Do Snowflakes Realize Even If Trump Is Miraculously Impeached Based On No Evidence...

Lynch asked Comey to downgrade the Clinton investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified he was convinced Lynch / the DOJ was TAINTED and the only way he could get a Special Prosecutor was to leak info...meaning Lynch was obstructing Justice.

dude, I think you are confused. He leaked information to get a special prosecutor against TRUMP, not Clinton.

With Clinton he said, "Yeah, she did stuff that was wrong, but not criminal'

do try to keep up.

you see, the ironic thing is if he left Comey in place, this Russia thing probably would have sputtered out with a few of the bit players going to prison. Now Trump has escalated it to an impeachable offense.
dude, I think you are confused. He leaked information to get a special prosecutor against TRUMP, not Clinton.
Bwuhahaha... That is your WISH coming out, not reality.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting onboard her jet convinced him that Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED, that she would never allow a Special Prosecutor against HILLARY. He said Lynch and Bill Clinton's meeting was why he went 'rogue' and announced the re-opening of HILLARY'S investigation days before the election and why he leaked info about HILLARY, in an attempt to get a Special Prosecutor.

The Comey testimony has turned out to be the judicial equivalent to 'Pearl Harbor' for the Democrats and Obama.


Comey had testified that:

Former Obama US AG attempted to undermine the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton, to obstruct justice by pressuring Comey to down-grade the investigation to an 'issue'.

Comey testified that Lynch's meeting on-board her plane with Bill Clinton convinced him that the independence of the DOJ in regards to the Hillary investigation / scandal had been TAINTED...

Comey also testified that his 'hand in going rogue' and holding a press conference to announce he was re-opening the Hillary investigation days before the election was 'forced' by Bill Clinton and Lynch's meeting on the tarmac.

--- Hillary and the Democrats went bat-shit crazy when Comey did that...and it turns out they only have Bill Clinton and Loretta lynch to blame.
Do Snowflakes Realize Even If Trump Is Miraculously Impeached Based On No Evidence...

Trump will not be impeached over no evidence. With a Republican Congress, there will have to be overwhelming evidence of criminal wrongdoing for him to be impeached. So much so that the Republican Congressmen will fear for their jobs if they ignore it
Someone is clearly not worried about impeachment :rolleyes:

Yep, will never happen, but needs to make a thread about it.

I imagine this is the defense tactic Bruce Jenner used when people were saying something was off with him. He kept going "no its not, I'm fine"...

Then left one day and came back a tranny.
With a Republican Congress, there will have to be overwhelming evidence of criminal wrongdoing for him to be impeached.

Even without a Republican Congress, FBI Director Comey completely DESTROYED the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and the need for continued Liberal Extremist Anti-Trump 'Witch Hunts' --

No Criminal Activity
No Collusion
No Obstruction of Justice

Not only did Former FBI Director Comey fail to deliver the butt-hurt Liberals' last best chance to make any case against President Trump, he reeked havoc upon Obama and his administration by testifying how he and his 2nd criminal US AG Obstructed Justice and protected Hillary Clinton from indictment and prosecution.

Comey testified that when Lynch met bill Clinton alone on her jet days before the final decision about the investigation was to be given he was convinced at that moment Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED -the fix was in - that Lynch would never allow a Special Prosecutor to be assigned, and he made it clear he thought one was needed.

He testified that meeting 'forced his hand', made him 'go rogue' by publicly declaring he was re-opening the investigation with only days left to go before the election and forced him to leak info to the press in an attempt to have a Special Prosecutor assigned to Hillary's case.

During his announcement about the FBI's investigation Comey made it clear that Hillary had broken laws...right before declaring he would not recommend indictment due to a legal defense that is not legally accepted - that is rejected by US law. He declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law..but, again, ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for committing crimes.

Comey is smart enough to know this, so I am wondering if he did not declare this AFTER Lynch informed him privately that no indictment would be allowed, knowing the American people (or enough of them) would realize what was going on, that 'ignorance' is no defense.

But I digress.....

It does not matter if there is a Republican Congress or not regarding the question if Democrats had a proverbial leg to stand on regarding their accusations against Trump. Comey shot every argument - every accusation - they had to hell yesterday. They have NOTHING.

Different question:
With the same 'absolute NOTHING' they have today, would a DNC-controlled Congress STILL Impeach Trump?


With nothing in hand, the same lack of evidence, Democrats called for Trump's Impeachment before he ever took the oath of office, have been calling for it ever since, and even began drafting the Articles of impeachment before Comey ever testified. The FACTS have NEVER mattered to these traitors. To them, nothing has changed despite Comey completely exonerating Trump of all criminal wrong-doing yesterday.

They are still filled with butt-hurt hatred.

They still hate Trump.

They would STILL file the Articles of Impeachment if they controlled Congress today, even after having been proved completely WRONG.
With a Republican Congress, there will have to be overwhelming evidence of criminal wrongdoing for him to be impeached.

Even without a Republican Congress, FBI Director Comey completely DESTROYED the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and the need for continued Liberal Extremist Anti-Trump 'Witch Hunts' --

No Criminal Activity
No Collusion
No Obstruction of Justice

Not only did Former FBI Director Comey fail to deliver the butt-hurt Liberals' last best chance to make any case against President Trump, he reeked havoc upon Obama and his administration by testifying how he and his 2nd criminal US AG Obstructed Justice and protected Hillary Clinton from indictment and prosecution.

Comey testified that when Lynch met bill Clinton alone on her jet days before the final decision about the investigation was to be given he was convinced at that moment Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED -the fix was in - that Lynch would never allow a Special Prosecutor to be assigned, and he made it clear he thought one was needed.

He testified that meeting 'forced his hand', made him 'go rogue' by publicly declaring he was re-opening the investigation with only days left to go before the election and forced him to leak info to the press in an attempt to have a Special Prosecutor assigned to Hillary's case.

During his announcement about the FBI's investigation Comey made it clear that Hillary had broken laws...right before declaring he would not recommend indictment due to a legal defense that is not legally accepted - that is rejected by US law. He declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law..but, again, ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for committing crimes.

Comey is smart enough to know this, so I am wondering if he did not declare this AFTER Lynch informed him privately that no indictment would be allowed, knowing the American people (or enough of them) would realize what was going on, that 'ignorance' is no defense.

But I digress.....

It does not matter if there is a Republican Congress or not regarding the question if Democrats had a proverbial leg to stand on regarding their accusations against Trump. Comey shot every argument - every accusation - they had to hell yesterday. They have NOTHING.

Different question:
With the same 'absolute NOTHING' they have today, would a DNC-controlled Congress STILL Impeach Trump?


With nothing in hand, the same lack of evidence, Democrats called for Trump's Impeachment before he ever took the oath of office, have been calling for it ever since, and even began drafting the Articles of impeachment before Comey ever testified. The FACTS have NEVER mattered to these traitors. To them, nothing has changed despite Comey completely exonerating Trump of all criminal wrong-doing yesterday.

They are still filled with butt-hurt hatred.

They still hate Trump.

They would STILL file the Articles of Impeachment if they controlled Congress today, even after having been proved completely WRONG.

I'm afraid Comey did nothing of the kind

It will be up to Special Prosecutor Mueller to make the call. Comey repeatedly deferred to Mueller on the specifics of the investigation

What we did find out:
  • The Director of the FBI considered Trump to be a liar while he trusted both Obama and Bush
  • Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy
  • Trump requested a declaration of loyalty
Did Trump walk away in handcuffs after Comeys testimony?
No he didn't....but that was your only victory
  • The Director of the FBI considered Trump to be a liar while he trusted both Obama and Bush
  • Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy
  • Trump requested a declaration of loyalty

1. The Director did consider Trump a liar.
- NO Crime, NO Collusion, NO Obstruction. If LYING was a crime, Barry would be in GITMO.

2. Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy

Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the Flynn investigation went nowhere and that he had never arrested anyone for 'hope'.

James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

-- "He wrote that Trump said: "'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Does 'I HOPE' sound like 'an order', snowflake?

Snowflakes are such PU$$IES!
- After the world crashing down on her for her ISIS stunt, Kathy Griffin declared Trump was 'bullying' her because he Tweeted he was disappointed in her.

- Now snowflakes are claiming someone saying, 'I HOPE' is 'pressuring' them. 'Pressuring' someone is snowflakes threatening Electoral College voters with violent attacks / murder if they refuse to change their votes to elect Hillary, NOT someone saying, "I HOPE' to them. :p

(BTW, Obama held a Press Conference as President and announced he would not be allowing Senator Harry Reid and Director of Urban Housing Development Julian Castro be APPROPRIATELY prosecuted for violating the Hatch Act because 'They are SORRY for breaking the law'. Being 'sorry' for breaking the law is as much of a legal defense as 'ignorance of the law'!)

3. 'Trump requested a declaration of loyalty to him'.

...and Comey proved during his testimony why that was required / so needed. Trump wants the Law obeyed and wanted to end all leaking in his administration. Comey testified that he orchestrated leaking confidential (which is 'classified') information to the media through his friends. By doing so, no matter what the reason, Comey was DIS-LOYAL to the Trump administration.

The Obama holdovers who perpetrated Felony Espionage by leaking information were disloyal. Because of Barry's criminal 'cling-ons' still in the Intel agencies and other leakers - like Comey, Trump doesn't know exactly who he can trust. (By testifying he leaked info, Comey also justified Trump's firing his ass.)

Leave it to snowflakes to have a problem with 'loyalty'.
Last edited:
With a Republican Congress, there will have to be overwhelming evidence of criminal wrongdoing for him to be impeached.

Even without a Republican Congress, FBI Director Comey completely DESTROYED the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and the need for continued Liberal Extremist Anti-Trump 'Witch Hunts' --

No Criminal Activity
No Collusion
No Obstruction of Justice

Not only did Former FBI Director Comey fail to deliver the butt-hurt Liberals' last best chance to make any case against President Trump, he reeked havoc upon Obama and his administration by testifying how he and his 2nd criminal US AG Obstructed Justice and protected Hillary Clinton from indictment and prosecution.

Comey testified that when Lynch met bill Clinton alone on her jet days before the final decision about the investigation was to be given he was convinced at that moment Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED -the fix was in - that Lynch would never allow a Special Prosecutor to be assigned, and he made it clear he thought one was needed.

He testified that meeting 'forced his hand', made him 'go rogue' by publicly declaring he was re-opening the investigation with only days left to go before the election and forced him to leak info to the press in an attempt to have a Special Prosecutor assigned to Hillary's case.

During his announcement about the FBI's investigation Comey made it clear that Hillary had broken laws...right before declaring he would not recommend indictment due to a legal defense that is not legally accepted - that is rejected by US law. He declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law..but, again, ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for committing crimes.

Comey is smart enough to know this, so I am wondering if he did not declare this AFTER Lynch informed him privately that no indictment would be allowed, knowing the American people (or enough of them) would realize what was going on, that 'ignorance' is no defense.

But I digress.....

It does not matter if there is a Republican Congress or not regarding the question if Democrats had a proverbial leg to stand on regarding their accusations against Trump. Comey shot every argument - every accusation - they had to hell yesterday. They have NOTHING.

Different question:
With the same 'absolute NOTHING' they have today, would a DNC-controlled Congress STILL Impeach Trump?


With nothing in hand, the same lack of evidence, Democrats called for Trump's Impeachment before he ever took the oath of office, have been calling for it ever since, and even began drafting the Articles of impeachment before Comey ever testified. The FACTS have NEVER mattered to these traitors. To them, nothing has changed despite Comey completely exonerating Trump of all criminal wrong-doing yesterday.

They are still filled with butt-hurt hatred.

They still hate Trump.

They would STILL file the Articles of Impeachment if they controlled Congress today, even after having been proved completely WRONG.

I'm afraid Comey did nothing of the kind

It will be up to Special Prosecutor Mueller to make the call. Comey repeatedly deferred to Mueller on the specifics of the investigation

What we did find out:
  • The Director of the FBI considered Trump to be a liar while he trusted both Obama and Bush
  • Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy
  • Trump requested a declaration of loyalty
Did Trump walk away in handcuffs after Comeys testimony?
No he didn't....but that was your only victory
great. then did we get an actual crime trump committed listed then?

still looking for one of those.
  • The Director of the FBI considered Trump to be a liar while he trusted both Obama and Bush
  • Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy
  • Trump requested a declaration of loyalty

1. The Director did consider Trump a liar.
- NO Crime, NO Collusion, NO Obstruction. If LYING was a crime, Barry would be in GITMO.

2. Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy

Comey testified that Trump said he HOPED the Flynn investigation went nowhere and that he had never arrested anyone for 'hope'.

James Comey testimony: Trump asked me to let Flynn probe go -

-- "He wrote that Trump said: "'I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go."

Does 'I HOPE' sound like 'an order', snowflake?

Snowflakes are such PU$$IES!
- After the world crashing down on her for her ISIS stunt, Kathy Griffin declared Trump was 'bullying' her because he Tweeted he was disappointed in her.

- Now snowflakes are claiming someone saying, 'I HOPE' is 'pressuring' them. 'Pressuring' someone is snowflakes threatening Electoral College voters with violent attacks / murder if they refuse to change their votes to elect Hillary, NOT someone saying, "I HOPE' to them. :p

(BTW, Obama held a Press Conference as President and announced he would not be allowing Senator Harry Reid and Director of Urban Housing Development Julian Castro be APPROPRIATELY prosecuted for violating the Hatch Act because 'They are SORRY for breaking the law'. Being 'sorry' for breaking the law is as much of a legal defense as 'ignorance of the law'!)

3. 'Trump requested a declaration of loyalty to him'.

...and Comey proved during his testimony why that was required / so needed. Trump wants the Law obeyed and wanted to end all leaking in his administration. Comey testified that he orchestrated leaking confidential (which is 'classified') information to the media through his friends. By doing so, no matter what the reason, Comey was DIS-LOYAL to the Trump administration.

The Obama holdovers who perpetrated Felony Espionage by leaking information were disloyal. Because of Barry's criminal 'cling-ons' still in the Intel agencies and other leakers - like Comey, Trump doesn't know exactly who he can trust. (By testifying he leaked info, Comey also justified Trump's firing his ass.)

Leave it to snowflakes to have a problem with 'loyalty'.

Yesterdays testimony was never envisioned to be a trigger for impeachment

What it did was identify more about Trumps lack of character while maintaining the perception that something shady was going on in Camp Trump
With a Republican Congress, there will have to be overwhelming evidence of criminal wrongdoing for him to be impeached.

Even without a Republican Congress, FBI Director Comey completely DESTROYED the Democrats' campaign of lies, false accusations, and the need for continued Liberal Extremist Anti-Trump 'Witch Hunts' --

No Criminal Activity
No Collusion
No Obstruction of Justice

Not only did Former FBI Director Comey fail to deliver the butt-hurt Liberals' last best chance to make any case against President Trump, he reeked havoc upon Obama and his administration by testifying how he and his 2nd criminal US AG Obstructed Justice and protected Hillary Clinton from indictment and prosecution.

Comey testified that when Lynch met bill Clinton alone on her jet days before the final decision about the investigation was to be given he was convinced at that moment Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED -the fix was in - that Lynch would never allow a Special Prosecutor to be assigned, and he made it clear he thought one was needed.

He testified that meeting 'forced his hand', made him 'go rogue' by publicly declaring he was re-opening the investigation with only days left to go before the election and forced him to leak info to the press in an attempt to have a Special Prosecutor assigned to Hillary's case.

During his announcement about the FBI's investigation Comey made it clear that Hillary had broken laws...right before declaring he would not recommend indictment due to a legal defense that is not legally accepted - that is rejected by US law. He declared Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking the law..but, again, ignorance of the law is not a legally accepted defense for committing crimes.

Comey is smart enough to know this, so I am wondering if he did not declare this AFTER Lynch informed him privately that no indictment would be allowed, knowing the American people (or enough of them) would realize what was going on, that 'ignorance' is no defense.

But I digress.....

It does not matter if there is a Republican Congress or not regarding the question if Democrats had a proverbial leg to stand on regarding their accusations against Trump. Comey shot every argument - every accusation - they had to hell yesterday. They have NOTHING.

Different question:
With the same 'absolute NOTHING' they have today, would a DNC-controlled Congress STILL Impeach Trump?


With nothing in hand, the same lack of evidence, Democrats called for Trump's Impeachment before he ever took the oath of office, have been calling for it ever since, and even began drafting the Articles of impeachment before Comey ever testified. The FACTS have NEVER mattered to these traitors. To them, nothing has changed despite Comey completely exonerating Trump of all criminal wrong-doing yesterday.

They are still filled with butt-hurt hatred.

They still hate Trump.

They would STILL file the Articles of Impeachment if they controlled Congress today, even after having been proved completely WRONG.

I'm afraid Comey did nothing of the kind

It will be up to Special Prosecutor Mueller to make the call. Comey repeatedly deferred to Mueller on the specifics of the investigation

What we did find out:
  • The Director of the FBI considered Trump to be a liar while he trusted both Obama and Bush
  • Trump pressured the FBI Director to ease up on Flynn....but...but...he is a nice guy
  • Trump requested a declaration of loyalty
Did Trump walk away in handcuffs after Comeys testimony?
No he didn't....but that was your only victory
great. then did we get an actual crime trump committed listed then?

still looking for one of those.


Shows how inept Trump is but it does not cross the line of a crime

Shows how inept Trump is but it does not cross the line of a crime

then what difference does the handcuff comment make? shouldn't be a "victory" if it was never in play.

but i think i see where you're coming from.
What it did was identify more about Trumps lack of character while maintaining the perception that something shady was going on in Camp Trump
You left out how Comey threw himself under the bus while pointing out how Obama and Lynch obstructed justice and protected Hillary.
What it did was identify more about Trumps lack of character while maintaining the perception that something shady was going on in Camp Trump
You left out how Comey threw himself under the bus while pointing out how Obama and Lynch obstructed justice and protected Hillary.

Yes...but neither Obama nor Lynch is still in office
Kinda moot

Trump is the one with his Presidency clouded in controversy
Yes...but neither Obama nor Lynch is still in office

While Obama was President and Lynch was still in office, snowflakes were great at making excuses why they shouldn't be held accountable for their deeds. Some things never change.

Just curious, what is the statue of limitations for 'obstruction of justice'. Since it has not been a year yet, I am pretty sure the DOJ could 'drag Lynch's ass in'...
Yes...but neither Obama nor Lynch is still in office

While Obama was President and Lynch was still in office, snowflakes were great at making excuses why they shouldn't be held accountable for their deeds. Some things never change.

Just curious, what is the statue of limitations for 'obstruction of justice'. Since it has not been a year yet, I am pretty sure the DOJ could 'drag Lynch's ass in'...

We had a Republican Congress that was quite adept at conducting continuous "inquiries"
The impeachment talk is a manifestation of a new reality in politics. One must cater to the bat-shit crazy partisans in one's own party, even if it means making an ass of yourself to anyone with a three-digit IQ.

Why do you think Maxine Waters is getting so much air time this season?
For JoeB131: Impeachment requires, you know, a CRIME. You fucking moron.
Yep and the House of Reps decide what the crime was. It does not have to be something that broke the law. At this time I don't think "He didn't make America Great" would work but maybe later.


Comey testified that Lynch's meeting onboard her jet convinced him that Lynch and the DOJ was TAINTED, that she would never allow a Special Prosecutor against HILLARY. He said Lynch and Bill Clinton's meeting was why he went 'rogue' and announced the re-opening of HILLARY'S investigation days before the election and why he leaked info about HILLARY, in an attempt to get a Special Prosecutor.

well, no, not really. The reason he did what he did was because he knew that he had no case any jury would convict over, especially not a DC Jury.

But he had to show he did his job. Kind of.

Drip, drip, drip, drip...
well, no, not really. The reason he did what he did was because he knew that he had no case any jury would convict over, especially not a DC Jury.

But he had to show he did his job. Kind of.

Drip, drip, drip, drip...

'Well no, NOT REALLY...'?!

Congratulations, you just completely disregarded Comey's testimony and replaced it with your own. :p

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