Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.
You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers whom, for the most part, are vastly underpaid.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers

What happens to corporate tax receipts?

They drop, but unlike the 31% drop from 2017 to 2018, it would be good for the economy because American Workers would receive a HUGE raise in wages.

What happens to corporate tax receipts?

They drop,

By how much?

it would be good for the economy because American Workers would receive a HUGE raise in wages.

How huge? How do you know?
This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Reaganomics was not repealed.
Even Clinton's own economists said the Reagan tax cuts were the cause of the growth in the 1990s and 1980s.

You people just make up stuff.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Suggest nothing. They are blatantly saying it. That’s why they’re so happy that Amazon made 11 1/2 billion dollars last year in profit and paid not a penny in federal taxes.

Plus the $2.8 BILLION in subsidies.

No true.
That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.

Thank You Ronald Reagan. My point is that sales of luxury yachts were down more because of the recession and not a luxury tax which can be eliminated by taking delivery in Bermuda.

Please provide proof of claim. Prove that an American citizen can buy a yacht from another American citizen, and take delivery in Bermuda, and avoid all sales tax, or luxury tax.

I will wait expectantly for said proof.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Suggest nothing. They are blatantly saying it. That’s why they’re so happy that Amazon made 11 1/2 billion dollars last year in profit and paid not a penny in federal taxes.

Are you suggesting that every single executive and employee of Amazing, didn't pay any Federal income tax?

Are you saying they paid no property or local tax?

Are you saying that Amazon didn't pay sales tax on every truck, or any other equipment they purchased to do business?

You idiots.

This is why every country run by people like you, falls into ruin.

You look at Amazon setting up in New York, and think that because they got a deduction on property tax, that means they are paying no tax. Thus you can take that subsidy money, (the taxes that were never paid), and use that non-money to fund a school and health care.

You AOC fools, are some of the dumbest idiots on the planet.

Amazon is paying billions of dollars in taxes. Billions.

"Cash taxes paid (net of refunds) were $1.2 billion and $881 million for 2018 and 2019"
SEC Form 10-K filed by Amazon 1qt of 2020. Page 23

By the way.... nearly all of Amazons tax credits are from Research and Development tax credits. Do you know what research amazon is doing that is getting Federal tax credits?

Do you?

Go behind the scenes as Amazon develops a new electric vehicle

Left-Winger "We need government tax credits for research into electric vehicles!"

Amazon pays much lower taxes due to tax credits


Me : Hey stupid.... you did this. It was your tax credits that you wanted, not me, that lowered Amazons tax bill.

Left-Winger ".... er..... Feel the bern!"

You people are the dumbest bits of human trash I have ever had to interact with.
Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.

Thank You Ronald Reagan. My point is that sales of luxury yachts were down more because of the recession and not a luxury tax which can be eliminated by taking delivery in Bermuda.

Please provide proof of claim. Prove that an American citizen can buy a yacht from another American citizen, and take delivery in Bermuda, and avoid all sales tax, or luxury tax.

I will wait expectantly for said proof.

You'll be waiting for a long time, because that's completely untrue. Place of delivery has absolutely nothing to do with assessment of sales and luxury taxes. State sales tax and luxury tax is assessed by the state when the property's new owner registers the transfer of title in his/her name. Payment of those taxes is a prerequisite to registering the title in the new owner's name. I just went through this when I bought a 67 Shelby GT500. I took delivery of it in North Carolina, but registered the title in my name in Florida (where I reside) and had to pay the associated taxes (at Florida's rates) to complete the title registration.

I suppose you could avoid some of those taxes being assessed if you were to leave the title in the name of the person you bought it from and therefore never become the official title holder, but you'd have to be a real moron to do that for many reasons that should be obvious.

Side note: She's still in the restoration process, but finally getting close to being finished (after nearly 3 years).



They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.

Thank You Ronald Reagan. My point is that sales of luxury yachts were down more because of the recession and not a luxury tax which can be eliminated by taking delivery in Bermuda.

Please provide proof of claim. Prove that an American citizen can buy a yacht from another American citizen, and take delivery in Bermuda, and avoid all sales tax, or luxury tax.

I will wait expectantly for said proof.

You'll be waiting for a long time, because that's completely untrue. Place of delivery has absolutely nothing to do with assessment of sales and luxury taxes. State sales tax and luxury tax is assessed by the state when the property's new owner registers the transfer of title in his/her name. Payment of those taxes is a prerequisite to registering the title in the new owner's name. I just went through this when I bought a 67 Shelby GT500. I took delivery of it in North Carolina, but registered the title in my name in Florida (where I reside) and had to pay the associated taxes (at Florida's rates) to complete the title registration.

I suppose you could avoid some of those taxes being assessed if you were to leave the title in the name of the person you bought it from and therefore never become the official title holder, but you'd have to be a real moron to do that for many reasons that should be obvious.

Side note: She's still in the restoration process, but finally getting close to being finished (after nearly 3 years).

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Well of course. All left-wingers are inherently lying trash.
I'm a Conservative not a Republican however I believe all should have a stake in the game of paying taxes. That said, we need to cut spending across the board and keep the taxes until the debt is retired and then cut taxes for all.

So 60% of federal spending goes for Medicare,SS and Medicaid. Required under congressional laws.
10% goes for interest on the national debt.
That leave 30% for "discretionary" spending where spending can be reduced. That's it. 30%
Of that 30% over 53% is for military.
That leaves about 15% where cuts could take place.

Please before you make comments... get the facts!
So where would YOU cut?
Screen Shot 2020-02-15 at 7.44.26 AM.png

Federal Spending: Where Does the Money Go

PLEASE tell me where you would cut the above ?

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