Do repubs really think Michelle will be the nominee?

Forward your complaint to look Newsweek

"Michelle Obama for President? What Polls Say About Her 2024 Chances"​

Find a 5th grader to read the article to you since it is above your reading level....

Find a 5th grader to read the article to you since it is above your reading level....

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Again, direct you whine to your pals at newsweek.

Ivankafakeittie was asking for any left wing media outlet that was opining on Michelle being elected President in 2024. Newsweek was. In 2021 (to give them credit, they understood then what a colossal fuckup your guy would be in office.
Several right wing pundits have predicted that Biden will drop out, and Michelle Obama will be named as Democratic candidate. I am unaware of anything she might have said to suggest this is a possibility. Does anybody have any credible reason to believe this might happen, or is it just another effort to keep trump's followers rile up?

In politics nothing surprises me anymore. That being said I doubt she will run.
Several right wing pundits have predicted that Biden will drop out, and Michelle Obama will be named as Democratic candidate. I am unaware of anything she might have said to suggest this is a possibility. Does anybody have any credible reason to believe this might happen, or is it just another effort to keep trump's followers rile up?

Republicans take electing a President as seriously as electing a prom queen.

Which explains how Trump got elected!
Several right wing pundits have predicted that Biden will drop out, and Michelle Obama will be named as Democratic candidate. I am unaware of anything she might have said to suggest this is a possibility. Does anybody have any credible reason to believe this might happen, or is it just another effort to keep trump's followers rile up?

Who the fuck knows?

The odds of the DNC permitting their puppet to run seem to be on the narrow side.

If they tell him that he has decided to bow out, Potato will drop out.

With Potato out of the race, do the same DNC manipulators want to have Kamala HeelsUp (the cackling jackal) Harris being their nominee? Quite unlikely.

Is Newscum a possible DNC savior? Not when folks see what that moron has done to California.

Shrillary again? Please.

Their field is small and weak.

Do I think it will be Big Mike Obama? Not necessarily. But it’s not out of the question.
1. Biden is not going to drop out.

2. If he (hypothetically) did Kamala Harris would replace him
You Deplorable's still clinging to the LIE of Big Mike, it's really a Man!
Dear Lord.
it's what you RWI's do when ALL you have is Conspiracy Theories and Lies.

Make up your ^^^^^^ mind, faggot.
this one has been on the "top ten" for 16 years. and still makes no more sense than the first time.

i notice that it is ok for trump to have a "body man," another obama scandal that falls far short of falwell's pool boy.

Again, direct you whine to your pals at newsweek.

Why would I do that when you are the one that either cannot read above a 3rd grade level or lied about the poll from YouGov
The Trump Republicans will certainly parrot the idea as if it were.

Put it out on Faux Not News and they will lap it up like hummingbirds to Nectar.
I don't think they will pull this stunt. It would be idiotic. Right now the sasquatch can do whatever she wants and mooch money doing it. Once she gets in the spotlight and placed under a magnifying glass people will see her for what she is: Just another incompetent, affirmative action boob milking the system as a race hustler.
I don't. Unless dimocrap scum have totally given up and want to have one, last Banzai! charge before they're shown the the door.

It isn't so much that dimocrap FILTH have lost the presidency for 2024. That's a given. Slam Dunk.

But there are hundreds..... No, thousands of dimocrap scum parasites down-ticket that need to have a marketable option at the top of the ticket in order to get their pig-fucker voters to show up.

And the Skunk Ape has too much baggage. She's even more stupid than Kamal-toe.

On the other hand, she was voted as being one one the world's most beautiful women.

How can anybody argue with that??

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A couple of Ferraris ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ parked next to a firetruck.


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