Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.

First you say labor theory of value is not a theory.

Then you say it's not a Marxist theory, even though you presented it as Marx's masterpiece in just the last post.

You are not the brightest one, are you? I can see why Marxist bullshit would appeal to you.
If you were so smart you would have refuted something I said rather than be a dick.
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.

First you say labor theory of value is not a theory.

Then you say it's not a Marxist theory, even though you presented it as Marx's masterpiece in just the last post.

You are not the brightest one, are you? I can see why Marxist bullshit would appeal to you.
Does being an arrogant right wing tool make you smart?
Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Chinas economic model and dereulation has led to an unhappy middle class and toxic air. It has zero ability to threaten anyone. It went all in without common sense. Some balance was needed.
Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?
This thread explained in one picture:

Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Bullshit. We put more money in more peoples pockets. You've been destroying unions since Reagan. It's why bush invented NAFTA in the first place.

You stupid cons forget or try to ignore we created the middle class. Unions and liberal labor laws.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.

The USSC & IRS considers a corporation a person. A less friendly approach might be to place a very high tariff on any product made in nation XYZ, once made in the US. That would open the door for new entrepreneurs to build start up companies with US Labor here at home. Said money collected by the tariff to be distributed to the retirees harmed by said company. Also, the assets left by said company should be taken and sold by under an act of Congress and revenue from the sale of real property, furniture and equipment given to those whose jobs were shipped to XYZ.
You want to seize assets from companies who move over seas. Companies that are offered incentive to move to these countries by giving them tax breaks and a more friendly climate to do business.

I would think it wiser to bring this revenue home by offering them a better incentive and a friendlier climate to do business in.

How are you going to seize these assets? Military intervention?
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Bullshit. We put more money in more peoples pockets. You've been destroying unions since Reagan. It's why bush invented NAFTA in the first place.

You stupid cons forget or try to ignore we created the middle class. Unions and liberal labor laws.
Unions are a rip off, a tool of control freaks. You can't have the "employed" running the company It will fail every time… LOL
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Looking around the world this is clearly not the case however in places where environmental/labor/financial regulations are lax you find some of the most oppressed and poorest people in the world.
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
All corporate profits get taxed because they all eventually wind up in the hands of people either via salaries, dividends, or even stock sales.

Corporations do not hoard profits if they did they would have no investors willing to buy their stocks.

Decreasing the tax burden on profits will mean not only will those costs not be passed on to the consumer but more money will eventually end up in the hands of individuals where it will then be taxed

If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Well, I'm a registered Republican and I favor a sales tax instead of an income tax. I don't see taxing corporations as a good thing myself. Corporation create jobs. Were corporations not taxed and regulated so harshly, they might create more jobs from which personal income taxes could be gained. Corporation are also the source for many of the investments paying the retirement expenses of many of our elderly. A more friendly tax structure would tend to keep corporations from moving abroad and encourage their own reinvestment into capital equipment and expansion.

Corporations also use every bit of public infrastructure to earn their profits.

They also get all kinds of legal protection . That's why people incorporate business's . They don't have too, they choose too.

And what do companies actually pay in taxes ? There's so much to the tax code that these rates you see on paper are never what's actually paid .
And they're remitting the taxes, not paying them. They're just overhead built into the cost to their customers. The retail consumer pays all the taxes levied along the line of production.
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Looking around the world this is clearly not the case however in places where environmental/labor/financial regulations are lax you find some of the most oppressed and poorest people in the world.
The largest, richest most corrupt government on the planet is the career politicians federal government… LOL
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Looking around the world this is clearly not the case however in places where environmental/labor/financial regulations are lax you find some of the most oppressed and poorest people in the world.
Like Greece?
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing
No one starts the company just to hire people, thats socialism and it's a 100% fail rate... Lol
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Companies are heavily investing in China. What do you love about China?

Oh, and those companies play by China's rules. In America, because of Republicans, corporations make the rules. That's why workers here are losing. Because corporations and shareholders only care about 1 thing

Did this guy seriously just say because of republicans?


Perhaps there are also some others to blame.

But you must realize it's not the corporations in general. It's some corporations who write rules for the detriment of the other corporations and everyone else.
Companies go overseas to pay low to zero wages also. If we lower the taxes they pay to zero thats fine. Do you then expect american workers to accept comparable wages to chinese workers? I say no. We cannot afford it.
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.
Yet American companies are eager to invest in China now that they've become more economically liberal.

Why is that, Professor?
Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
The stated theory is not even a theory, it is reflected in the cost of production on every balance sheet in the world. Cutting the cost of production is awesome for the owners but it is theft from the working class economy in jobs and wages. American productivity is still among the best in the world but it has done very little for those who actually produce.

No, it's a theory, and a real shitty one at that. Sorry, you won't get Marxist theory of value popping out of balance sheets.

Cutting costs is what makes economies thrive and the middle class rich. Claiming otherwise is again more Marxist nonsense.

Also you might want to reconsider your definition of theft.
This is not Marxist theory, it is econ 101. There are two ways for a company to make a profit, cutting costs and increasing sales. The first makes money flow up and the other down to the working class. It is far easier to show the stockholders a quarterly profit by wringing more productivity from the workers than to increase sales and for the last twenty years this has been the go-to method to remain profitable. The downside to this is stagnant wages and fewer jobs.
Companies tend to not invest in shitty economies. And liberals create shitty economies.

You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
The career politicians and their federal government have overstepped in every possible way, that is why they are paying debt with more debt. They call that a banana republic... Lol

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