Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.

A sales tax is detrimental to consumption. That's not helpful to corporations.

Actually, I am more interested here in greatly cutting the size and scope of the IRS.
Corporations do not hoard profits if they did they would have no investors willing to buy their stocks.

Decreasing the tax burden on profits will mean not only will those costs not be passed on to the consumer but more money will eventually end up in the hands of individuals where it will then be taxed
Corporations do hoard profits. They use some of them to buy back shares to artificially support share prices and to pay dividends to shareholders.

US corporations are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars of hoarded cash right now. They could use those funds to invest in their businesses, but they won't because there's no demand present to justify that. And that's because too many people in this country can't afford to buy the products they produce.

If they were to spend some of that cash by raising employee compensation, put that money to work into the economy by putting into their employees' paychecks, then demand for their goods will grow and they can use more of that cash to expand their enterprises to meet that demand

Everybody wins.

Decrease the corporate tax, or any tax, simply accelerates the growth of our debt. Cutting taxes doesn't reduce spending because they are no longer related (not since Ronald Reagan legitimized the concept of cutting taxes and then borrowing massive amounts to pay for the cost of government).

And we know that we can't cut spending because since the dawn of time we never have, no matter who controlled congress, who was in the White House, or what party made the most noise about cutting spending. It has never been done because it cannot be done. We spend it one way when one party is in power and we spend it a different way when the other party is in power and the only thing they both do is borrow, borrow, borrow to pay for it because our tax revenue is insufficient to pay for what we spend.

We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.

Even with our sluggish economy, we take in more revenue than at any time in history.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

You want to talk fair? Who has the highest corporate tax rate in the world? How fair is it that China and India are not subject to the level of environmental and other regulations that the US is subjected to? If you define corporations like the a IRS does, a single construction worker can set himself up as a corporation. How much taxes and regulations are you people going to stick him with?
We have enough loopholes and dodges that multinationals often pay almost nothing in our so-called highest tax rate in the world.

Then vote for Clinton and continue to see our corporations flee the country and live with a stagnate economy. You have that choice.
As long as cheaper labor exists somewhere else they will go there to exploit it no matter what we do to our tax code. Our economy is stagnant because wage growth is flat and job security is a thing of the past.
We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
How do "we" know spending can't be cut? That's the opinion of the liberal, not an actual fact. Of course we can cut spending, by a LOT. We can start with eliminating many federal bureaucracies, like the dept. of education and let the states handle it. A government that thinks its' primary role is to provide great paying jobs and benefits is doomed to failure. Raising taxes to fund it slows everything down, the private sector has to pay for it all.

Letting people and corporations keep more of their money isn't a gift because it doesn't belong to you or mother government.
I don't mind if we eliminate the corporate tax! Go ahead and let's experiment. Yes, I lean to the left, but I don't mind rw economic policies from time to time. And I do mean 0 corporate tax!

However, I seriously doubt that would keep corps from leaving! Yeah, I hear the argument, but is taxes the only reason they are leaving?

I think Jeb hinted to another reason back in the primaries. You know, the statement aboutAmericans need to work harder. I bet many of you did not think much of that......
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Tax money to the federal government is always wasted… LOL
Our economy is stagnant because wage growth is flat and job security is a thing of the past.
Wages and job security sucks because the economy sucks. Liberals think in reverse. obamacare alone put a hardship on small business. Things will not improve until we have a government that understands where wealth comes from and becomes business friendly again.
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.


There's your lowering of the rates. Where's the evidence things have gotten better?
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.
We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
How do "we" know spending can't be cut? That's the opinion of the liberal, not an actual fact. Of course we can cut spending, by a LOT. We can start with eliminating many federal bureaucracies, like the dept. of education and let the states handle it. A government that thinks its' primary role is to provide great paying jobs and benefits is doomed to failure. Raising taxes to fund it slows everything down, the private sector has to pay for it all.

Letting people and corporations keep more of their money isn't a gift because it doesn't belong to you or mother government.
Tax cuts and spending look exactly the same on the government's balance sheet. Instead of giving out tax cuts and then looking for a way to cut spending a more prudent policy would be to cut spending, see how much is actually saved and then pass it on to the billionaire hedge fund vultures you call job creators.
Our economy is stagnant because wage growth is flat and job security is a thing of the past.
Wages and job security sucks because the economy sucks. Liberals think in reverse. obamacare alone put a hardship on small business. Things will not improve until we have a government that understands where wealth comes from and becomes business friendly again.

The economy doesn't suck, it is not 2008. The Congress Sucks, and that is The Truth.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

You want to talk fair? Who has the highest corporate tax rate in the world? How fair is it that China and India are not subject to the level of environmental and other regulations that the US is subjected to? If you define corporations like the a IRS does, a single construction worker can set himself up as a corporation. How much taxes and regulations are you people going to stick him with?
We have enough loopholes and dodges that multinationals often pay almost nothing in our so-called highest tax rate in the world.

Then vote for Clinton and continue to see our corporations flee the country and live with a stagnate economy. You have that choice.
As long as cheaper labor exists somewhere else they will go there to exploit it no matter what we do to our tax code. Our economy is stagnant because wage growth is flat and job security is a thing of the past.

We've see more and greater profits going to the have's, and very very little trickling down to the have nots' - and the haves want more!
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competition. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.
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If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

You want to talk fair? Who has the highest corporate tax rate in the world? How fair is it that China and India are not subject to the level of environmental and other regulations that the US is subjected to? If you define corporations like the a IRS does, a single construction worker can set himself up as a corporation. How much taxes and regulations are you people going to stick him with?
We have enough loopholes and dodges that multinationals often pay almost nothing in our so-called highest tax rate in the world.

Then vote for Clinton and continue to see our corporations flee the country and live with a stagnate economy. You have that choice.
As long as cheaper labor exists somewhere else they will go there to exploit it no matter what we do to our tax code. Our economy is stagnant because wage growth is flat and job security is a thing of the past.

We've see more and greater profits going to the have's, and very very little trickling down to the have nots' - and the haves want more!
If all this trickle down stuff had as clear a benefit to the economy as they claim there would be no debate. No one can look at the working class economy and make the statement that cutting taxes at the top does anything at all for them.
We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
How do "we" know spending can't be cut? That's the opinion of the liberal, not an actual fact. Of course we can cut spending, by a LOT. We can start with eliminating many federal bureaucracies, like the dept. of education and let the states handle it. A government that thinks its' primary role is to provide great paying jobs and benefits is doomed to failure. Raising taxes to fund it slows everything down, the private sector has to pay for it all.

Letting people and corporations keep more of their money isn't a gift because it doesn't belong to you or mother government.
We know we can't because the people who give the concept the most lip service don't do it when they are handed the country on a silver platter. The hypocrites spend as much or more on their pet programs and projects.

We know we can't because we don't. Don't like the choice of words? How about we won't cut spending. We know we won't because given every opportunity to do so, we don't do it. There is no reason to do it. You can't cut spending without taking something away from tax-paying voters who have demanded it, and stiffing tax-paying voters costs votes.

In a perfect world where our representatives agreed to forfeit their careers and cut programs and services and the agencies that serve us, it would last as long as the next election cycle when we'd replace them all with people who would restore what we originally demanded and still want.

Get it? We don't cut spending, ever. We don't because of the way our representative system of government is set up. Need a new VA hospital in your town to boost your local economy? No problem. You don't have the pay for it, everyone in the country will pay for it. Your congressman puts it in a bill and gets others to support it because he promises to support their bills to build monuments in their city parks and dredge the lakes for their local resort industry.

We don't cut spending and never will. Get that through your head.

We can raise tax revenue, though. We have a lot of lost ground to make up since the '80s and we can't postpone it forever. Eventually all this borrowing is going to become too burdensome to service, and then we'll really be in the soup.
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?
Not at all, the argument that increased jobs and the income taxes offset corporate tax cuts can no longer be used because we are losing more jobs to automation than any possible trickle down effect could create.
What doe trickle down mean to you? And where is your evidence that lowering corporate taxes doesn't help? And no, automation isn't the reason jobs go overseas.

Why would a corporation pass on tax savings to its employees or customers? Before doing such a thing I might expect them to buy out competition, especially start ups, expand operations overseas, give raises to the CEO, CFO, etc. and maybe toss a penny or two to common stock holders.

Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
Corporations do not hoard profits if they did they would have no investors willing to buy their stocks.

Decreasing the tax burden on profits will mean not only will those costs not be passed on to the consumer but more money will eventually end up in the hands of individuals where it will then be taxed
Corporations do hoard profits. They use some of them to buy back shares to artificially support share prices and to pay dividends to shareholders.

US corporations are sitting on hundreds of billions of dollars of hoarded cash right now. They could use those funds to invest in their businesses, but they won't because there's no demand present to justify that. And that's because too many people in this country can't afford to buy the products they produce.

If they were to spend some of that cash by raising employee compensation, put that money to work into the economy by putting into their employees' paychecks, then demand for their goods will grow and they can use more of that cash to expand their enterprises to meet that demand

Everybody wins.

Decrease the corporate tax, or any tax, simply accelerates the growth of our debt. Cutting taxes doesn't reduce spending because they are no longer related (not since Ronald Reagan legitimized the concept of cutting taxes and then borrowing massive amounts to pay for the cost of government).

And we know that we can't cut spending because since the dawn of time we never have, no matter who controlled congress, who was in the White House, or what party made the most noise about cutting spending. It has never been done because it cannot be done. We spend it one way when one party is in power and we spend it a different way when the other party is in power and the only thing they both do is borrow, borrow, borrow to pay for it because our tax revenue is insufficient to pay for what we spend.

We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.

I'll support raising taxes when we have an across the board cut. Every program from DOD to studying the sexual tendencies of amebas in Africa, should do a 1 percent cut in spending annually for 10 years.
We know that it's impossible to cut spending significantly or for any significant period, so cutting taxes has but one effect - accelerate the growth of our already humongous debt.

You want even more debt? Reduce corporate taxes for the 40% of corporations who pay corporate taxes (the other 60% are structured as pass-through corporations and don't pay corporate tax).

Concerned about the debt? Then raise taxes, starting with those at the top who have benefited the most from thirty-plus years of unaffordably low tax rates. It's time to share some of those politically motivated gifts with the rest of the country for a change. We need the revenue more than they do.

We always have.
How do "we" know spending can't be cut? That's the opinion of the liberal, not an actual fact. Of course we can cut spending, by a LOT. We can start with eliminating many federal bureaucracies, like the dept. of education and let the states handle it. A government that thinks its' primary role is to provide great paying jobs and benefits is doomed to failure. Raising taxes to fund it slows everything down, the private sector has to pay for it all.

Letting people and corporations keep more of their money isn't a gift because it doesn't belong to you or mother government.
We know we can't because the people who give the concept the most lip service don't do it when they are handed the country on a silver platter. The hypocrites spend as much or more on their pet programs and projects.

We know we can't because we don't. Don't like the choice of words? How about we won't cut spending. We know we won't because given every opportunity to do so, we don't do it. There is no reason to do it. You can't cut spending without taking something away from tax-paying voters who have demanded it, and stiffing tax-paying voters costs votes.

In a perfect world where our representatives agreed to forfeit their careers and cut programs and services and the agencies that serve us, it would last as long as the next election cycle when we'd replace them all with people who would restore what we originally demanded and still want.

Get it? We don't cut spending, ever. We don't because of the way our representative system of government is set up. Need a new VA hospital in your town to boost your local economy? No problem. You don't have the pay for it, everyone in the country will pay for it. Your congressman puts it in a bill and gets others to support it because he promises to support their bills to build monuments in their city parks and dredge the lakes for their local resort industry.

We don't cut spending and never will. Get that through your head.

We can raise tax revenue, though. We have a lot of lost ground to make up since the '80s and we can't postpone it forever. Eventually all this borrowing is going to become too burdensome to service, and then we'll really be in the soup.
What are you babbling about? We can cut spending, nothing is written that we have to continuously expand social programs and federal agencies. Get that through you hate filled pea brain.

We have many examples of your idiotic point of view played out in reality. Libtards hailed Greece as the economy to pine for many years ago. I argued with them but they thought taxing and spending were the key to growth. Some are still that stupid no matter what.

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