Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
Yet they pay less.

Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

You want to talk fair? Who has the highest corporate tax rate in the world? How fair is it that China and India are not subject to the level of environmental and other regulations that the US is subjected to? If you define corporations like the a IRS does, a single construction worker can set himself up as a corporation. How much taxes and regulations are you people going to stick him with?

You want our environment to mirror China's ? Supersmog so think you can't even see the city ! People are forced to walk around wearing face masks.
No....I don't want our environmental policy to mirror China's. I want China's environmental policy to mirror ours.....if it doesn't, no access to our markets or, they pay a tariff. Oh, wait, that's right....China owns our debt. Not a whole lot of leverage there. So, back to square one. China gets cheap labor, no regulation, no taxes, access to US markets and yet you people claim that that the root of shipping jobs to China is simple greed. Think people.
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
Yet they pay less.

Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries

No they don't because the corporations they own pays ridiculous amounts of taxes on top of their personal income taxes. There is fundamentally almost no difference between the capital gains tax and corporate tax.

This is something that liberals refuse to understand as they just plain don't understand basic economics.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
A simple answer to it you can't succeed in life paying debt with more debt… Simple as that LOL

Unable to articulate a clear answer I see.
What's not shitty about it?
Overwhelming UN-payable debt is game over...
The direction career politicians and their federal government are taking this country in - it has already been tried hundreds of times over history, it leads to a 100% fail rate.
You do know what the definition of insanity is? LOL
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
China. They come from China. Republicans have outsourced everything including vaccines to Mexico. We couldn't even wipe our own asses if mexico stopped sending us toilet paper
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
Yet they pay less.

Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries

No they don't because the corporations they own pays ridiculous amounts of taxes on top of their personal income taxes. There is fundamentally almost no difference between the capital gains tax and corporate tax.

This is something that liberals refuse to understand as they just plain don't understand basic economics.
Then how does GE pay no taxes?
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
China. They come from China. Republicans have outsourced everything including vaccines to Mexico. We couldn't even wipe our own asses if mexico stopped sending us toilet paper

Oh yea, it's the evil republicans at it!

The ridiculous regulations, 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world and complete dominance by worker's unions, all sponsored by democrats have nothing to do with it what so ever.

These people are so delusional, it's difficult to comprehend. They are vehemently against any and all corporations and then wonder why they would leave... it must be the republicans!
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
Yet they pay less.

Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries

No they don't because the corporations they own pays ridiculous amounts of taxes on top of their personal income taxes. There is fundamentally almost no difference between the capital gains tax and corporate tax.

This is something that liberals refuse to understand as they just plain don't understand basic economics.
GAO: U.S. corporations pay average effective tax rate of 12.6%
of 12.6%
July 01


U.S. companies face the highest official corporate tax rate in the world. But there's a big difference between the rates set out by law and the cash that's actually collected.

Large, profitable U.S. corporations paid an average effective federal tax rate of 12.6% in 2010, the Government Accountability Office said Monday.

The federal corporate tax rate stands at 35%, and jumps to 39.2% when state rates are taken into account. But thanks to things like tax credits, exemptions and offshore tax havens, the actual tax burden of American companies is much lower.
Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries

Yes I remember, but I don't think that had anything to do with corporate taxes. The way I recall it, it had to do with the granting of privilege tax rates going to hedge funds managers who find these investments for their clients. In general I see a buck as a buck and hold belief in a tax rate schedule that treats these bucks all the same.
Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
China. They come from China. Republicans have outsourced everything including vaccines to Mexico. We couldn't even wipe our own asses if mexico stopped sending us toilet paper

Oh yea, it's the evil republicans at it!

The ridiculous regulations, 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world and complete dominance by worker's unions sponsored by democrats have nothing to do with it what so ever.

These people are so delusional, it's difficult to comprehend.
High paying union jobs? Yes corporations hate those.

Of course we have the highest corporate taxes. We spend more on military than everyone else. Where do you think the money to pay for that should come from?

Im not in Iraq but Pepsi is. I'm not benefitting from Chinese and Mexican labor as much as corporations are
Taxing a man's labor, be it individual income tax or from a group of people as in a corporation, is immoral and antithetical to a free society. Besides, if the Federal government lived on the revenue we produced just a decade or so ago, we wouldn't need an income tax.
True, an income tax goes against everything this country was founded on. Leave it to career politicians and their federal government to punish the successful. That's what socialism is all about - envy... Lol
You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
A simple answer to it you can't succeed in life paying debt with more debt… Simple as that LOL

Unable to articulate a clear answer I see.
What's not shitty about it?
Overwhelming UN-payable debt is game over...
The direction career politicians and their federal government are taking this country in - it has already been tried hundreds of times over history, it leads to a 100% fail rate.
You do know what the definition of insanity is? LOL

Still nothing but mutterings of debt and career politicians?

Show us some of that inherent conservative economic prowess we hear so much about here at USMB.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Blah blah blah...I love communism...taxes are grat....obama is lord....blah blah blah...what is wrong with mass murder...blah blah...I suck dick.
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
Yet they pay less.

Remember Romney and buffet pay lower tax rates than their secretaries
You're barking up the wrong tree, a success tax will never work we are seeing it in action now with the shitty economy.
We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
How do "we" know spending can't be cut? That's the opinion of the liberal, not an actual fact. Of course we can cut spending, by a LOT. We can start with eliminating many federal bureaucracies, like the dept. of education and let the states handle it. A government that thinks its' primary role is to provide great paying jobs and benefits is doomed to failure. Raising taxes to fund it slows everything down, the private sector has to pay for it all.

Letting people and corporations keep more of their money isn't a gift because it doesn't belong to you or mother government.
We know we can't because the people who give the concept the most lip service don't do it when they are handed the country on a silver platter. The hypocrites spend as much or more on their pet programs and projects.

We know we can't because we don't. Don't like the choice of words? How about we won't cut spending. We know we won't because given every opportunity to do so, we don't do it. There is no reason to do it. You can't cut spending without taking something away from tax-paying voters who have demanded it, and stiffing tax-paying voters costs votes.

In a perfect world where our representatives agreed to forfeit their careers and cut programs and services and the agencies that serve us, it would last as long as the next election cycle when we'd replace them all with people who would restore what we originally demanded and still want.

Get it? We don't cut spending, ever. We don't because of the way our representative system of government is set up. Need a new VA hospital in your town to boost your local economy? No problem. You don't have the pay for it, everyone in the country will pay for it. Your congressman puts it in a bill and gets others to support it because he promises to support their bills to build monuments in their city parks and dredge the lakes for their local resort industry.

We don't cut spending and never will. Get that through your head.

We can raise tax revenue, though. We have a lot of lost ground to make up since the '80s and we can't postpone it forever. Eventually all this borrowing is going to become too burdensome to service, and then we'll really be in the soup.

A solution was passed by The Congress decades ago but the USSC found it violated COTUS. Here is an idea to control spending and not need to try and pass a Constitutional Amendment:

Understanding the Line-Item Veto With a Twist - No Labels
The better solution is to quit hiring politicians drunk with our money and replace them with fiscal conservatives.
And not one real Republican politician met your criteria? You Republicans keep thinking what we need to do is double down on your very tired and failed ideas
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
A simple answer to it you can't succeed in life paying debt with more debt… Simple as that LOL

Unable to articulate a clear answer I see.
What's not shitty about it?
Overwhelming UN-payable debt is game over...
The direction career politicians and their federal government are taking this country in - it has already been tried hundreds of times over history, it leads to a 100% fail rate.
You do know what the definition of insanity is? LOL

Still nothing but mutterings of debt and career politicians?

Show us some of that inherent conservative economic prowess we hear so much about here at USMB.
Only a control freak socialist like yourself would think that good economics include debt… LOL
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Looking around the world this is clearly not the case however in places where environmental/labor/financial regulations are lax you find some of the most oppressed and poorest people in the world.
Like Greece?
A managed economy has to be managed well, it goes without saying, picking the worst example of mismanagement does not invalidate the practice. I wonder how you think a people can long be free if they do not have the means to hold accountable the most powerful economic entities in their country? Well crafted taxation/regulation keeps the deep pockets more honest and acting in the national interests, left on their own they just worry about the bottom line and fuck everything else.

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