Do repubs really think Michelle will be the nominee?

?? left wing media have been talking about her ever since Joe was installed.

That article is about a silly remark Joe Rogan made back in 2021. Newsweek didn't even slightly imply it was a real possibility. Rogan says a lot of goofy stuff. You got any real example of a non maga source suggesting it might be a real possibility?
I guess its possible, but I really doubt it. A Big Mike Obama candidacy would be a referendum on the Obama Regime, and those folks don't want their legacy put up to that kind of scrutiny.
Michelle would be a much stronger candidate than Joe Biden in my opinion (at this time). I don’t see her as all that qualified as she has never held an office or ran a large company but a good number of people like her.

Trump’s weakness is his obnoxiousness as he is a typical New Yorker. A seemingly nice person like Joe Biden or Michelle can exploit that character flaw. Joe Biden also lacked leadership experience as his whole life was spent generating hot air as a politician and a VP (a fairly inconsequential job) And it shows. Many people feel Joe Biden is the worst U.S. President in modern times.
You can never tell what the DNCCP will do to maintain their power.
By putting up Mike Obama as Dem candidate they want another Obama destructive era.
Is that why you think it is a real possibility?
That article is about a silly remark Joe Rogan made back in 2021. Newsweek didn't even slightly imply it was a real possibility. Rogan says a lot of goofy stuff. You got any real example of a non maga source suggesting it might be a real possibility?
I really don't know why I bother providing you guys links when you don't ever fucking read them.

YouGov was taking polls in 2021 about her chances of being elected in 2024.
If Biden decided to not seek re-election, Dimocrats would instantly have a Kamalla problem they would have to deal with before they could get behind Michelle.
What makes you think that? Do you have anything other than your feels to support your belief?
Political malpractice not planning for Biden falling of the stage or beginning his incoherent mumbling during a nationally televised campaign speech or tweaking the tit of a 12 year old daughter of a supporter at a campaign event or ...
YouGov was taking polls in 2021 about her chances of being elected in 2024.

Do you even read the links you post?

YouGov was taking polls of how admired people were, it had jack shit to do with being elected to anything.
Talk personalities get paid to talk. Silence is not a smart idea for the Limbaughs and Hannitys of this country. "Who is next in line for Democrat Party leadership" is a worthy thing to discuss. Big Mike certainly checks enough boxes to get nominated, so I can understand the discussion.

i have heard this crazy fringe idea bandied about at dem underground . dont take it serious.
Several right wing pundits have predicted that Biden will drop out, and Michelle Obama will be named as Democratic candidate. I am unaware of anything she might have said to suggest this is a possibility. Does anybody have any credible reason to believe this might happen, or is it just another effort to keep trump's followers rile up?

I don't. Unless dimocrap scum have totally given up and want to have one, last Banzai! charge before they're shown the the door.

It isn't so much that dimocrap FILTH have lost the presidency for 2024. That's a given. Slam Dunk.

But there are hundreds..... No, thousands of dimocrap scum parasites down-ticket that need to have a marketable option at the top of the ticket in order to get their pig-fucker voters to show up.

And the Skunk Ape has too much baggage. She's even more stupid than Kamal-toe.

On the other hand, she was voted as being one one the world's most beautiful women.

How can anybody argue with that??

I guess its possible, but I really doubt it. A Big Mike Obama candidacy would be a referendum on the Obama Regime, and those folks don't want their legacy put up to that kind of scrutiny.
You Deplorable's still clinging to the LIE of Big Mike, it's really a Man!
Dear Lord.
it's what you RWI's do when ALL you have is Conspiracy Theories and Lies.
I think Newsom is more likely than Big Mike.

Big Mike certainly checks enough boxes to get nominated,

By putting up Mike Obama as Dem candidate

Michelle is ugly for a man
Michelle is also very RACIST. She talked about how someone cut in line and that person was white and she said
Make up your ^^^^^^ mind, faggot.
Big Mike, not so much.

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