Do Republicans regret their Iraq fiasco?

Do they? Considering all the damage it's caused. All the American lives lost or destroyed. The financial cost to the country. Do they ever wonder if it was a bad idea?
They don't regret anything because they just blame it on someone else. Simple.
I've noticed that too. Every one of their disastrous policies are someone else's fault.
Do democrats regret, the Civil War? The KKK? Poll Taxes? Segregation? Opposition to every civil rights act up to 1964?

If they do, they never apologized, so I conclude they do not.
Right up until 1964. Hmm, gee, what happened in 1964? Conservative, confederate Democrats became conservative confederate Republicans? Oops.
Freew 10880631
no doubt, Their deceit, deception and propaganda has been nothing but amazing.

So you must believe the vast majority of black Americans are not as smart or aware of what politicuans affects their lives for better or worse as you think you are.

So kind of you to know what's best for them.

You could not present a worse message for minorities than telling them they are duped and therefore must all be stupid.

I believe minorities are more than capable of making up their own minds.
Freew 10880631
no doubt, Their deceit, deception and propaganda has been nothing but amazing.

So you must believe the vast majority of black Americans are not as smart or aware of what politicuans affects their lives for better or worse as you think you are.

So kind of you to know what's best for them.

You could not present a worse message for minorities than telling them they are duped and therefore must all be stupid.

I believe minorities are more than capable of making up their own minds.

I just wonder if most of the black community even knows the true history of the democrat party. My guess is not. Does that make them stupid, no. Were the German people stupid for listening to the propaganda from the Nazi party?

But ask yourself. The democrat party IS the party of slavery. IS the party of Poll taxes. IS the party of the KKK. IS the party of segregation. Ask yourself how anyone who was oppressed by such behavior forgives and forgets when no apology was ever offered.

On the other hand the Republican party was formed to free the slave. Supported EVERY civil rights act since the reconstruction. Was the target of the KKK.

Now I am not saying anyone is stupid, like you are implying they are. But for the life of me I don't see how they belong to the party that actually did put their people in chains.
Do democrats regret, the Civil War? The KKK? Poll Taxes? Segregation? Opposition to every civil rights act up to 1964?

If they do, they never apologized, so I conclude they do not.
Right up until 1964. Hmm, gee, what happened in 1964? Conservative, confederate Democrats became conservative confederate Republicans? Oops.

No, that is not what happened except in your racist mind.
I don't know, do the Democrats regret their Libyan fiasco?
Or their Vietnam fiasco?

Or their Iran Hostage fiasco?

Or their Bosnian War fiasco?

Or their bungled handling of the conclusion of the Iraq War and our withdrawal?

Or their lackluster performance in prosecuting the Afghan War?

Or their weeely scawyeee Red Line in the Sand in Syria?

Or their shitting their pants when that bastard Uncle Vlad stared them down in the Crimea and the Ukraine?

So many phukkups to choose from, so little time to try to bury and spin them, before the 2016 general election.
Riiight .... because fighting the war in Iraq for 6 years and in Afghanistan for 7 wasn't a fuck up from Bush. :rolleyes: Oh, and if ya wanna see what crapping your pants looks like....

No continuing to fight it years later when you claimed it was over is a fuck up.

I can't believe this thread has gone on for over twenty pages for such stupid partisan question. Why would people waste so much time over such a stupid question? The elites control both parties, and what they want is war. It make no difference who is in power, they will have war. THAT IS THE POINT.

Like the population has any choice. Let it never be said we weren't warned.


Are you going to be part of the solution or a big part of the problem by sticking your head in the sand by blaming the mysterious elites who always want war.

We were attacked in 9/11/01 justifying Afghanistan but not Iraq.

The situation in Syria and Iraq with Daesh terrorist scum must be dealt with. Current policy is having the local men bear the brunt of the ground fighting as us taking place at Tikrit right now.

If you really think the whole thing started with the US being attacked on 9/11 by a bunch of folks with box cutters, I guess you have been fooled by "W." lol

Apparently you have never heard the concept of blow-back. Apparently you weren't aware that we had been CREATING these radicalized groups of "terrorists" to achieve our foreign policy aims for decades. Your high school level, low information education reading on this topic is nonsensical.

What are our aims? To control more of the world's resources and create a market for one of our largest industries, our military. If you don't know what the petrol-dollar is, and how it is guaranteed, then you don't get what I just posted.

Of course I am trying to be part of the solution. . . . why on Earth do you think I waste my time posting here every few days a month here and there? Do you think I like it? Look HOW LONG I have been a member. Then look how few posts I have. I don't post here for narcissistic validation like some members. I post here to inform folks what is really going on.

DO YOU know what the solution is? Nope, I'll bet you don't. Respond if you do. What will end these global conflicts for all time. I know, do you?
Freew 10883835
Now I am not saying anyone is stupid, like you are implying they are. But for the life of me I don't see how they belong to the party that actually did put their people in chains.

Just read post 285. You will understand what black Americans know and why they don't need your advice based upon biased opinion.
I'm saying the invasion of Afghanistan was justified based on the September 11, 2001 attacks and that the invasion of Iraq was not justified on that basis and this was your response:

MB 10885464
If you really think the whole thing started with the US being attacked on 9/11 by a bunch of folks with box cutters, I guess you have been fooled by "W." lol.

Why on earth would I be fooled by W when my point was not that Al Qaeda did not exist long before September 2001?

NF 10879763
. We were attacked in 9/11/01 justifying Afghanistan but not Iraq.

Do you think Bush would have invaded Afghanistan and Iraq without 9/11/01 attacks?

MB 10885464
. Apparently you weren't aware that we had been CREATING these radicalized groups of "terrorists" to achieve our foreign policy aims for decades.

What foreign policy aims were accomplished by 'elites' "creating" terrorists who planned and attacked the Pentagon and WTC?

And and who are these elites you've conjured up? Do you have names?
MB 10885464
DO YOU know what the solution is? Nope, I'll bet you don't. Respond if you do. What will end these global conflicts for all time. I know, do you?

We start by knowing when a war is justified and when one is not. Afghanistan was justified according to our inherent right to self-defense after an attack. Iraq did not attack us and they let inspectors back in as Bush had asked them to do.

We avoid supporting conspiracy theories about elites exploiting our defense and war machinery to exploit the world's resources.
Actually it's Obama who made the "public announcement"

President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement

Duck you sucker.

Got something earlier than Dec 14 2008?

You can make plans for a withdrawal and then hope that conditions in Iraq allow you to do so. However, when has President Bush decided he'd rather just make a public speech announcing to the world the actual deadline date of American troop leaving Iraq? There is a big difference with a signed agreement towards a goal, and being foolish enough to inform your enemies of your intensions to leave a unstable country into their hands. Again you fail to recognized those important key words regarding Obama: "fulfilled his campaign promise", which demonstrates his efforts to put "politics" over intelligence gatherings from those in the field. A true leader is always willing to heed and listen to his military commanders over satisfying some special interest group. The presidency is not a popularity contest, it's not a series of high school pep rally speeches, at times you have to be willing to make those hard choices rather than basing your decision on what the latest poll numbers decide for you. This president doesn't have the guts to do so.
Actually it's Obama who made the "public announcement"

President Bush and Iraq Prime Minister Maliki Sign the Strategic Framework Agreement and Security Agreement

Duck you sucker.

Got something earlier than Dec 14 2008?

You can make plans for a withdrawal and then hope that conditions in Iraq allow you to do so. However, when has President Bush decided he'd rather just make a public speech announcing to the world the actual deadline date of American troop leaving Iraq? There is a big difference with a signed agreement towards a goal, and being foolish enough to inform your enemies of your intensions to leave a unstable country into their hands. Again you fail to recognized those important key words regarding Obama: "fulfilled his campaign promise", which demonstrates his efforts to put "politics" over intelligence gatherings from those in the field. A true leader is always willing to heed and listen to his military commanders over satisfying some special interest group. The presidency is not a popularity contest, it's not a series of high school pep rally speeches, at times you have to be willing to make those hard choices rather than basing your decision on what the latest poll numbers decide for you. This president doesn't have the guts to do so.

If there is one thing America does not need it is a president that carries out a campaign promise. that process makes it bad for future presidents. As for a president always listening to his military commanders that may not be true, ask MacArthur and the generals that Lincoln gave pink slips.
Does Cheney Shrub and the Bush family regret beheading this young woman and her father and two brothers?

One Iraqi Family except the mother and wife were numbers 58 through 61 killed in the US and UK invasion of Iraq.

058 Salma Amin 50 Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

059 Mohammed Amin 27 (son of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

060 Said Amin 24 (son of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

061 Shams Amin 20 (daughter of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

The Pentagon reported on 7 April that .A B2 bomber dropped four 2000-pound laser-guided GBU-24 bunker-buster bombs on the Al Saa Restaurant in the al Mansour District of Baghdad that Intelligence sources claimed was a meeting place of Saddam Hussein, his two sons, and senior Iraqi regime leaders.

“When the broken body of the 20-year-old woman was brought out -- torso first, then the head -- her mother started crying uncontrollably, then collapsed.”

That will be a good question to ask Jeb and all his supporters and all Republicans if Bush wins out in the primaries.
Does Cheney Shrub and the Bush family regret beheading this young woman and her father and two brothers?

One Iraqi Family except the mother and wife were numbers 58 through 61 killed in the US and UK invasion of Iraq.

058 Salma Amin 50 Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

059 Mohammed Amin 27 (son of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

060 Said Amin 24 (son of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

061 Shams Amin 20 (daughter of Salma) Mansour district, Baghdad 8 Apr 2003

The Pentagon reported on 7 April that .A B2 bomber dropped four 2000-pound laser-guided GBU-24 bunker-buster bombs on the Al Saa Restaurant in the al Mansour District of Baghdad that Intelligence sources claimed was a meeting place of Saddam Hussein, his two sons, and senior Iraqi regime leaders.

“When the broken body of the 20-year-old woman was brought out -- torso first, then the head -- her mother started crying uncontrollably, then collapsed.”

That will be a good question to ask Jeb and all his supporters and all Republicans if Bush wins out in the primaries.

At least Halliburton got rich. They are waiting for the next Repub President to get rich again.
Democrats voted for the war too. It was bi-partisan.


Iraq Resolution - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

United States House of Representatives
Party Yeas Nays Not Voting
215 6 2
Democratic 82 126 1
Independent 0 1 0
TOTALS 297 133 3

United States Senate
Party Yeas Nays
Republican 48 1
Democratic 29 21
Independent 0 1
TOTALS 77 23

Case closed.
You can make plans for a withdrawal and then hope that conditions in Iraq allow you to do so.

Bush did not simply make plans for withdrawal and hope conditions change - Bush signed a SOFA agreement that required US Troops to withdraw from Iraq cities within six months and entirely out of the country by an exact announced date of January 1 2012. That's a signed deal passed in Iraq's Legislature. Bush surrendered to Muqtada al Sadr am PM Maliki who wanted US troops gone.
Zander 11275708
Democrats voted for the war too. It was bi-partisan.

Not one single Democrat was involved in the final decision to invade that was made after three months of UN inspections and after Saddam Hussein offered to let the CIA FBI and US military come into Iraq to find the WMD that Bush and Blair claimed was being hidden from those inspectors in March 2003. The vote was to allow the President to make a wise decision and based upon whether or not Iraq could be disarmed peacefully. All evidence at the time points to the fact that Iraq could have been disarmed peacefully. All evidence had emerged by March 2003 that the intelligence used prior to the October 10 2002 vote was wrong and not confirmed.

Name one Democrat involved in Bush's final decision and saw that 'supposed' intelligence from March 2003 that Iraq was 'concealing the most lethal weapons ever devised from the 2003 inspectors. You can't can you?
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