Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing
Companies respond to market demand. If people don't want to pay made in USA rates they make it overseas. Adding to the cost of doing business here is the wrong direction. It isn't complicated.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Cut corporate tax rate to attract businesses to United States. Cut corporate loopholes (welfare).Hammer China and Mexico on trade. Cut food stamp program and public housing out completely.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing
Companies respond to market demand. If people don't want to pay made in USA rates they make it overseas. Adding to the cost of doing business here is the wrong direction. It isn't complicated.
And start having sensible trade policies.
Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Yet American companies are eager to invest in China now that they've become more economically liberal.

Why is that, Professor?
China is more economically liberal? You mean the lying about currency value? We need to lower costs here but we can't if there are too many liberals in power.
Taxing a man's labor, be it individual income tax or from a group of people as in a corporation, is immoral and antithetical to a free society. Besides, if the Federal government lived on the revenue we produced just a decade or so ago, we wouldn't need an income tax.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
Corporations do not hoard profits if they did they would have no investors willing to buy their stocks.

Decreasing the tax burden on profits will mean not only will those costs not be passed on to the consumer but more money will eventually end up in the hands of individuals where it will then be taxed
Corporations do hoard profits. They use some of them to buy back shares to artificially support share prices and to pay dividends to shareholders.

US corporations are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars of hoarded cash right now. They could use those funds to invest in their businesses, but they won't because there's no demand present to justify that. And that's because too many people in this country can't afford to buy the products they produce.

If they were to spend some of that cash by raising employee compensation, put that money to work into the economy by putting into their employees' paychecks, then demand for their goods will grow and they can use more of that cash to expand their enterprises to meet that demand

Everybody wins.

Decrease the corporate tax, or any tax, simply accelerates the growth of our debt. Cutting taxes doesn't reduce spending because they are no longer related (not since Ronald Reagan legitimized the concept of cutting taxes and then borrowing massive amounts to pay for the cost of government).

And we know that we can't cut spending because since the dawn of time we never have, no matter who controlled congress, who was in the White House, or what party made the most noise about cutting spending. It has never been done because it cannot be done. We spend it one way when one party is in power and we spend it a different way when the other party is in power and the only thing they both do is borrow, borrow, borrow to pay for it because our tax revenue is insufficient to pay for what we spend.

We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
With billions in waste, fraud and abuse you can't tell me we can't cut spending.

15% year one. 20% year two.

Directly to deficit reduction.

Share politically motivated gifts? Let's make it a crime.
Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Cut corporate tax rate to attract businesses to United States. Cut corporate loopholes (welfare).Hammer China and Mexico on trade. Cut food stamp program and public housing out completely.
Not in that order.

Hammer China and mexico, bring jobs back, get a surplus, pay off the debt have good paying jobs for people who want to work THEN cut taxes and food stamps and welfare
Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?

Everyone who has a job should belong into both the investor class and the working class.

Only a spendaholic liberal can't realize this.
No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
A simple answer to it you can't succeed in life paying debt with more debt… Simple as that LOL
Mine pays taxes and I'm fine with that. I also contribute to Medicaid and social security at amounts equal to what my employees contribute. In addition, I pay state and local taxes as required by law.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing
Companies respond to market demand. If people don't want to pay made in USA rates they make it overseas. Adding to the cost of doing business here is the wrong direction. It isn't complicated.

OK professor, what creates the market demand?
I just watched a commercial (on Fox) promoting New York State as a business location. The commercial touts "lowest taxes" and "tax free" for a couple of years for new businesses. Is it possible that the liberal democrat elite understand that low corporate taxes stimulate the economy and the rest of the idiotic left wing rabble didn't get the word?
I don't mind if we eliminate the corporate tax! Go ahead and let's experiment. Yes, I lean to the left, but I don't mind rw economic policies from time to time. And I do mean 0 corporate tax!

However, I seriously doubt that would keep corps from leaving! Yeah, I hear the argument, but is taxes the only reason they are leaving?

I think Jeb hinted to another reason back in the primaries. You know, the statement aboutAmericans need to work harder. I bet many of you did not think much of that......
And cheaper. Jeb (Republicans) also wish we would be OK with a pay cut because labor costs are really hurting CEO bonus'.
As a Republican I feel that corporations should pay corporate income taxes at rates no different than individual tax rates us working stiffs pay.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

A non-answer, go figure.
A simple answer to it you can't succeed in life paying debt with more debt… Simple as that LOL

Unable to articulate a clear answer I see.
I just watched a commercial (on Fox) promoting New York State as a business location. The commercial touts "lowest taxes" and "tax free" for a couple of years for new businesses. Is it possible that the liberal democrat elite understand that low corporate taxes stimulate the economy and the rest of the idiotic left wing rabble didn't get the word?
For a couple years! Then you got to start paying your share.

We understand the reality of having to compete with 3rd world shitholes like mexico India and Alabama

But notice companies didn't go from Michigan to a red state they skipped them and went to Mexico. And Republicans didn't care about those blue collar jobs. Now they pretend to care

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