Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?

Do countries have to obey UN resolutions including the United States?
Nope. That's why it went into enforcement mode. The UN could have put embargoes and blockades in place and brought Iraq to it's knees. But numerous member nations had backroom deals going, like Germany selling weapons to them, the Oil for Food scam, etc.
So How much time are you giving Daesh terrorist scum to get to Baghdad?

Peach 9603618
Maliki is bringing in troops because he wants a third term; ISIS not there.

BH 9603639
Not yet give them time.

Have you changed your tune on believing that Daesh terrorist scum can reach Baghdad?
Do countries have to obey UN resolutions including the United States?
Nope. That's why it went into enforcement mode. The UN could have put embargoes and blockades in place and brought Iraq to it's knees. But numerous member nations had backroom deals going, like Germany selling weapons to them, the Oil for Food scam, etc.

I never thought Saddam stupid.Personally I thought him brilliant like Ghaddafi. sp?

Why the takeover? Why so quick? All of a sudden America is turning on all of them. Arab Spring. aka SUNNI SPRING.
Why the takeover? Why so quick? All of a sudden America is turning on all of them. Arab Spring. aka SUNNI SPRING.
You mean in '03? We were 2 years from 9/11 and the thinking was a more proactive role was necessary as the cost of doing nothing was obviously so high. The fear was that Saddam could do far worse. The UN should have put on their big boy pants and dealt with it, they were inspecting Iraq, or trying to, for a reason. People forget now but Americans have notorious short memories and attention spans.
Icew 10865842
Saddam did not give them unfettered access, that was the complaint! It's why he was in violation UN resolutions.

"Saddam did not give them unfettered access"

Prior to UN Resolution 1441 that is true. It's why inspectors left in 1998 and Clinton bombed them.

After 1441 that statement is a lie. We are talking about after UN Resolution 1441 which passed unanimously in November 2002 which of course included the approval of the USA.

So the basis of your argument in terns of 2003 is a lie, or you are totally ignorant of what UN Res 1441 meant in terms of international law and justification or non-justification for the use of force against Iraq.

1441 gave S. Hussein a final opportunity to comply. His many years of violations were held pending the outcome of the 1441 enhanced inspection regime. S.Hussein was never found to be in material breach of 1441 and that is why the UN refused to authorize the use of force and so Bush and Blair attacked Iraq on their own.
So How much time are you giving Daesh terrorist scum to get to Baghdad?

Peach 9603618
Maliki is bringing in troops because he wants a third term; ISIS not there.

BH 9603639
Not yet give them time.

Have you changed your tune on believing that Daesh terrorist scum can reach Baghdad?
Do countries have to obey UN resolutions including the United States?
Nope. That's why it went into enforcement mode. The UN could have put embargoes and blockades in place and brought Iraq to it's knees. But numerous member nations had backroom deals going, like Germany selling weapons to them, the Oil for Food scam, etc.

I never thought Saddam stupid.Personally I thought him brilliant like Ghaddafi. sp?

Why the takeover? Why so quick? All of a sudden America is turning on all of them. Arab Spring. aka SUNNI SPRING.

why are we doing all this. Why is Harper backing Obama. I don't get this. I don't get this at all.
elieved the wmd issue was merely a way to demonize Saddam in the eyes of the we prepared to attack.

It's good that you love to admit that Bush lied America into a war. But then it's out that you were somehow duped into believing Bush was hellbent on killing tens of thousands of Muslims in order to save them from Saddam and sons. I would never accuse Bush of being that cruel and that ignorant. It easy to see that you are a cruel and ignorant human being with that often repeated post.
Icew 10865842
Saddam did not give them unfettered access, that was the complaint! It's why he was in violation UN resolutions.

"Saddam did not give them unfettered access"

Prior to UN Resolution 1441 that is true. It's why inspectors left in 1998 and Clinton bombed them.

After 1441 that statement is a lie. We are talking about after UN Resolution 1441 which passed unanimously in November 2002 which of course included the approval of the USA.

So the basis of your argument in terns of 2003 is a lie, or you are totally ignorant of what UN Res 1441 meant in terms of international law and justification or non-justification for the use of force against Iraq.

1441 gave S. Hussein a final opportunity to comply. His many years of violations were held pending the outcome of the 1441 enhanced inspection regime. S.Hussein was never found to be in material breach of 1441 and that is why the UN refused to authorize the use of force and so Bush and Blair attacked Iraq on their own.
It went on for ten years! The US did not need the UN's permission but Saddam had violated the terms of surrender from the prior war. We had a coalition force then, the UN fumbling around with yet another hopeless resolution didn't change the facts.

You don't like reality and want to blame Bush, regardless of Democrat and international support. We get it. But don't try to pass it off as anything more than blind polemics.
elieved the wmd issue was merely a way to demonize Saddam in the eyes of the we prepared to attack.

It's good that you love to admit that Bush lied America into a war. But then it's out that you were somehow duped into believing Bush was hellbent on killing tens of thousands of Muslims in order to save them from Saddam and sons. I would never accuse Bush of being that cruel and that ignorant. It easy to see that you are a cruel and ignorant human being with that often repeated post.
GFY Foo. I've never said such a thing. You've been lying about this for 11 years. Drop it for gods sake!
elieved the wmd issue was merely a way to demonize Saddam in the eyes of the we prepared to attack.

It's good that you love to admit that Bush lied America into a war. But then it's out that you were somehow duped into believing Bush was hellbent on killing tens of thousands of Muslims in order to save them from Saddam and sons. I would never accuse Bush of being that cruel and that ignorant. It easy to see that you are a cruel and ignorant human being with that often repeated post.

Silly person. They took the opportunity to run with emotions.Lets face it. Americans are the by and by an ignorant lot.

I'm bi so I can admit this. Only an an American could tell me I need to send my oil south to the Gulf of Mexico to ship it to China. lolololol.

Americans are stupid. That's why they keep electing the left
Icew 10864855
ISIS calls al Qaeda modernists, you don't know what you're talking about.

ISIS evolved from AQI like I said. AQI was a separate organization that split off from the AQ in February 2014 and they became ISIS. What they think of AQ now has nothing to do with there development inside US invaded Iraq from 2004 on.
Icew 10864855
ISIS calls al Qaeda modernists, you don't know what you're talking about.

ISIS evolved from AQI like I said. AQI was a separate organization that split off from the AQ in February 2014 and they became ISIS. What they think of AQ now has nothing to do with there development inside US invaded Iraq from 2004 on.

This comment alone makes you unqualified to talk about ISIS and AQ.

Honestly go look up what AQ are first...

I mean how can you talk about a subject when you have such ignorance in it?
I have an Idea, How about the RW run on a platform that Invading Iraq was a good idea?

Actually keep bringing it up. All the time and how it was a good idea..

Please do it...
Edget 10865668
What you SHOULD be asking (but you won't, because you are the scum of the earth) is why the Lying Cocksucker in Chief refused to push for SOFA with Iraq.

You are dumber than dumb. Obama could push all he wanted but Iraq did not want to extend the deadline that Bush agreed to in 2008.

Edget 10865668
In fact, every Intelligence service on earth thought Saddam had WMDs.

In February and March 2003 your statement is a lie. Its a rather bold lie. The ones that mattered were the majority on the Security Council of the UN. They believed the inspectors were providing the best intelligence. And all the intelligence that Bush provided to the UNSC and the inspectors turned out to be proven bogus prior to the decision to invade.

Edget 10865668
I didn't think Saddam had WMDs and if he did, they weren't deliverable

Edget 10865668
Bush went into Iraq and de-stabilized the entire region. Bad move.

Edget 10865668
But he won the War and had the region moving in the direction of democracy and civil rights for everybody -- Even women.

How did Bush win a war to find and remove WMD when there were no WMD there? Bush did not have Iraq moving in the direction of Democracy because he surrendered to Maliki and Muqtada al Sadr who were creating a Shiite-ocracy and were marginalizing the Sunni minority. Not many Sunnis that were driven (during Bush's mistake of a war) out of their homes and businesses so Shiites could move in - would agree with your bogus 'democracy and civil rights' claims.
Oh MY... From the N.Y.Times article....

From 2004 to 2011, American and American-trained Iraqi troops repeatedly encountered, and on at least six occasions were wounded by, chemical weapons remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

In all, American troops secretly reported finding roughly 5,000 chemical warheads, shells or aviation bombs, according to interviews with dozens of participants, Iraqi and American officials, and heavily redacted intelligence documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

ALL of this material was supposed to be accounted for by the U.N. inspectors, and IT WASN'T ...our men were wounded, and covered over by the CIA!!!
Upon what basis do you believe that Saddam would have honored any agreement?

We have historical record that S. Hussein complied with UN Resolution 1441. It was Bush and Blair that did not. Also Saddam Hussein offered in December 2002 to let thousands of the US military FBI and CIA come in to Iraq to assist the UN inspectors to find the WMD that the US and UK suspected of being there. Saddam Hussein could not have cooperated any more than that. Bush's response was to let the UN handle that. And then he didn't let the UN Handle that.
remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

There's your problem. Bush claimed new stockpiles of the most lethal weapons ever devised were being hidden from the 1441 era inspectors in March 2003. Bush admits what he waged war over were not there.

They just found a live WWII bomb in soccer field in Germany....No one was demanding 100% accountability for old weapons where most of them were not usable for warfare. You are grasping for straws. Blackhawk is right - the war was a mistake.
remaining from years earlier in Saddam Hussein’s rule.

There's your problem. Bush claimed new stockpiles of the most lethal weapons ever devised were being hidden from the 1441 era inspectors in March 2003. Bush admits what he waged war over were not there.

They just found a live WWII bomb in soccer field in Germany....No one was demanding 100% accountability for old weapons where most of them were not usable for warfare. You are grasping for straws. Blackhawk is right - the war was a mistake.

I have video of Clinton saying the EXACT SAME THING want me to post it...AGAIN, you dumb bastard?

U.N. inspectors were SUPPOSED TO HAVE RID IRAQ of these, and 5000 were FOUND... what does that say, as they WERE ACTIVE and even harmed 6 of our soldiers according to the Times article... You suck at this!
anyone who announces a complete troop withdraw date deadline for all the world to be made aware ... is by far not the most intelligent individual

Bush set the withdrawal date before leaving office at the peak of the worst US recession since the great depression . Bush is not intelligent. That is for sure. And he was dumb enough to expect the Iraqis to decide to extend his deadline after he told the Iraqis they would be ready to provide their own security by then.

Maliki walked all over the wimp Bush since 2007.

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