Do Republicans on the USMB have parents?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
I go to an art class a couple of times a week since I retired.

All kinds of people go there. Of the "regulars", the ages range from 20 or so to 80.

There are classes for drawing, sculpting and ceramics. Some actually supplement their income. For instance, there is one couple where the husband is an engineer and the wife takes orders for specialty designed ceramic dish sets that she makes and sells.

So when the sessions are open and people are just doing their "thing", many talk while they are working. Naturally, some talk about their families. Many of them have parents that need care or are just retired or they are retired and go to this art studio.

I don't know a single retired that doesn't get Medicare and Social Security.

A couple have a family member with a disability. One girl's mother had a stroke and she needs care. Another one's father has ALS, or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or what's known as Lou Gehrig's disease. There is no cure, no halting and no reversal.

Real people who just want to live their lives.

Republicans want to ruin these people's lives for some reason I haven't figured out. Don't USMB Republicans have parents? None of them have anyone on disability? Many of the fathers, like me, are veterans. There is even a nurse who was a nurse in the military.

I know that Trump and none of his family have ever been in the military. Neither has Romney and none of his family. But don't some of these billionaires and millionaires need to support workers and veterans who have spent their lives supporting this country? Do we really need to cut off those with a disability so Trump and Romney can have even more?

We know Republicans are targeting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security next.

If Republicans manage to fulfill their plan of slashing Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security along with slashing funding for education, job training, school lunches for poor children and so on, what kind of country will we live in?

Don't USMB Republicans have family? None are sick or disabled? None are old enough to get Medicare and Social Security? None need healthcare? How did they do it? How did they get to be so exceptional? So "special"? How do they avoid having any problems or illness in their families? Just lucky?
Has it ever entered your mind that everything the left parrots about Republicans is bullshit?

We want the best healthcare for our parents and elderly.
The entirety of your premise of "The GOP is attacking the Elderly and Vets" is based your speculation that "We know Republicans are targeting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security next."

And what is it exactly that 'We' know? Do you think those programs are running efficiently and there is no waste fraud and abuse going on? Since those are enormous entitlements that consume a very large piece of the tax spending pie, they need to be overhauled. Who knows? If you eliminate the defrauders, the dead weight and the stupid rules that add time and cost maybe everyone gets a raise.
What a crock! Who exactly do you think Republicans are? What makes you think there aren't as many wealthy Democrats or that they are any more of a friend of the poor or needy? High taxes and irresponsible money management hurts everyone.
I am an old Vietnam Veteran with service connected disabilities retired and on medicare. I was an Army medic and later a civilian nurse throughout my working life and so know more than a little about healthcare. I somehow managed to avoid becoming wealthy.

." We know Republicans are targeting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security next."

Bullshit. You know no such thing. If you wish to whine about President Trump at least complain about something he has done instead of something that you imagine he might possibly do.
Personally, I'm entirely pleased and proud to have him as my president and fully support the great things he is doing for this Country.
Has it ever entered your mind that everything the left parrots about Republicans is bullshit?

We want the best healthcare for our parents and elderly.

Will someone please think of the children (and grandparents)!


If we're not for the scams, then we're heartless. Didn't you know?

Maybe, someone should tell this dean dickhead how much more security he could've had.
No, republicans are created in corporate laboratories; they do not have parents!
Has it ever entered your mind that everything the left parrots about Republicans is bullshit?

We want the best healthcare for our parents and elderly.

You want the best healthcare for your parents and the elderly? And yet you vote Trump, Ryan and McConnell? How much sense does that make?
Do Republicans on the USMB have parents?

I sure do ... they both voted for Nixon.

Has it ever entered your mind that everything the left parrots about Republicans is bullshit?

We want the best healthcare for our parents and elderly.

You want the best healthcare for your parents and the elderly? And yet you vote Trump, Ryan and McConnell? How much sense does that make?

Excellent sense. The healthcare system has been trashed for a long time now because it we have allowed it to become the cash-cow of insurance companies, healthcare supply companies, and politicians. When things didn't seem like they could get any worse Obama came along and managed to screw it up even more. American healthcare must change to become worth a fraction of what we're paying for it.
Said it better than I could have. Thank you.
Has it ever entered your mind that everything the left parrots about Republicans is bullshit?

We want the best healthcare for our parents and elderly.
Do Republicans on the USMB tell their parents they want to cut their Social Security and Medicare?
Maybe they don't have parents. Maybe that's why they think abducting these children is no big deal?

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