Do Republicans Think Corporations should pay no taxes?

Should corporations pay taxes?

  • Yes

    Votes: 28 62.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 37.8%

  • Total voters
Does taxing the corporation somehow stop the progress of automation?

Good point considering automation is looked at to save money. We see fast food places looking at it more seriously with minimum wage increases. Taxing them more might prompt them to install computers to replace people.
There is no way a person can be expected to compete with robots just as an American worker cannot be expected to successfully compete with Chinese peasant labor. On a long enough timeline people are going to lose out to automation every time. This is coming no matter what we do to the tax code, any ideas what to do about it using only the private sector's methods?
Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.
China. They come from China. Republicans have outsourced everything including vaccines to Mexico. We couldn't even wipe our own asses if mexico stopped sending us toilet paper

Oh yea, it's the evil republicans at it!

The ridiculous regulations, 2nd highest corporate tax rate in the world and complete dominance by worker's unions sponsored by democrats have nothing to do with it what so ever.

These people are so delusional, it's difficult to comprehend.
High paying union jobs? Yes corporations hate those.

Of course we have the highest corporate taxes. We spend more on military than everyone else. Where do you think the money to pay for that should come from?

Im not in Iraq but Pepsi is. I'm not benefitting from Chinese and Mexican labor as much as corporations are
We should bring our military home and insist that these countries pay for their own defense.

But who will pay for their social welfare programs once we leave?
Because of competitions. When other firms have more resources they will try to hire the best and thus wages must come up.

It's simple if only you aren't subscribed to the Marxist version of economics, also known as fairy tales.

"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.

A theory is just that, when you offer a rebuttal I promise to read it, but for now lets skip it.

Robots can work 24-7-365, never get sick and when they do they are tossed into the recycle bin and replaced. They are never late to work, never need breaks and never leave early. So let's leave old Karl out of the issue and then you can respond as to why an industry would hire hundreds of skilled workers when a few can design a robot to be put together with plans not much different than those that came with an erector set.
The problem with automation is a thorny one and not really covered by any traditional economic model/philosophy. Are probably going to be forced to institute some sort of guaranteed income scheme just to keep fluidity in the greater economy.

It is a problem, but one which needs no theory to explain how it will impact jobs - it will reduce or eliminate them, and open up new careers for tech savvy engineers and entrepreneurs. Will it mean more unemployment, or will some social engineering need to take place, such as reducing the work week to 24 hours? making two 'week ends' in a week and creating more jobs in hobby areas, recreation, sports, art, music, etc.

In other words, Indian Business Visas will jump to 5,000,000 year.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Sealy that happened under why do you never ask Democrats that?

0 to 50,000 15%
50,000 to 75,000 $7,500 + 25% Of the amount over 50,000
75,000 to 100,000 $13,750 + 34% Of the amount over 75,000
100,000 to 335,000 $22,250 + 39% Of the amount over 100,000
335,000 to 10,000,000 $113,900 + 34% Of the amount over 335,000
10,000,000 to 15,000,000 $3,400,000 + 35% Of the amount over 10,000,000
15,000,000 to 18,333,333 $5,150,000 + 38% Of the amount over 15,000,000
18,333,333 and up 35%

Current amount...set it all to 15%......or even 10%....BUT if you move overseas....we double the tax.......keep the jobs in the US.
Yet another inane simple minded poll conducted by lefties.
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.
Actually Trump thinks the middle class shouldn't pay any income taxes....
You'll believe anything the guy says. His cum tastes like chocolate too
How would you know?
Because Melania fells him it does. Or she nods yes because her mouth is full of old man cum.

She'll say anything don tells her to say just write it down for her to repeat. Don't ask her to speak from the soul because she sold that when she married the don
I'm either trying to get you to admit or realize what you are advocating for. Shifting the tax burden more on to yourself. Do you think you can pay off the debt by yourself?

Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.

I've asked this before and it has never been answered.

What is their fair share?

Specifically in percentage or dollars and cents.
Still nothing but mutterings of debt and career politicians?

Show us some of that inherent conservative economic prowess we hear so much about here at USMB.
Only a control freak socialist like yourself would think that good economics include debt… LOL

I've said nothing about debt.
You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
A tiny starved federal government… it's quite the opposite now. LOL

So the economy has never been strong since the govt became large?

A large federal government and its byproduct unpayable debt... Is not only a drain on the freedoms of people - it's an absolute drain on economic success...

You are a broken record with this BS.
Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.

I've asked this before and it has never been answered.

What is their fair share?

Specifically in percentage or dollars and cents.

110 % seems fair. No one should profit at the expense of the poor worker.
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.
Sealy that happened under why do you never ask Democrats that?

0 to 50,000 15%
50,000 to 75,000 $7,500 + 25% Of the amount over 50,000
75,000 to 100,000 $13,750 + 34% Of the amount over 75,000
100,000 to 335,000 $22,250 + 39% Of the amount over 100,000
335,000 to 10,000,000 $113,900 + 34% Of the amount over 335,000
10,000,000 to 15,000,000 $3,400,000 + 35% Of the amount over 10,000,000
15,000,000 to 18,333,333 $5,150,000 + 38% Of the amount over 15,000,000
18,333,333 and up 35%

Current amount...set it all to 15%......or even 10%....BUT if you move overseas....we double the tax.......keep the jobs in the US.
We either went along with GOP demands like these or the GOP said they would shut the government down.

Did Republican senators and governors disagree? What about them?
If not, what tax on every dollar in profits is fair? And what do they pay now?

My belief is Republicans don't think corporations should pay any taxes. That's what their arguments suggest.

Your belief is wrong. We believe the taxes corporations pay are TOO HIGH!
FACTS are nearly U.S. corporations hold $2.1 trillion in profits offshore — much in tax havens — that have not been taxed in the U.S.
In addition you don't seem to know that those evil profits that those evil corporations pay taxes on are distributed to shareholders as
dividends...and THESE dividends are taxed again as income to the shareholders.
So evil capitalists 401K holders (maybe you...?) have had their corporate holdings taxed but when the dividends are paid, TAXED again!

More importantly though if half of that $2.1 trillion were to be repatriated what do you think would happen if this corporate cash came back?
Do you really think the corporations will hide it under their mattresses? Or would they spend it? Spend it on what? Expanding their businesses by building more and hiring more, by paying higher salaries? Or would they put it in the bank? But if they did that would'n't that be more money to lend out at lower rates? Nothing but good will come from this $1 trillion coming back because RIGHT NOW the government is getting nothing!
So again... if you understand how businesses operate you also be in favor of lowering the taxes thus bringing back maybe $1 trillion.
Plus you may not have heard of the "multiplier effect" which states
The economic multiplier states for every $1 million spent, IT is multiplied by 1.18 or the economy grows with that $1 trillion to $1.2 trillion.
• $1.188 million in total economic activity takes place for every $1 million spent..
• Each $1 million spent provides $205,829 in labor incomes
• Each $1 million represents 7.7 workers and assuming 35% (payroll taxes, FICA, FUTA, Medicare, SS)
Only a control freak socialist like yourself would think that good economics include debt… LOL

I've said nothing about debt.
You keep saying it's a shitty economy.
What in your mind is shitty about it?
What do you believe the main driver for economic growth is?
A tiny starved federal government… it's quite the opposite now. LOL

So the economy has never been strong since the govt became large?

A large federal government and its byproduct unpayable debt... Is not only a drain on the freedoms of people - it's an absolute drain on economic success...

You are a broken record with this BS.
I know the truth hurts...
Do you think that all people are like you and do not own a stock portfolio for retirement?

Are you 13 years old?

The more profits companies can generate the better the retirement portfolios or house savings or in fact any form of insurance does.
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.

I've asked this before and it has never been answered.

What is their fair share?

Specifically in percentage or dollars and cents.

A percentage proportional to what others pay. The actual dollar amount is meaningless. Don't you believe their rate should be at least what you pay?
Does taxing the corporation somehow stop the progress of automation?

Good point considering automation is looked at to save money. We see fast food places looking at it more seriously with minimum wage increases. Taxing them more might prompt them to install computers to replace people.
There is no way a person can be expected to compete with robots just as an American worker cannot be expected to successfully compete with Chinese peasant labor. On a long enough timeline people are going to lose out to automation every time. This is coming no matter what we do to the tax code, any ideas what to do about it using only the private sector's methods?

I bet if transformers came to earth from cybertron and went looking for work you would say "build a wall to stop those machines from taking our jobs".
Are you working class or investor class?

There was a time you were a worker, right? You got to investor class because you didn't have to compete with mexico and china.

But what do you care you got yours right? You climbed the opportunity ladder now want to pull it up on the people who come after you.

In the America you grew up in corporations paid their fair share so your daddy could provide for you. Now you want to shift the burden on us?
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.

I've asked this before and it has never been answered.

What is their fair share?

Specifically in percentage or dollars and cents.

A percentage proportional to what others pay. The actual dollar amount is meaningless. Don't you believe their rate should be at least what you pay?
Do you believe that whatever they pay will be passed on to the consumer and the rest written off?
"The labor theory of value is a major pillar of traditional Marxian economics, which is evident in Marx's masterpiece, Capital (1867). The theory's basic claim is simple: the value of a commodity can be objectively measured by the average number of labor hours required to produce that commodity."

Now, consider if there is some truth to his theory, why would a corporation higher more and better workers and pay them more when technology & robotics can replace people?

Where do you think robots come from? Are they not produced by employees that need to be hired? The more money corporations have, the more work they need done... and thus the higher the wage offered.

So the solution is simple, once you consider that there is no truth to Marx's theory.

A theory is just that, when you offer a rebuttal I promise to read it, but for now lets skip it.

Robots can work 24-7-365, never get sick and when they do they are tossed into the recycle bin and replaced. They are never late to work, never need breaks and never leave early. So let's leave old Karl out of the issue and then you can respond as to why an industry would hire hundreds of skilled workers when a few can design a robot to be put together with plans not much different than those that came with an erector set.
The problem with automation is a thorny one and not really covered by any traditional economic model/philosophy. Are probably going to be forced to institute some sort of guaranteed income scheme just to keep fluidity in the greater economy.

It is a problem, but one which needs no theory to explain how it will impact jobs - it will reduce or eliminate them, and open up new careers for tech savvy engineers and entrepreneurs. Will it mean more unemployment, or will some social engineering need to take place, such as reducing the work week to 24 hours? making two 'week ends' in a week and creating more jobs in hobby areas, recreation, sports, art, music, etc.

In other words, Indian Business Visas will jump to 5,000,000 year.

No, those are your words posted thoughtlessly.

We need to reform education in America, for example, creating 13th & 14th Grade levels, preparing those kids who don't want a liberal arts or scientific / engineering career, etc. into technical and or service careers, necessary for the 21st century.
You're having trouble understanding economics, an massive overbearing federal government can never be good "economics" meaning it never can consume/take enough of others… LOL
You're speaking to someone who says" we have bills, and they have the money, so we must take it!"

Or just simply that they should pay their share proportionally.

I've asked this before and it has never been answered.

What is their fair share?

Specifically in percentage or dollars and cents.

A percentage proportional to what others pay. The actual dollar amount is meaningless. Don't you believe their rate should be at least what you pay?
Do you believe that whatever they pay will be passed on to the consumer and the rest written off?
It might hurt profits, employee wages, bonus', expansion, hiring more employees, the economy, etc but you gotta pay your taxes.

I'd be OK with everyone paying 15% if it would work. Democrats aren't trying to over tax but it seems Republicans want to under tax and then wonder why we are broke
Actually Trump thinks the middle class shouldn't pay any income taxes....
You'll believe anything the guy says. His cum tastes like chocolate too

It actually says so on his website. You should try reading it before you make baseless accusations.
He made a lot of promises to trump edu students too. And to all the people he hires then doesn't pay. Only he gets paid.

Trump also promised a lot of crazy things to the far right. Who's he lying to?

Next year Democrats are going to advance a lot of trumps ideas. What will Republicans do with Hillary's tariffs?

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