Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?

I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Bush liberated a country, got rid of Saddam. Obama successfully ended the war. Then he went against his advisers, and now it's a total screw up.

The Winner!

The War was completely and totally over when the Lying Cocksucker in Chief took office.

Partially wrong is still wrong.

All the Lying Piece of Shit did is TOTALLY fuck things up in Iraq.

It was he and Hitlery that INSISTED on Iraq's Parliament approving the SOFA, knowing full well that they couldn't get it done.

Here's a question for dimocrap scum -- You got a 100,000 Foreign Troops from another Culture, another Country and another religion on your land fighting to put down an insurrection or to depose a despotic dictator

What do you think the odds are of OUR own Legislative approval of a SOFA would be?

You don't know because you're FUCKING STUPID.

OF COURSE Iraq's Parliament could't approve a SOFA. It would be political suicide.

The SOFA had to be done through an Executive Agreement like 95% of all our other SOFAs are.

But dimocraps are too stupid to breathe free air and don't know this. They're too busy trying figure out what their pathetic little genitalia are for.

dimocraps are some stupid bitches. ALL of them
Edget 10865668
What you SHOULD be asking (but you won't, because you are the scum of the earth) is why the Lying Cocksucker in Chief refused to push for SOFA with Iraq.

You are dumber than dumb. Obama could push all he wanted but Iraq did not want to extend the deadline that Bush agreed to in 2008.

Edget 10865668
In fact, every Intelligence service on earth thought Saddam had WMDs.

In February and March 2003 your statement is a lie. Its a rather bold lie. The ones that mattered were the majority on the Security Council of the UN. They believed the inspectors were providing the best intelligence. And all the intelligence that Bush provided to the UNSC and the inspectors turned out to be proven bogus prior to the decision to invade.

Edget 10865668
I didn't think Saddam had WMDs and if he did, they weren't deliverable

Edget 10865668
Bush went into Iraq and de-stabilized the entire region. Bad move.

Edget 10865668
But he won the War and had the region moving in the direction of democracy and civil rights for everybody -- Even women.

How did Bush win a war to find and remove WMD when there were no WMD there? Bush did not have Iraq moving in the direction of Democracy because he surrendered to Maliki and Muqtada al Sadr who were creating a Shiite-ocracy and were marginalizing the Sunni minority. Not many Sunnis that were driven (during Bush's mistake of a war) out of their homes and businesses so Shiites could move in - would agree with your bogus 'democracy and civil rights' claims.


What would Truman have done if the Germans told us to leave their Country in 1946?

What would MacArthur have done had Japan told us to get the fuck out in 1947?


I mean, mouth-breathing, drool cup, short bus, FUCKING STUPID.


They had no right to tell us shit. The only reason they were even still alive is because we ALLOWED THEM TO STAY ALIVE.

the LYING COCKSUCKER IN CHIEF left Iraq because he WANTED TO. Period.

All the lying cocksucker obama had to do was say, "We're staying. Make it work or be up for another round of ass-kicking"

End of story.

Besides, the VAST majority of SOFA's are Executive Agreements. You didn't know that because -- Well, you're fucking stupid.

Fucking Period.

And you are a STUPID, knob-slurping bitch.

But, you're a dimocrap scumbag, what else is new? You ALL are

I am SO sick of STUPID human beings
Time to change your drool cup ...


... then recall Bush, who you probably voted for, signed an agreement to withdraw all of the troops.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

Are you operating under the impression that I'm defending Shrub in some way?
It was he and Hitlery that INSISTED on Iraq's Parliament approving the SOFA, knowing full well that they couldn't get it done.

That is a lie. The Bush/Maliki 2008 SOFA was required to be passed by the Iraqi Parliament to make it legal. That did not change in 2011. You should get informed before mouthing off about things you know nothing about.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

Are you operating under the impression that I'm defending Shrub in some way?
Well for some reason, you only point to Dems, meanwhile, you leave out WWI and WWII, two big wars won by Democrat Commanders-in-Chief. And you ignore Republicans, like Reagan cutting and running from Beirut after terrorists killed 17 Americans at the U.S. embassy and then 241 U.S. military at a barracks. Or Bush letting OBL escape from Tora Bora after cornering him. Nixon losing South Vietnam to the north. And again, Bush fighting a combined 13 years in 2 wars against an insurgency, while himself armed with the world's most advanced military in the history of mankind.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

No continuing to fight it years later when you claimed it was over is a fuck up.
...Well for some reason, you only point to Dems...
Of course I only pointed to Dems...


Because the OP pointed to Pubs...

And the entire point of my particular exercise was to counterpoint the OP...

In effect, to show that both parties have screwed-the-pooch, when it comes to launching misguided wars, not just one...

...meanwhile, you leave out WWI and WWII, two big wars won by Democrat Commanders-in-Chief...
Those were not misguided wars, consequently, they were not included in such counterpointing.

Those are a gimme... obvious... goes without saying.

However, the presence of Democratic CiC's at those times were purely accidents of history; if a Pub had been in office, rather than either Wilson or FDR, then a Pub would have led the nation to victory rather than a Dem; although I, for one, am content that both of those Dems did so well and achieved such respectable outcomes.

...And you ignore Republicans, like Reagan cutting and running from Beirut after terrorists killed 17 Americans at the U.S. embassy and then 241 U.S. military at a barracks....
Nope... but those have no place in a counterpointing effort designed to reinforce the idea that both parties have screwed the pooch often enough, eh?

...Or Bush letting OBL escape from Tora Bora after cornering him. Nixon losing South Vietnam to the north...

...And again, Bush fighting a combined 13 years in 2 wars against an insurgency, while himself armed with the world's most advanced military in the history of mankind.


I'd be the last person in the world to try and bullshit my way through the idea that the Pubs had not screwed-the-pooch, their fair share of times, in getting us into misguided wars or rumbles of one kind or another.

I merely hold that the Dems have screwed-the-pooch their fair share, as well, in counterpoint to the OP.

Mission accomplished.


Face it... both parties phukk-up often enough so that neither of them have clean hands in such matters, eh?

And we, the American People, continue to put up with that shit.
anyone who announces a complete troop withdraw date deadline for all the world to be made aware ... is by far not the most intelligent individual

Bush set the withdrawal date before leaving office at the peak of the worst US recession since the great depression . Bush is not intelligent. That is for sure. And he was dumb enough to expect the Iraqis to decide to extend his deadline after he told the Iraqis they would be ready to provide their own security by then.

Maliki walked all over the wimp Bush since 2007.

Actually it's Obama who made the "public announcement" of the actual troop withdrawal date for "political purposes", not Bush.

President Obama yesterday fulfilled a campaign promise by setting a date for the withdrawal of U.S. combat forces fromIraq, declaring that while the country they will leave behind will not be perfect, the United States will have reached its "achievable goals" and must move on.

By the August 2010 deadline he set, American troops will have been at war for nearly 7 1/2 years in Iraq, a duration surpassed only by that of the Vietnam War,

Obama Sets Timetable for Iraq Withdrawal Calling It Part of Broader Middle East Strategy
Do democrats regret, the Civil War? The KKK? Poll Taxes? Segregation? Opposition to every civil rights act up to 1964?

If they do, they never apologized, so I conclude they do not.
Actually it's Obama who made the "public announcement" of the actual troop withdrawal date for "political purposes", not Bush.

Bush negotiated the deal in December 2008 for troops to leave the cities by June 2009 and all out by 2012.

Obama kept troops there as long as he could. The Iraqis were not interested in extending the deal that Bush gave them.

Sorry your comment is meaningless if you want reality to be involved.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

No continuing to fight it years later when you claimed it was over is a fuck up.

I can't believe this thread has gone on for over twenty pages for such stupid partisan question. Why would people waste so much time over such a stupid question? The elites control both parties, and what they want is war. It make no difference who is in power, they will have war. THAT IS THE POINT.

Like the population has any choice. Let it never be said we weren't warned.


I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

No continuing to fight it years later when you claimed it was over is a fuck up.

I can't believe this thread has gone on for over twenty pages for such stupid partisan question. Why would people waste so much time over such a stupid question? The elites control both parties, and what they want is war. It make no difference who is in power, they will have war. THAT IS THE POINT.

Like the population has any choice. Let it never be said we weren't warned.


Are you going to be part of the solution or a big part of the problem by sticking your head in the sand by blaming the mysterious elites who always want war.

We were attacked in 9/11/01 justifying Afghanistan but not Iraq.

The situation in Syria and Iraq with Daesh terrorist scum must be dealt with. Current policy is having the local men bear the brunt of the ground fighting as us taking place at Tikrit right now.
Do democrats regret, the Civil War? The KKK? Poll Taxes? Segregation? Opposition to every civil rights act up to 1964?

They must have apologized sufficiently or done something right since the vast majority of descendants of slavery are Democrats.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

Are you operating under the impression that I'm defending Shrub in some way?
Well for some reason, you only point to Dems, meanwhile, you leave out WWI and WWII, two big wars won by Democrat Commanders-in-Chief. And you ignore Republicans, like Reagan cutting and running from Beirut after terrorists killed 17 Americans at the U.S. embassy and then 241 U.S. military at a barracks. Or Bush letting OBL escape from Tora Bora after cornering him. Nixon losing South Vietnam to the north. And again, Bush fighting a combined 13 years in 2 wars against an insurgency, while himself armed with the world's most advanced military in the history of mankind.

To be fair, Vietnam was a bipartisan fuck up from the end of WWII.

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