Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
Price hikes happen fasts. Price drops always happen slow. And the reason for this should be obvious to everyone.

If your company is needs money for a project, and you increase taxes... you can't just hold off. You can't wait until you are in bankruptcy. You have to pass on the cost immediately.

However, price drops, happen slowly over time. There is no rush to drop prices.

There is however, another reason prices have not fallen. Namely the increasing costs of required benefits.
By slowly you mean never when it comes to a decrease in taxes.

No, typically when costs do decrease, eventually it shakes out in lower prices, unless there are other cost effects... in which case you tend to see a slower increase in price, because lower taxes offsets the cost effects.

But typically, yes, all things being equal, the result is lower price.

Honestly, it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

Eventually someone is going to determine they can undercut the competition, by passing on lower prices. When that happens, the rest of the market has no choice by to lower prices as well.

Now if you keep the tax there, then that is impossible.

This is business 101 dude. It's not like it has not been practiced for thousands of years.
Maybe the company keeps prices low but instead of $100,000 bonus’ the executives only get $50,000 bonus’

Because they do have competition and raising prices might hurt profits.

corporations got to pay taxes. Their trucks tear up our roads.
You think that trucking companies don't pay taxes that are used to pay for roads?

Trucking companies pay a fuel taxes just like everyone else

They also pay per mile taxes to both the states and the federal government and they pay higher tolls than passenger cars as well

So trucking companies are paying more to use the roads than you arr

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Since trucking companies write off the entire cost of fuel, not just the road taxes, they essentially do not pay the road taxes we do when we pay at the pump.

Yeah, but they also are not paying taxes on $100K incomes.

I mean seriously, if you are suggesting that a full time career truck driver, is paying less taxes to the government, because he can write off fuel expenses, compared to a daily commuter.... man you are crazy. I worked as a truck driver. They are not walking away with 5% effective tax rates or something, just because of a fuel write off.

So change the definition .

I haven't bought anything at Walmart in years so I guess they don't have a monopoly on anything

So tell me what specific product(s) does Amazon have a monopoly on
I said near monopoly. They are all around us and that ruins markets. Google is a near monopoly, Facebook too. Look at cell phones, you think it's good that so much market share is owned by two companies?
It's not even a near monopoly

You still haven't been able to tell me one product that is only available at Walmart or Amazon

You live your entire life and not buy one thing from Amazon or Walmart

So the word monopoly does not apply

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You misunderstand how Amazon and WalMart are monopolies.
They have such advantages from economy of scale, that no one can compete.
You can buy the same or similar goods at local brick and mortar stores, but they have to cost twice as much, even though the local store makes less profit.
So they can't compete.
Which means the money does not stay local.
The large multi national chains like Amazon and WalMart then suck the capital out of the local communities, and send it to the corporate headquarters.




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With endless and overwhelming evidence that directly contradicts your statement...... evidence that anyone who spent even 1 full minute looking up would know.

I hereby declare you an idiot.
Class is dismissed. You may leave at your leisure.
Last edited:
By slowly you mean never when it comes to a decrease in taxes.

No, typically when costs do decrease, eventually it shakes out in lower prices, unless there are other cost effects... in which case you tend to see a slower increase in price, because lower taxes offsets the cost effects.

But typically, yes, all things being equal, the result is lower price.

Honestly, it's ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

Eventually someone is going to determine they can undercut the competition, by passing on lower prices. When that happens, the rest of the market has no choice by to lower prices as well.

Now if you keep the tax there, then that is impossible.

This is business 101 dude. It's not like it has not been practiced for thousands of years.
Maybe the company keeps prices low but instead of $100,000 bonus’ the executives only get $50,000 bonus’

Because they do have competition and raising prices might hurt profits.

corporations got to pay taxes. Their trucks tear up our roads.
You think that trucking companies don't pay taxes that are used to pay for roads?

Trucking companies pay a fuel taxes just like everyone else

They also pay per mile taxes to both the states and the federal government and they pay higher tolls than passenger cars as well

So trucking companies are paying more to use the roads than you arr

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Since trucking companies write off the entire cost of fuel, not just the road taxes, they essentially do not pay the road taxes we do when we pay at the pump.

They still pay the taxes and the write off isn't as big of as deal as you think.

You write off 1000 on expenses and you only save about 300 dollars in taxes at the end of the equation.

Besides gas taxes are supposed to be earmarked for roads not income taxes.

and trucking companies pay far more in both state and deferral gas taxes than you do not to mention higher tolls and per mile taxes

I'm always irritated by these morons who don't know how tax deductions work. Writing off $50,000 in expenses, doesn't mean you save $50,000 in taxes. It reduces your tax able income by $50,000... How much would $50,000 be in taxes? Your tax rate is what... 30%? Then you are saving $15,000, not $50,000 in taxes.

But people hear "$50,000 write off!" and think that means they avoided that much in taxes.

People are idiots.

By the way..... same stupidity in the reverse for mortgage interest deductions. Why would you want to pay off your house? Don't you want the tax deduction?

Are you stupid? I'm going to pay the bank $15,000 in interest, to get a $15,000 write off, that saves me....... $4,500 in taxes? I'm going to spend $15,000, to save $4,500? I can't find something more stupid, if I made that a goal.
LOL It's plain to see that you're a peon, have always been a peon and always will be a peon. Guess you'll never own or even manage much of anything.
Yet Financially I’m upper class. Go figure.

That's also typical. Rich people, trying to convince poor people, that other rich people are to blame.

Hypocrisy is a hallmark of the left.
No. I came from nothing. I just didn’t forget where I came from.

but now seeing as how I’m in the top 19% of earners, maybe I’m going to start seeing things your way.

are you upper class too?

No. Last year I earned a total of $31K. That was a record year. It was $25K before that, and $20K for the previous decade.

So what government program, or inheritance caused you to be the evil rich that are destroying the country?
Social security and medicare for one. People like you in the past could never afford to retire. And in the future if Republicans get their way, we'll go back to those pre social security/medicare days where seniors died without dignity because the masses are not going to save. They can't afford to. That's why we created social security. For people like you.

Really? My grand father and grand mother retired. My parents retired. My great grand parents retired.

You people live in a freakin bubble of your own stupid ideology.
When has sales taxes deferred the idea of someone buying something in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA?

This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Actually, corporations pay lots of taxes, even when they don't pay any income taxes. Property taxes, excise taxes, FICA taxes, workmans comp and unemployment taxes. Were you aware that every employer is required to pay FICA taxes EVEN IF the company is losing money?

And unlike you, corporations are allowed to deduct the cost of what you've written.
This is a dumb question sir.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Forest Gump could figure that out.

You want a real life example? The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Of course sales tax defers purchases. Are you a believer in free-energy or something? Basic math makes it obvious that yes of course you can't buy as much stuff with taxes, as you can without taxes.

You keep saying you are a business owner, but I have never once heard you say anything that indicated any real world experience in running a business. You must be the son of someone who ran a business, and you just inherited it, and thus have no clue what you are talking about.

I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.
Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.

The way it should be......

. . .

-Base Federal tax for corporations at 30% of revenue.

. . .

My God, this is the single most idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum, and that is a tremendous accomplishment. You do realize the average US corporation's profit margin is only 7.9% of revenue (2.1% for Walmart), don't you?

Imposing your asinine tax plan would put almost every US corporation in the red annually, and out of business within 1-2 years. Bravo. Another brilliant product of the public school education system, I'm sure.

I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.
You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers whom, for the most part, are vastly underpaid.
My God, this is the single most idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum, and that is a tremendous accomplishment. You do realize the average US corporation's profit margin is only 7.9% of revenue (2.1% for Walmart), don't you?

Imposing your asinine tax plan would put almost every US corporation in the red annually, and out of business within 1-2 years. Bravo. Another brilliant product of the public school education system, I'm sure.

I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's because "revenue" is NOT same thing as "profits". Revenue is the amount of money coming in from sales before deducting for the cost of the merchandise, and the expenses involved in producing and selling it. "Profit" is the amount of revenue remaining after paying all business expenses.

This is why you shouldn't comment on the economy. You're clueless

You're taxed on your revenue, why shouldn't business?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Suggest nothing. They are blatantly saying it. That’s why they’re so happy that Amazon made 11 1/2 billion dollars last year in profit and paid not a penny in federal taxes.
My God, this is the single most idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum, and that is a tremendous accomplishment. You do realize the average US corporation's profit margin is only 7.9% of revenue (2.1% for Walmart), don't you?

Imposing your asinine tax plan would put almost every US corporation in the red annually, and out of business within 1-2 years. Bravo. Another brilliant product of the public school education system, I'm sure.

I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.
You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers whom, for the most part, are vastly underpaid.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers

What happens to corporate tax receipts?
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

The 1990s Yacht tax, that damaged the entire yacht building industry in the US.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.

Thank You Ronald Reagan. My point is that sales of luxury yachts were down more because of the recession and not a luxury tax which can be eliminated by taking delivery in Bermuda.
I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.
You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers whom, for the most part, are vastly underpaid.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers

What happens to corporate tax receipts?

They drop, but unlike the 31% drop from 2017 to 2018, it would be good for the economy because American Workers would receive a HUGE raise in wages.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Suggest nothing. They are blatantly saying it. That’s why they’re so happy that Amazon made 11 1/2 billion dollars last year in profit and paid not a penny in federal taxes.

Plus the $2.8 BILLION in subsidies.
I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's because "revenue" is NOT same thing as "profits". Revenue is the amount of money coming in from sales before deducting for the cost of the merchandise, and the expenses involved in producing and selling it. "Profit" is the amount of revenue remaining after paying all business expenses.

This is why you shouldn't comment on the economy. You're clueless

You're taxed on your revenue, why shouldn't business?

Nobody is taxed on their revenue. Taxes are assessed on income. That's why it's called INCOME tax, not revenue tax.
My God, this is the single most idiotic thing I've ever read on this forum, and that is a tremendous accomplishment. You do realize the average US corporation's profit margin is only 7.9% of revenue (2.1% for Walmart), don't you?

Imposing your asinine tax plan would put almost every US corporation in the red annually, and out of business within 1-2 years. Bravo. Another brilliant product of the public school education system, I'm sure.

I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.
You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing.

My plan increases profit for business AND more importantly increases income for American Workers whom, for the most part, are vastly underpaid.
Assessing a 30% tax on all revenue will crush any business that runs on low margins

You don't understand the difference between revenue and profits

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's because "revenue" is NOT same thing as "profits". Revenue is the amount of money coming in from sales before deducting for the cost of the merchandise, and the expenses involved in producing and selling it. "Profit" is the amount of revenue remaining after paying all business expenses.

This is why you shouldn't comment on the economy. You're clueless

You're taxed on your revenue, why shouldn't business?
No one is taxed on revenue if they were there would be no personal or dependent deduction

Your taxable income is not the total of all revenue

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
I've eliminated federal and State tax as well as the highest percent of costs which is employee costs. How is that a bad thing?

State and local taxes, are where most of our actually useful public services come from. I don't think you can eliminate state level taxes.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-offs/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, State, and Federal taxes and fees with the Feds refunding city, State, and fees.

You say you are a rich businessman but you don't realize that revenue and profits aren't the same thing

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

That's because "revenue" is NOT same thing as "profits". Revenue is the amount of money coming in from sales before deducting for the cost of the merchandise, and the expenses involved in producing and selling it. "Profit" is the amount of revenue remaining after paying all business expenses.

This is why you shouldn't comment on the economy. You're clueless

You're taxed on your revenue, why shouldn't business?

Nobody is taxed on their revenue. Taxes are assessed on income. That's why it's called INCOME tax, not revenue tax.
And those income taxes are not assessed on all income but only a portion of it

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
That would depend if the State you are buying said chicken sandwich in taxes prepared food.

.... ok... so answer the question.
I have $10, and Wendy's is selling chicken sandwich for $5. I want to buy one for me, and one for my wife.

Can I buy two of them without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

If the sandwich costs $5, and I have only $10:
Can I buy two of them, without sales tax?
Can I buy two of them with sales tax?

Answer the question this time, because nothing you said mattered to the question. Just answer the question.

Not really. All you needed to do was buy the said yacht off-shore.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

Use that brain of yours, to conclude one situation is in a state with taxes, and the other without.

Then you should live in Bristol, Tn, and buy your food on the north side of Main Street.

Yes Sherlock. They bought off shore, from foreign companies that didn't have the sales tax. We know this sparky. That's our point.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

They bought off-shore but not necessarily from foreign companies.

Enough purchases were from foreign companies to cost 19,000 jobs.

In 1991 luxury-boat sales have fallen an estimated 86 percent from year-earlier levels, according to Rep. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine). Figures were not available, however, on how many boats may have been sold in November and December of last year, when many sellers advertised the advantages of buying before the new tax kicked in.

Manufacturers of the high-priced boats maintain they have weathered previous recessions, but they say that the tax is costing them their livelihoods and that the labor-intensive art of yacht building could be lost as the boat builders, most of them small companies, declare bankruptcy.

''The political need for share-the-pain, tax-the-rich symbolism in the budget package'' resulted in the loss of an estimated 19,000 jobs in the industry, according to Jeff Napier, president of the Chicago-based National Marine Manufacturers Association.


Of course we were in a recession in 1991, and with the repeal of Reaganomics the wealthy had less disposable income.

Yes, raising taxes put us into a recession.

Thank You Ronald Reagan. My point is that sales of luxury yachts were down more because of the recession and not a luxury tax which can be eliminated by taking delivery in Bermuda.

Thank You Ronald Reagan.

Reagan didn't raise taxes, he cut the top rate to 28% in 1986.

The best way to encourage business during a recession is to add a 10% tax, eh?

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