Do Snowflakes Realize Even If Trump Is Miraculously Impeached Based On No Evidence...

...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!

I do not want Pence, he is a bat crazy extreme... but I would love to just be able to say We Told You So...

Unless if Trump did illegal shit of coarse.
Funny...the snowflakes who rigged elections and debates and ran the worst candidate in US history wanting to tell someone else 'I told you so'...

Boy, you really like pushing the Russian much are they paying you?
...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!

/---- Snowflakes think that if Trump is impeached then Hillary will be sworn in as president since she came in second place.

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...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!
/---- Snowflakes think that if Trump is impeached then Hillary will be sworn in as president since she came in second place.

Nobody thinks that. In fact, the political calculation is how long do we let Trump twist in the wind. The worst thing that could happen to the Democrats would be for him to be removed right now. That would give Pence a year and a half to restore dignity to the GOP.

Republican members of Congress are horrified that they will be the targets of the public's wrath against the Orange Shitgibbon.
/---- Snowflakes think that if Trump is impeached then Hillary will be sworn in as president since she came in second place.

Nobody thinks that. In fact, the political calculation is how long do we let Trump twist in the wind. The worst thing that could happen to the Democrats would be for him to be removed right now. That would give Pence a year and a half to restore dignity to the GOP.

Republican members of Congress are horrified that they will be the targets of the public's wrath against the Orange Shitgibbon.

Politically, this needs to remain active at least till mid 2018
Republicans kept the email "scandal" and Benghazi active for four years

But I suspect there will be many scandals to come
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If Trump were innocent, he wouldn't be running scared.

"Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Trump’s son, Donald Jr., said at a real estate conference in 2008, according to a trade publication, eTurboNews.
/---- Snowflakes think that if Trump is impeached then Hillary will be sworn in as president since she came in second place.

Nobody thinks that. In fact, the political calculation is how long do we let Trump twist in the wind. The worst thing that could happen to the Democrats would be for him to be removed right now. That would give Pence a year and a half to restore dignity to the GOP.

Republican members of Congress are horrified that they will be the targets of the public's wrath against the Orange Shitgibbon.

There wasnt an ounce of dignity in the White House for eight years prior ro Trump getting elected....
Why the womanly hysteria now ???
/---- Snowflakes think that if Trump is impeached then Hillary will be sworn in as president since she came in second place.

Nobody thinks that. In fact, the political calculation is how long do we let Trump twist in the wind. The worst thing that could happen to the Democrats would be for him to be removed right now. That would give Pence a year and a half to restore dignity to the GOP.

Republican members of Congress are horrified that they will be the targets of the public's wrath against the Orange Shitgibbon.

There wasnt an ounce of dignity in the White House for eight years prior ro Trump getting elected....
Why the womanly hysteria now ???
Where is the dignity in a three time married president bringing in his former hooker of a wife?
...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!
I guess what Trumpers fail to understand that not everybody that opposes Trump is a liberal snowflake. In fact, wanting Pence over Trump, who is more hard-right, is more indicative of being the opposite of a liberal. There is a world where people would like to see Trump impeached...if impeachment is justified...simply because they believe that nobody should be outside the bounds of our system of government...not even the sitting president.
If you get away with unseating a president for doing nothing wrong then all bets are off.
And Pence would all of the sudden become Hitler if he became spare me the BS.
...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!
I guess what Trumpers fail to understand that not everybody that opposes Trump is a liberal snowflake. In fact, wanting Pence over Trump, who is more hard-right, is more indicative of being the opposite of a liberal. There is a world where people would like to see Trump impeached...if impeachment is justified...simply because they believe that nobody should be outside the bounds of our system of government...not even the sitting president.
If you get away with unseating a president for doing nothing wrong then all bets are off.
And Pence would all of the sudden become Hitler if he became spare me the BS.
Maybe you missed the "if impeachment is justified" ... nobody outside those on the investigation team have an inkling of an idea what is justified or not. If you think you do, you may be watching too much biased news to have a valid opinion.
...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!
I guess what Trumpers fail to understand that not everybody that opposes Trump is a liberal snowflake. In fact, wanting Pence over Trump, who is more hard-right, is more indicative of being the opposite of a liberal. There is a world where people would like to see Trump impeached...if impeachment is justified...simply because they believe that nobody should be outside the bounds of our system of government...not even the sitting president.
If you get away with unseating a president for doing nothing wrong then all bets are off.
And Pence would all of the sudden become Hitler if he became spare me the BS.
Maybe you missed the "if impeachment is justified" ... nobody outside those on the investigation team have an inkling of an idea what is justified or not. If you think you do, you may be watching too much biased news to have a valid opinion.
I was thinking the same with you.
...which won't happen...

- They still lost the election

- They still cheated/ rigged debates and Primariesso a criminal would win the DNC nomination, so theycould run the worst candidate in US history

- They are still subversive, seditious, treasonous, law-breaking butt hurt losers who had to go this route because they could not win elections (1,000+ lost and w consecutive historic elections) / THE election

- And they still won't get the WH?!
I see the last election nominee Clinton, Sanders as a choice setup as a setup, Sanders was suppose to be a looser but he was the better canidate compared to Clinton. The DNC backed Clinton to the end and left Sanders hanging out to dry. This just left the Progressive voters either vote for Clinton or stay at home. It looks like they stayed at home
There wasnt an ounce of dignity in the White House for eight years prior ro Trump getting elected....
Why the womanly hysteria now ???

Yeah, I know man, there was a Negro in there!!! OMG!!!!

Yes, Barack the community organizing marxist stooge was a classless leftist tool because he was half black.... lol

Playing the race card and chanting "impeach" are all these dimwitted imbeciles have left......

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