Do republican voters actually believe cutting taxes and deregulation will magically solve...

Just explain how I am wrong about GOP economic policy being a failure

You aren't actually arguing that the post 1998 GOP has the same economic policy as the pre 1998 GOP, are you???

Gosh, they are 180 degrees different. The "pre" was against spending. The "post" is 100% for it....
Low taxes/regulation means happy families...

Yup, you are arguing that, that spending doesn't matter.

Funny, when taxes and spending were both cut in the 1990s, the US prospered.

When W cut taxes and massively increased spending, the US went off a cliff...
Lefties have to define "deregulation" before they criticize it. Regulations will exist in every part of the economic field for as long as people are invested in commerce. What "deregulation" are lefties speaking about or are they just parroting ignorant blogs that have no idea either? Everyone hates taxes. Why do lefties love them when a republican is in office?
So you admit GOP economic policy is a failure?
So you admit Democratic economic policy is a failure?
Boy, you just wonder about these guys. Again, history has shown that every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by strong economic growth and by an increase in federal revenue:

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

What the government chooses to do with the extra revenue and whether or not the government lives within its means during good times are separate issues.
lol so why did we have a mega recession in 2008 after the huge Bush tax cuts?
...any economic problem?
Considering it has been proven numerous times, and that I've explained to you why, that fewer regulations cause the economy to run more efficiently, especially considering that regulations EXIST to prevent a business from running optimally.

What's funny is believing that the government, an organization filled with random people, 'magically' knows how to run a business, yet does not attempt to do so without force and coercion from within the government.

If corporate profits and worker productivity are already so high, why are wages so behind on the cost of living? How would cutting taxes and deregulation fix that?
Because this problem is caused by regulations in the first place. The entire reason our currency is so unstable in the first place is because the government replaced it with an unsustainable fiat currency, and attempts to determine what jobs are worth what payment, without having any experience in that field in the first place.

Also because cutting business taxes would allow small business to actually form and compete with the corporations who are lobbying the government for MORE taxes and regulations to prevent this from happening.

How would these solutions make healthcare more affordable?
Because government intervention is what caused Healthcare to become expensive in the first place, by limiting them to areas rather than allowing free competition. Deregulating them would force them to compete with other companies, forcing them to lower prices and accept more customers.
How would these solutions fix our crumbling infrastructure?
Our infrastructure is crumbling because the government is a monopoly on it, despite having no money or resources itself without stealing them or overpaying. If it were left to private industry, this wouldn't be a problem.

You'll notice the government is usually busy replacing roads which have no problems, instead of working on roads which are falling apart. The government also tends to pay too much and mis-allocate resources.

In the event of a recession like the one in 2008, how would the GOP stop the economy from losing 800,000 jobs per month?
The recession in 2008 resulted from the government using regulation to force banks to hand out loans more easily. This of, of course, is another case of the government believing they know how to run businesses better than business owners.
How would these solutions keep businesses from replacing human jobs with automation?

How could we ensure future generations can retire?
I already explained that the nature of the market is for some jobs to become obsolete, and for others to replace them. As automation becomes more common, there would need to be people who service those machines, streamline designs, and program them. There would also need to be people who make better models of these machines. Using the government to prevent this from happening only prevents the market from moving forward. Yet another reason the government cannot be trusted to regulate the market.

Furthermore, people would be able to retire if the government weren't stealing so much of their money to fund itself and the over 800(?) government agencies we don't need.

In short, all things I've already explained to you, which you ignored because it doesn't fit into the agenda of the Church of the Omnipotent State.
Lefties have to define "deregulation" before they criticize it. Regulations will exist in every part of the economic field for as long as people are invested in commerce. What "deregulation" are lefties speaking about or are they just parroting ignorant blogs that have no idea either? Everyone hates taxes. Why do lefties love them when a republican is in office?
So you admit GOP economic policy is a failure?
So you admit Democratic economic policy is a failure?
Boy, you just wonder about these guys. Again, history has shown that every major tax cut since the early 1900s has been followed by strong economic growth and by an increase in federal revenue:

The Facts About Tax Cuts, Revenue, and Growth

What the government chooses to do with the extra revenue and whether or not the government lives within its means during good times are separate issues.
lol so why did we have a mega recession in 2008 after the huge Bush tax cuts?
I'm not a neo-Con, but I'm not in favor of a welfare nation either.
GW opened our borders to Illegals, Business Visas and Off-Shoring and concealed it all by borrowing from China and other nations.
He was the worst President ever.
so why did we have a mega recession in 2008 after the huge Bush tax cuts?

It is pathetic that the current supporters of the GOP cannot admit that the post 1998 GOP is as bad or worse than the Dems on the one variable most responsible for the well being of the US = government spending.

W spent and spent and spent, socialized senior drugs, flushed a trillion dollars into public education without getting one single voucher etc...

W was not at all conservative. Cutting taxes and massively increasing spending is a recipe for disaster, and W proved that. So far, none of the current GOP supporters seem to have noticed that at all...
so why did we have a mega recession in 2008 after the huge Bush tax cuts?

It is pathetic that the current supporters of the GOP cannot admit that the post 1998 GOP is as bad or worse than the Dems on the one variable most responsible for the well being of the US = government spending.

W spent and spent and spent, socialized senior drugs, flushed a trillion dollars into public education without getting one single voucher etc...

W was not at all conservative. Cutting taxes and massively increasing spending is a recipe for disaster, and W proved that. So far, none of the current GOP supporters seem to have noticed that at all...
Who supports the GOP?
I wish Trump would campaign against them the way he did when he was running for President.
The entire reason our currency is so unstable in the first place is because the government replaced it with an unsustainable fiat currency, and attempts to determine what jobs are worth what payment, without having any experience in that field in the first place.

Pumpkin, the value of our CURRENCY is a proxy on the SOLVENCY of that which issues it. When we run a SURPLUS, our currency is strong and stable. When we run up $16 trillion in debt in 16 years, the PERIOD OF AMERICAN WO, the currency suffers accordingly.

Regulation matters, but is 1/100th the problem of TOO MUCH SPENDING by too many 911 traitors in office who do not care about the United States at all.
The entire reason our currency is so unstable in the first place is because the government replaced it with an unsustainable fiat currency, and attempts to determine what jobs are worth what payment, without having any experience in that field in the first place.

Pumpkin, the value of our CURRENCY is a proxy on the SOLVENCY of that which issues it. When we run a SURPLUS, our currency is strong and stable. When we run up $16 trillion in debt in 16 years, the PERIOD OF AMERICAN WO, the currency suffers accordingly.

Regulation matters, but is 1/100th the problem of TOO MUCH SPENDING by too many 911 traitors in office who do not care about the United States at all.
If it wasn't a fiat currency in the first place, it wouldn't have lost 80% of its value by now. You are right that it's only a part of the massive problem that is the government in general, but the government wouldn't be able to abuse it so easily if they couldn't inflate it constantly.

The government changed our currency to a fiat one in order to enable easier manipulation. The creation of the Fiat currency also resulted in the Great Depression.

You can tell Fiat currency is a bad thing by the government's response to Bitcoin:

Second video briefly touches on the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank and why is was created.
...any economic problem?
Considering it has been proven numerous times, and that I've explained to you why, that fewer regulations cause the economy to run more efficiently, especially considering that regulations EXIST to prevent a business from running optimally.

What's funny is believing that the government, an organization filled with random people, 'magically' knows how to run a business, yet does not attempt to do so without force and coercion from within the government.

If corporate profits and worker productivity are already so high, why are wages so behind on the cost of living? How would cutting taxes and deregulation fix that?
Because this problem is caused by regulations in the first place. The entire reason our currency is so unstable in the first place is because the government replaced it with an unsustainable fiat currency, and attempts to determine what jobs are worth what payment, without having any experience in that field in the first place.

Also because cutting business taxes would allow small business to actually form and compete with the corporations who are lobbying the government for MORE taxes and regulations to prevent this from happening.

How would these solutions make healthcare more affordable?
Because government intervention is what caused Healthcare to become expensive in the first place, by limiting them to areas rather than allowing free competition. Deregulating them would force them to compete with other companies, forcing them to lower prices and accept more customers.
How would these solutions fix our crumbling infrastructure?
Our infrastructure is crumbling because the government is a monopoly on it, despite having no money or resources itself without stealing them or overpaying. If it were left to private industry, this wouldn't be a problem.

You'll notice the government is usually busy replacing roads which have no problems, instead of working on roads which are falling apart. The government also tends to pay too much and mis-allocate resources.

In the event of a recession like the one in 2008, how would the GOP stop the economy from losing 800,000 jobs per month?
The recession in 2008 resulted from the government using regulation to force banks to hand out loans more easily. This of, of course, is another case of the government believing they know how to run businesses better than business owners.
How would these solutions keep businesses from replacing human jobs with automation?

How could we ensure future generations can retire?
I already explained that the nature of the market is for some jobs to become obsolete, and for others to replace them. As automation becomes more common, there would need to be people who service those machines, streamline designs, and program them. There would also need to be people who make better models of these machines. Using the government to prevent this from happening only prevents the market from moving forward. Yet another reason the government cannot be trusted to regulate the market.

Furthermore, people would be able to retire if the government weren't stealing so much of their money to fund itself and the over 800(?) government agencies we don't need.

In short, all things I've already explained to you, which you ignored because it doesn't fit into the agenda of the Church of the Omnipotent State.
Your entire logic is around deregulation just creating this utopian economy based on no facts. You also somehow assume automation will just figure itself out. What you’re saying is pure conjecture.

Okay so we deregulate the economy which is a terrible idea on its own (god forbid we don’t allow companies dump their waste into bodies of water! Pesky regulations!). We also cut taxes dramatically (thus exploding the deficit further). Corporations would make more money, yes. No argument there. But because corporate profits are already at an all time high, where is their incentive to invest in a stronger labor force when it’s just easier to keep the money they save? They have been doing this for the last couple of decades.
...any economic problem?
Considering it has been proven numerous times, and that I've explained to you why, that fewer regulations cause the economy to run more efficiently, especially considering that regulations EXIST to prevent a business from running optimally.

What's funny is believing that the government, an organization filled with random people, 'magically' knows how to run a business, yet does not attempt to do so without force and coercion from within the government.

If corporate profits and worker productivity are already so high, why are wages so behind on the cost of living? How would cutting taxes and deregulation fix that?
Because this problem is caused by regulations in the first place. The entire reason our currency is so unstable in the first place is because the government replaced it with an unsustainable fiat currency, and attempts to determine what jobs are worth what payment, without having any experience in that field in the first place.

Also because cutting business taxes would allow small business to actually form and compete with the corporations who are lobbying the government for MORE taxes and regulations to prevent this from happening.

How would these solutions make healthcare more affordable?
Because government intervention is what caused Healthcare to become expensive in the first place, by limiting them to areas rather than allowing free competition. Deregulating them would force them to compete with other companies, forcing them to lower prices and accept more customers.
How would these solutions fix our crumbling infrastructure?
Our infrastructure is crumbling because the government is a monopoly on it, despite having no money or resources itself without stealing them or overpaying. If it were left to private industry, this wouldn't be a problem.

You'll notice the government is usually busy replacing roads which have no problems, instead of working on roads which are falling apart. The government also tends to pay too much and mis-allocate resources.

In the event of a recession like the one in 2008, how would the GOP stop the economy from losing 800,000 jobs per month?
The recession in 2008 resulted from the government using regulation to force banks to hand out loans more easily. This of, of course, is another case of the government believing they know how to run businesses better than business owners.
How would these solutions keep businesses from replacing human jobs with automation?

How could we ensure future generations can retire?
I already explained that the nature of the market is for some jobs to become obsolete, and for others to replace them. As automation becomes more common, there would need to be people who service those machines, streamline designs, and program them. There would also need to be people who make better models of these machines. Using the government to prevent this from happening only prevents the market from moving forward. Yet another reason the government cannot be trusted to regulate the market.

Furthermore, people would be able to retire if the government weren't stealing so much of their money to fund itself and the over 800(?) government agencies we don't need.

In short, all things I've already explained to you, which you ignored because it doesn't fit into the agenda of the Church of the Omnipotent State.
Your entire logic is around deregulation just creating this utopian economy based on no facts. You also somehow assume automation will just figure itself out. What you’re saying is pure conjecture.

Okay so we deregulate the economy which is a terrible idea on its own (god forbid we don’t allow companies dump their waste into bodies of water! Pesky regulations!). We also cut taxes dramatically (thus exploding the deficit further). Corporations would make more money, yes. No argument there. But because corporate profits are already at an all time high, where is their incentive to invest in a stronger labor force when it’s just easier to keep the money they save? They have been doing this for the last couple of decades.
Based on no facts? No, based on the fact that more economic freedom creates better economies, consistently, around the world, and based on the facts I have cited NUMEROUS times already, directly to you, that regulations are responsible for every economic problem. I even explained in detail regarding each and every part, and you've never done anything to refute it. I also explained how regulations promote monopolies, AND pointed out that corporations lobby for more, which makes it even more obvious that it benefits them.

The government is a much worse offender than any company, and government regulations don't prevent it in the first place, only causes the companies, who have no incentive to do it anyway beyond cutting costs because of regulations in the first place, it only causes them to do it secretly. Besides, the government doesn't care about the environment, only taxing the businesses off of the changes they have to make because of regulations, and helping along those lobbying for these regulations.

We wouldn't have a massive deficit if the government wasn't rewarded for spending their entire budget by getting a bigger one, and there weren't so many agencies, and they weren't spending the money they steal on welfare programs, and they weren't sending money overseas, and economic illiterates weren't attempting to use the government as a legitimate means of production. Not to mention said economic illiterates also using the government to create an unsustainable ponzi scheme through the Social Security program.

If they don't put the money they save back into the economy, they won't make any more by investing it into expanding. This, of course, would also be made more efficient if the government wasn't preventing businesses from being created to oppose these corporations that they're trying to make into monopolies using regulations. Did you know Facebook and EA Games are subsidized? I wonder why that is.
“Do republican voters actually believe cutting taxes and deregulation will magically solve any economic problem?”

Republican voters believe in all manner of ridiculous, wrongheaded things – including failed conservative economic dogma.

Cutting taxes only enriches corporations and their investors, nothing ‘trickles down,’ solving no economic problems.

And the same is true of deregulation; cost savings to corporations only increases corporate profits – no new jobs are created, workers realize no increase in wages. Deregulation results in only environmental degradation, an unsafe workplace for employees, and poor-quality goods and services for consumers; and in some cases goods and services that are dangerous to consumers.
...any economic problem?

If corporate profits and worker productivity are already so high, why are wages so behind on the cost of living? How would cutting taxes and deregulation fix that?

How would these solutions make healthcare more affordable?

How would these solutions fix our crumbling infrastructure?

In the event of a recession like the one in 2008, how would the GOP stop the economy from losing 800,000 jobs per month?

How would these solutions keep businesses from replacing human jobs with automation?

How could we ensure future generations can retire?
The folks on Wall street are liking what the economy is doing asshole.
What did Bonobo do with the eight trillion bucks he added to the US debt?
Don't answer. He accomplished fuck all.
Billy000 said:
If corporate profits a'nd worker productivity are already so high, why are wages so behind on the cost of living?
Mass Immigration Of Nobodies In Particular
Driving And Holding Wages Down
Driving Up Health Costs & Closing Hospitals
Out Of Their Inability To Pay Their Bills
Flooding Social Services With People That Don't Even Belong Here
That Should Be Denied Entry To Start With

This Type Of Diversity Is Not A Strength
It Is A Drag And A Drain On The American Public
nothing ‘trickles down,’ solving no economic problems.

What is truly hilarious about this particular left wing sub human load of shit is that Prez BILL CLINTON signed 4 straight budgets that cut both spending and taxes.... and the result was a budget surplus and a surging economy, with the greatest wealth creation for the poor....

When W and O spent us into oblivion, the poor once again got pushed down into the minimum wage territory.

Government spending is the greatest enemy of helping the poor. Dem kleptocrats steal on average 95 cents on the dollar.

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