drop bombs on, on, on, fuck, they don't don't know WHO they want to drop bombs on. That was the point, tard. When they were passing out brains, you should have stayed in line instead of going to look at the pretty sparkle.

No wonder you can't debate right wingers. They don't even know when they are being "mocked".
What happened idiot, too much smoking weed and gun powder turn your brains to mush?
Hey's "ready - aim - fire" would make a pathetic soldier. . :cuckoo: . :lol: :lol:

I was in Headquarters Battery S2 in the 3rd Battalion, 16th Field Artillery, 8th Infantry Division and graduated from Fort Sill as an 82C (Forward Observer)
ya dumb fucking shit.

For Republicans it's "Ready, FIRE, Aim!!! because they want to drop bombs on, on, on, fuck, they don't don't know WHO they want to drop bombs on. That was the point, tard. When they were passing out brains, you should have stayed in line instead of going to look at the pretty sparkle.

No wonder you can't debate right wingers. They don't even know when they are being "mocked".

Cheney fired before he aimed and he was the one telling bush what to do. Those were scary times. Nice to have an adult in the white house the last few years.
The only adult in the WH these days is the cook.
obama sure has struck fear into isis. They are so afraid they shot a bunch of Iraqis after forcing them to dig their own graves, used poison gas on another 300 and beheaded the Frenchman.

They sure are afraid of obama allright. Obambam will have their surrender any day.
The last dying gasps of the few remaining Orgasmic ObamaBots and Failed Messiah Brownnosers?

How gauche.

He's just following a Hollywood tradition, in the old cowboy movies of the 50's, 99% of the time the bad guy ALWAYS wore a black hat....just saying!






But it was the Great Ones who could always pull off that 1%.

I said 99% of the time in COWBOY do have a problem with comprehension!

BYW asshole, Yul Brenner played a BAD GUY in that movie!
In the Magnificent Seven Yule was a bad guy? You sure about that?


He's just following a Hollywood tradition, in the old cowboy movies of the 50's, 99% of the time the bad guy ALWAYS wore a black hat....just saying!






But it was the Great Ones who could always pull off that 1%.

I said 99% of the time in COWBOY do have a problem with comprehension!

BYW asshole, Yul Brenner played a BAD GUY in that movie!
In the Magnificent Seven Yule was a bad guy? You sure about that?


Yes, I'm sure of it!

Syria to U.S. Don t repeat fiasco in Iraq with ISIS -

Do you believe it? Syria saying don't repeat the GOP "fiasco" in Iraq?

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Oh, the guy can't "lead".

Take a look at the "coalition of the willing" Bush and the GOP put together:


WHAT THE FUCK?????????

That's not a list of "the willing". Where are the Arabs???? In fact, it looks like the list of countries we give "foreign aid" to. No wonder some of them sent 2 or 3 troops.

This isn't called "leading from behind". It's called "taking the lead". And it takes longer. Why? Because it's common sense.

Oh these Republicans.


I don't understand why people like you, even post stuff like this.

Childish insults, unsupported opinion, very little real fact, and your interpretation of what little facts you have.

What was the point? Were you expecting us to debate the substance of your post.... which doesn't exist?

So of course, I just waded through 3 pages of people mocking your stupidity.... and what else did you expect?

It doesn't make sense. I guess some of you leftists have no intention of debating anything, you just liked being insulted and mocked by everyone else.

I posted the list of Bush's so called coalition. With out the carrot of US Foreign Aid, he would have had only a third of those countries. And some of them only sent two or three troops. Those are facts. Worse, how many of them were Arab countries? None? One? You know why don't you? Because they didn't see Saddam as the threat Republicans turned him in to.
Bush wasn't seen as a liberator. He was seen as a war criminal by the majority of those living in the Middle East and deservedly so.

Obama on the other hand, the guy your kind insists is leading from the rear, actually put together the kind of coalition that Bush should have put together after that horrible attack we call 9/11. How can you not see something so terribly obvious.

What is it you want to debate? You know that your kind will say things like "Oh, you must have love Saddam. Look at how you protect him". That's about as honest as Republicans loving North Korean dictators since they were afraid of Saddam with a nuclear weapon he was never capable of creating, but totally ignored North Korea developing both nuclear weapons and long range missiles. How tarded is that????

And look at the people mocking me? The very same people who mock science and common sense and believe the US had "won" Iraq but Obama let it go. People so damn stupid, they don't understand why US troops couldn't stay there without protections from Iraqi prosecution. And that's really stupid.

The real problem is that Republicans on the USMB can't debate. As soon as they reveal their positions on anything, they turn around a second later and deny they ever said that. This is the Republicans: Blocking the BP investigation? No we didn't. Let him die? We didn't say that. The Iraqi war is the fault of the Democrats for not stopping us. Obama extended the Bush tax cuts, he must have loved them. We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that was Obama's caused the downgrade.
In fact, the only thing Republicans take credit for was taking out Bin Laden. They guy they let go and stopped looking for. They cling to the idea that it was GOP torture that led to the location of Bin Laden. Something proven false again and again.

So go ahead, try to "school me". You only make me laugh at you. If you want a serious response, have a serious policy. Not "trickle down" "young earth" "education is for snobs" and all the bull shit positions that Republicans hold on to at the USMB.

This is Obama's Middle Eastern coalition:

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates

This was Bush's coalition:


Which coalition has the most people actually living in the Middle East?

Which coalition has the most people living off American Foreign Aid?

Guess which coalition Republicans think is "stupid:
you tell em Dean....those dam Republicans.....


I notice you didn't answer any of the three questions. Why?
why should i?.....i asked you the same question twice in another thread you started and you just did your usual dancing around it......

Shut the fuck up. When I asked you what questions you are talking about, you say "SEE?". Who gives a flying fart what you ask? There is no real debate with you because you don't know enough about anything. And you've been spoon fed too much propaganda and you have no original thought.

Worse, you are so narcissistic, you think I remember your threads? If you want an answer to a question, repeat the question. Don't say stupid shit like how come you didn't answer my question from last month?

But I like Steve. He's actually been in a number of movies.

When I asked you what questions you are talking about, you say "SEE?"

you never asked me....SEE....

And you've been spoon fed too much propaganda and you have no original thought.
you should talk.....i do something you never do....question what im told or sure as hell dont....only if a Republican says something otherwise you just go with what ever your fucking party tells you....

If you want an answer to a question, repeat the question.

i did twice in the same thread ....

Don't say stupid shit like how come you didn't answer my question from last month?

it was a couple of days ago dipshit....your problem Dean is you dont like it when someone questions your any more crap to ask so i can prove what asshole you are? i have told you aint fooling anyone.....90% of the people here know exactly what kind of a rodent you are.....


He's just following a Hollywood tradition, in the old cowboy movies of the 50's, 99% of the time the bad guy ALWAYS wore a black hat....just saying!






But it was the Great Ones who could always pull off that 1%.

I said 99% of the time in COWBOY do have a problem with comprehension!

BYW asshole, Yul Brenner played a BAD GUY in that movie!
In the Magnificent Seven Yule was a bad guy? You sure about that?


Yes, I'm sure of it!

He didn't play a guy in West World. He played a Robot. And look at the picture I posted. He was young. West World came out many years later in his career after M7. Just give up.
Now, make John Wayne a bad guy.
Syria to U.S. Don t repeat fiasco in Iraq with ISIS -

Do you believe it? Syria saying don't repeat the GOP "fiasco" in Iraq?

Middle East countries sign up to Obama s coalition against Isis World news

A day after Obama told the US public that the latest war in the skies above Iraq will soon cross the border into Syria, he received a major diplomatic boost from the leaders of Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates – who pledged to “stand united” against “the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant.”


Oh, the guy can't "lead".

Take a look at the "coalition of the willing" Bush and the GOP put together:


WHAT THE FUCK?????????

That's not a list of "the willing". Where are the Arabs???? In fact, it looks like the list of countries we give "foreign aid" to. No wonder some of them sent 2 or 3 troops.

This isn't called "leading from behind". It's called "taking the lead". And it takes longer. Why? Because it's common sense.

Oh these Republicans.


I don't understand why people like you, even post stuff like this.

Childish insults, unsupported opinion, very little real fact, and your interpretation of what little facts you have.

What was the point? Were you expecting us to debate the substance of your post.... which doesn't exist?

So of course, I just waded through 3 pages of people mocking your stupidity.... and what else did you expect?

It doesn't make sense. I guess some of you leftists have no intention of debating anything, you just liked being insulted and mocked by everyone else.

Dean gets mocked more than anyone here....that started after his first month here.....everyone thought he was kidding at first.....but hey he spins and dances good.....

This is Obama's Middle Eastern coalition:

Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and the Gulf Cooperation Council - an alliance of the Sunni Arab Gulf nations, including Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates

This was Bush's coalition:


Which coalition has the most people actually living in the Middle East?

Which coalition has the most people living off American Foreign Aid?

Guess which coalition Republicans think is "stupid:
you tell em Dean....those dam Republicans.....


I notice you didn't answer any of the three questions. Why?
why should i?.....i asked you the same question twice in another thread you started and you just did your usual dancing around it......

Shut the fuck up. When I asked you what questions you are talking about, you say "SEE?". Who gives a flying fart what you ask? There is no real debate with you because you don't know enough about anything. And you've been spoon fed too much propaganda and you have no original thought.

Worse, you are so narcissistic, you think I remember your threads? If you want an answer to a question, repeat the question. Don't say stupid shit like how come you didn't answer my question from last month?

But I like Steve. He's actually been in a number of movies.

When I asked you what questions you are talking about, you say "SEE?"

you never asked me....SEE....

And you've been spoon fed too much propaganda and you have no original thought.
you should talk.....i do something you never do....question what im told or sure as hell dont....only if a Republican says something otherwise you just go with what ever your fucking party tells you....

If you want an answer to a question, repeat the question.

i did twice in the same thread ....

Don't say stupid shit like how come you didn't answer my question from last month?

it was a couple of days ago dipshit....your problem Dean is you dont like it when someone questions your any more crap to ask so i can prove what asshole you are? i have told you aint fooling anyone.....90% of the people here know exactly what kind of a rodent you are.....

it was a couple of days ago

Like I said. I don't memorize your posts.

One of the truly irksome things about USMB Republicans is this delusional idea that they are asking serious questions. They will say something like: Why does Obama love terrorists and then expect a "serious" answer.:night:
He's just following a Hollywood tradition, in the old cowboy movies of the 50's, 99% of the time the bad guy ALWAYS wore a black hat....just saying!






But it was the Great Ones who could always pull off that 1%.

I said 99% of the time in COWBOY do have a problem with comprehension!

BYW asshole, Yul Brenner played a BAD GUY in that movie!
In the Magnificent Seven Yule was a bad guy? You sure about that?


Yes, I'm sure of it!

He didn't play a guy in West World. He played a Robot. And look at the picture I posted. He was young. West World came out many years later in his career after M7. Just give up.
Now, make John Wayne a bad guy.

ROTFLMFAO.....OCD much little fella? :banghead::banghead::banghead::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

John Wayne DID play some MEAN parts in movies, OCDBoy

Did John Wayne ever play a bad guy
rdean you are beyond stupid. You've listed the coalition that includes Sunni states that want to overthrow Assad.

These are Arab nations who have been funding and or supporting directly or indirectly the paid mercenaries and terrorists errrrrrrrrrrrrr rebels to take Assad out.


It's a no brainer they want to help bomb the shit out of Syria.

Oh and by wiping out the oil fields Saudi Arabia and others can help drive up the price of oil. It's been steadily dropping. SA as a matter of fact just recently cut production to drive the price back up.

So it's a two for one deal. Too funny you fool. You really do believe your own bullshit.

Here ya go sparky! They not only support the opposition to Assad, but they house them as well.

"A new opposition umbrella group — the National Coalition for Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces — was formed in November 2012 and has gained recognition as the "legitimate representative of the Syrian people" by the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (CCASG) and as a "representative of aspirations of Syrian people" by the Arab League."

Syrian opposition - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Oh and looky looky....:lmao:Saudi Arabia/Qatar/Turkey sending weapons. Syrian Muslim Brotherhood smuggling them in to the terrorists errrrrr rebels.

C.I.A. Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition
Published: June 21, 2012 314 Comments

WASHINGTON — A small number of C.I.A. officers are operating secretly in southern Turkey, helping allies decide which Syrian opposition fighters across the border will receive arms to fight the Syrian government, according to American officials and Arab intelligence officers.

The weapons, including automatic rifles, rocket-propelled grenades, ammunition and some antitank weapons, are being funneled mostly across the Turkish border by way of a shadowy network of intermediaries including Syria’s Muslim Brotherhood and paid for by Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar, the officials said.

The C.I.A. officers have been in southern Turkey for several weeks, in part to help keep weapons out of the hands of fighters allied with Al Qaeda or other terrorist groups, one senior American official said. The Obama administration has said it is not providing arms to the rebels, but it has also acknowledged that Syria’s neighbors would do so.

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