Do SCOTUS' Gay Marriage Stays-In-Interim Apply to All 50 States?

Should Interim-Rulings on Federal Questions be applied equally across 50 states?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 42.9%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters
continue pushing for equality. The democratic process shouldn't be involved. The government is here to protect rights of individuals, not states.

But this is a democracy. Behaviors don't have majority-rule exception. Only when it comes to race or gender. Not behaviors like LGBT. Behaviors are treated differently by law. We majority are allowed to discriminate against them every day of the week. If we weren't, we would be a fascist country instead in a nanosecond. The Third Reicht was a incomplete grouping of human behaviors. They were a minority who felt their behaviors should be dominant law against the majority in Germany. Cults have a funny way of burning out of control like wildfires when the majority is handcuffed away from setting limits for them.

Besides, 49 countries in Europe and the US Supreme Court last year have determined that gay marriage is not a civil or even a human Europe they found this testing the remotest possibility of law:

From the OP link there:

The highest human rights court in Europe shattered hopes that it would judicially impose same-sex marriage when it told a male to female transsexual and his wife that a civil union should be good enough for them.

European human rights law does not require countries to “grant access to marriage to same-sex couples,” according to a judgment of the European Court of Human Rights in a case that tests the remote boundaries of possibility in law and fact....

...The European court was unequivocal. It not only said that European human rights law does not contemplate same-sex marriage, it said that civil unions are good enough for same-sex couples....

...The court confirmed that the protection of the traditional institution of marriage is a valid state interest—implicitly endorsing the view that relations between persons of the same sex are not identical to marriage between a man and a woman, and may be treated differently in law...

...The U.S. Supreme Court declined to say that marriage between persons of the same sex is a right under the U.S. Constitution or international law last year. In a case involving a law that prohibited the U.S. federal government from recognizing marriages between persons of the same sex, the Court ruled that individual states may decide whether or not to allow individuals of the same sex to marry each other.

First, this country absolutely is not a democracy. It is a constitutional republic. The constitution rules us. Not leaders, not the majority. They majority is a tyrant thus the creators of our constitution made the constitution the supreme law. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting in what to have for dinner.

You need to return to high school and learn the reality.

Second, the supreme court interprets the constitution. If they find that the14th amendment protects people's rights then the state will lose.

If the states have rights over their people that is liberal democrat ideals in state governmentand in no way conservative. You are just a statist democrat.

Third, I would consider taking a government class if I were you. If you dropped out ofhigh school you can get enrolled in a community college, if you graduated high school, don't let your children attend that school district.

You don't know what a stay is, you don't understand the basics of our country you use the perfect example of what is wrong with democracy, the third Reich, to explain to me your uneducated nonsense. Mercy silhouette, the best thing you can do for your party is just stop talking.

Last, you need to understand this, rights aren't gained by vote they are gained through bloodshed. Not one of those rights in the bill of rights was gained without men dying. If tu doubt me look up the American revolutionary war and then look up the civil war.
the Court ruled that individual states may decide whether or not to allow individuals of the same sex to marry each other. while reserving the right to right to rule in the future as deemed necessary.

sil always leaves that part out.

Thus, if the 14th is violated as it appears in the Amendment 3 case, the state of Utah and the plaintiffs have decided to roll the dice to see if SCOTUS will accept it.

If not, then marriage equality will apply in all of the states of the disctrict, and the other district appellate courts will probably follow suit by dismissing andf or denying to hear anti-marriage equality appeals.

If so, the Court most likely will follow Roberts, Sotomayor, Kennedy, and the other three liberals on behalf of marriage equality.
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.
"Two wolves and a lamb voting what to have dinner" is exactly Sil's type of governance.

Sil is the past, so don't worry about the future.
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I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...

That member calls your perverted cult nonsense for what it is: laughable.

You as a poster, Sil, on this subject, are laughable.
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...
Majority rule is the third Reich or Hamas, or Iraq under Saddam. You have nothing to hand over. This nation is constitutionally ruled. It isn't up to the majority to decide how the constitution applys

Go take a government class instead of doubling down on ignorance.
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...

That member calls your perverted cult nonsense for what it is: laughable.

You as a poster, Sil, on this subject, are laughable.
It's like listing to a rat explain calculus.

Sill thinks this nation is a democracy. That says enough.
"Two wolves and a lamb voting what to have dinner" is exactly Sil's type of governance.

Sil is the past, so don't worry about the future.
Yeah, Germany thought that way when they elected theNazi party.

He clearly is a high school drop out, art least I hope for the futureof our nationthat heis. If high school graduates are that ill informed, what could ournation's future be?n

Take it easy on Sil...

Even after someone has swallowed "the blue pill" they can be brought back to reality with patience, logic and truth. Taking "the red pill" need not be permanent.

The national average is 55% for marriage equality now and growing.

Sil wants to rule with an Isamic democracy that does not recognize basic human and civil rights, a form of cultural jihadism.

Yet here on this poll, 83% of hundreds of pollees here at USMB say they don't think churches should have to perform gay marriages.

That's some kind of support you got there pal..

You've got to be kidding.

The 14th Amendment applies only to governments, not private persons or organizations.

No one is seeking to 'compel' churches to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples, nor is there any legal mechanism that can 'compel' them to do so.
The national average is 55% for marriage equality now and growing.

Sil wants to rule with an Isamic democracy that does not recognize basic human and civil rights, a form of cultural jihadism.

Yet here on this poll, 83% of hundreds of pollees here at USMB say they don't think churches should have to perform gay marriages.

That's some kind of support you got there pal..

You've got to be kidding.

The 14th Amendment applies only to governments, not private persons or organizations.

No one is seeking to 'compel' churches to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples, nor is there any legal mechanism that can 'compel' them to do so.
You see, honesty isn't a good tool in attempting to make a dishonest point. So far in this madness same sex marriage equals churches being forced to perform them, fucking in the streets and on children's programming on television, the complete removal ofthe American system of government to become a democracy verses a republic.
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...

Demagoguery is the last refuge of he who has lost the argument.

Take it easy on Sil...

Even after someone has swallowed "the blue pill" they can be brought back to reality with patience, logic and truth. Taking "the red pill" need not be permanent.


No way, morons must be mocked and scorned for the morons they are lest young people may start believing it is cool too be idiots.

Those that do not understand their history are doomed to repeat it.
I wondered why Sil was so inept when it came to law but after hislast post it's clear. He doesn't understand the most basic bit of United states government. He actually said this, " But this is a democracy." That makes me weep for our future.

So there you have it. A LGBT cult member calls majority-rule of behaviors a sad situation. Hand the reins over to them and watch what happens... Hint, watch your local penal and civil codes for they soon will not be your own...

Demagoguery is the last refuge of he who has lost the argument.

A fool never knows his own foolishness.

Majority rule is the antithesis of our nation.
Yet here on this poll, 83% of hundreds of pollees here at USMB say they don't think churches should have to perform gay marriages.

That's some kind of support you got there pal..

You've got to be kidding.

The 14th Amendment applies only to governments, not private persons or organizations.

No one is seeking to 'compel' churches to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples, nor is there any legal mechanism that can 'compel' them to do so.
You see, honesty isn't a good tool in attempting to make a dishonest point. So far in this madness same sex marriage equals churches being forced to perform them, fucking in the streets and on children's programming on television, the complete removal ofthe American system of government to become a democracy verses a republic.

The Framers well understood that fear, hate, and ignorance constitute the true threat to individual liberty, hence their creation of our Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; measures designed to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are proof of that.
You've got to be kidding.

The 14th Amendment applies only to governments, not private persons or organizations.

No one is seeking to 'compel' churches to perform wedding ceremonies for same-sex couples, nor is there any legal mechanism that can 'compel' them to do so.
You see, honesty isn't a good tool in attempting to make a dishonest point. So far in this madness same sex marriage equals churches being forced to perform them, fucking in the streets and on children's programming on television, the complete removal ofthe American system of government to become a democracy verses a republic.

The Framers well understood that fear, hate, and ignorance constitute the true threat to individual liberty, hence their creation of our Republic, whose citizens are subject solely to the rule of law, not men – as men are incapable of ruling justly; measures designed to deny same-sex couples access to marriage law are proof of that.

nail on the head sir very well said. I simply can't add anything to this.
Shackled is correct: we are a constitutional republic that uses (but not always) democratic processes in its operation.

The will of the majority can never override guaranteed civil liberties IAW the Constitution.

This separates us from democratic governments like Iran and Iraq and Russia.
Shackled is correct: we are a constitutional republic that uses (but not always) democratic processes in its operation.

The will of the majority can never override guaranteed civil liberties IAW the Constitution.

This separates us from democratic governments like Iran and Iraq and Russia.
The only thing democratic about our nation it's the way we choose our leaders.
Shackled is correct: we are a constitutional republic that uses (but not always) democratic processes in its operation.

The will of the majority can never override guaranteed civil liberties IAW the Constitution.

This separates us from democratic governments like Iran and Iraq and Russia.
The only thing democratic about our nation it's the way we choose our leaders.

It's far more than that, Inevitable.

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