Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News, As Dems Continue Coup Against Success Source

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No wonder Trump is raging that he can pardon himself of any crime.
And any of this BS has to do with WHAT regarding the booming economy and the successful new NAFTA?

Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....
Racist -
Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history...

Good one. :p

Yep, and Trump hired them all! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:


Dude, my 4yo grandson can come up with a better response that must be having an 'off' snowflake day. :p

For the last 24 years or so I have listened to partisan people say that presidents do not create jobs. The ones saying it changed with who was sitting in the white house, each side seemingly forgetting they had made that claim previously.

And the fact of the matter is, they are right when they say it. So, while it is good that minority unemployment is at record lows, laying that at the feet of Trump is just dumb.

But back to the OP, I am happy as hell to see the markets do something for a change. Let's hope the new "deal" does not disappoint and we lose our gains again.
Presidents do not directly create jobs, but their policies can create jobs.

Their policies cannot create jobs either unless they are expanding the size of the Fed Govt. What their policies can do is help to create an environment where job creation is possible and necessary.
Racist -
Lowest minority unemployment in recorded history...

Good one. :p

Yep, and Trump hired them all! :21::21::21::290968001256257790-final:


Dude, my 4yo grandson can come up with a better response that must be having an 'off' snowflake day. :p

For the last 24 years or so I have listened to partisan people say that presidents do not create jobs. The ones saying it changed with who was sitting in the white house, each side seemingly forgetting they had made that claim previously.

And the fact of the matter is, they are right when they say it. So, while it is good that minority unemployment is at record lows, laying that at the feet of Trump is just dumb.

But back to the OP, I am happy as hell to see the markets do something for a change. Let's hope the new "deal" does not disappoint and we lose our gains again.
Presidents do not directly create jobs, but their policies can create jobs.

Their policies cannot create jobs either unless they are expanding the size of the Fed Govt. What their policies can do is help to create an environment where job creation is possible and necessary.
Sounds like you're splitting hairs, Gator. You are saying the same thing that I posted for the most part.
Actually, expansion of government is not necessary and might help with less government.
It must really bug the $h!t out of Obama worshippers how Trump has shattered records and delivered the strongest economy in decades that has made American so much better in only 2 years, something could not do in 8.

In defense of Obama, though, I am sure to a Community Organizer it looked like there was no way to being manufacturing plants to the US, that they were gone for good, and our economy was the best it was ever going to be again...... We just needed someone who understood business in the WH...and Buh-BAM!
Their policies cannot create jobs either unless they are expanding the size of the Fed Govt.

This is the first case of political dyslexia I have ever seen. Growing Govt is a 'Lib thing' is failed policies and piss-poor results...which is why the Democrats were run out of power and Hillary was rejected.

'Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News'

Thank you President Trump.

(When Barry negotiated a new 'Treaty' it involved ransom payments for US hostages....when Trump has a hand in one it only involves WINNING! :p )
No wonder Trump is raging that he can pardon himself of any crime.
And any of this BS has to do with WHAT regarding the booming economy and the successful new NAFTA?

Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....

By addressing the batshit conspiracy theory in OP and title of the thread: Your insane 'dems coup' nonsense.

My explanation is just far, far better and backed with actual evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

A republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated with the testimony of a republican......and you laughably claim its a 'dems coup'?

That's adorable.
Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

The FT in NAFTA stands for the "FREE TRADE" doesn't it?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.

I would do that but your mouth is so big you couldn't afford to lose that much money.

You are such a joke!

So, that is a no you do not have the balls to back up your words. Oh, what can one expect from some dipshit that calls himself admiral and but does not know the job of the US military is to defend this nation.

Spoken by a reptile totally incapable of playing the sport indicated, who doesn't know that the US military is not the Border Patrol. Please reference an incident at any time in history where the US military performed that function against civilians.


The US military defended the borders up until the early 1900s. It was the combination of the 18th amendment and the Immigration Acts of 1921 that saw that duty being taken away from then and the creation of the border patrol, which was just and expansion of big government...which would explain why you are so supportive of it.
Their policies cannot create jobs either unless they are expanding the size of the Fed Govt.

This is the first case of political dyslexia I have ever seen. Growing Govt is a 'Lib thing' is failed policies and piss-poor results...which is why the Democrats were run out of power and Hillary was rejected.

Look dumb ass, try reading the whole exchange. I was not supporting the expanding size of Govt, I was showing the only way the Fed Govt can create jobs.

'Stock Market Smashes Record On New NAFTA News'

Thank you President Trump.

I have already responded to that in a very positive way, I am very happy with the results from today.

Seems very little changed in the new deal, which is why the markets like it so much.

My main portfolio is up almost $700 on the day! That makes for a very happy Gator indeed.
The FT in NAFTA stands for the "FREE TRADE" doesn't it?

Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.

I would do that but your mouth is so big you couldn't afford to lose that much money.

You are such a joke!

So, that is a no you do not have the balls to back up your words. Oh, what can one expect from some dipshit that calls himself admiral and but does not know the job of the US military is to defend this nation.

Spoken by a reptile totally incapable of playing the sport indicated, who doesn't know that the US military is not the Border Patrol. Please reference an incident at any time in history where the US military performed that function against civilians.


The US military defended the borders up until the early 1900s. It was the combination of the 18th amendment and the Immigration Acts of 1921 that saw that duty being taken away from then and the creation of the border patrol, which was just and expansion of big government...which would explain why you are so supportive of it.

Couldn't answer the question I see. Typical dumbass!

Here it is again in case you missed it?

Please reference an incident at any time in history where the US military performed that function against civilians.

It's is OK to admit that you are a dumbass and you have had your ass handed to you by your betters. Go forth and sin no more!
No wonder Trump is raging that he can pardon himself of any crime.
And any of this BS has to do with WHAT regarding the booming economy and the successful new NAFTA?

Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....

By addressing the batshit conspiracy theory in OP and title of the thread: Your insane 'dems coup' nonsense.

My explanation is just far, far better and backed with actual evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

A republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated with the testimony of a republican......and you laughably claim its a 'dems coup'?

That's adorable.
By failing to address the massive, record-setting economic success of this President you are only providing more proof that the Liberal claim of 'illegal collusion', still unproven by any evidence, is nothing but Conspiracy theory.

Several Million Americans who have new jobs, raises, bonuses, and are off welfare / food stamps / unemployment are living proof of Trump's record-setting economic success....which is also a kick in the b@lls to Democrats trying to push for raising taxes, driving manufacturing jobs back overseas, eliminating jobs, putting more people on those social programs....
Would you like to wager on if it removes all tariffs between the two countries or not?

put your money where your mouth is.

I would do that but your mouth is so big you couldn't afford to lose that much money.

You are such a joke!

So, that is a no you do not have the balls to back up your words. Oh, what can one expect from some dipshit that calls himself admiral and but does not know the job of the US military is to defend this nation.

Spoken by a reptile totally incapable of playing the sport indicated, who doesn't know that the US military is not the Border Patrol. Please reference an incident at any time in history where the US military performed that function against civilians.


The US military defended the borders up until the early 1900s. It was the combination of the 18th amendment and the Immigration Acts of 1921 that saw that duty being taken away from then and the creation of the border patrol, which was just and expansion of big government...which would explain why you are so supportive of it.

Couldn't answer the question I see. Typical dumbass!

Here it is again in case you missed it?

Please reference an incident at any time in history where the US military performed that function against civilians.

It's is OK to admit that you are a dumbass and you have had your ass handed to you by your betters. Go forth and sin no more!

Prior to the creation of the border patrol the US military performed that function against everybody, including civilians.

Fuck you are stupid. Were you actually ever in the Navy? If so I bet you had to get an ASVAB waiver
No wonder Trump is raging that he can pardon himself of any crime.
And any of this BS has to do with WHAT regarding the booming economy and the successful new NAFTA?

Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....

By addressing the batshit conspiracy theory in OP and title of the thread: Your insane 'dems coup' nonsense.

My explanation is just far, far better and backed with actual evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

A republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated with the testimony of a republican......and you laughably claim its a 'dems coup'?

That's adorable.
By failing to address the massive, record-setting economic success of this President you are only providing more proof that the Liberal claim of 'illegal collusion', still unproven by any evidence, is nothing but Conspiracy theory.

I'm addressing your 'dems coup' nonsense in the title and dismantled the entire batshit conspiracy.

And you've abandoned your own argument. Which is wise. As a republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a hardly a 'dems coup'.

And predictably, you've abandoned your entire conspiracy.
Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Black Unemployment In Recorded History
Lowest Asian Unemployment in Recorded History
Most Americans Working In Decades
Manufacturing Jobs Obama Said Were Gone Forever Have Returned
More Jobs
More Full-time Jobs
Higher Wages
Fewer Americans Dependent on Welfare/Unemployment/Food Stamps...Democrats


Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal...


The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Obama and his administration who protected Hillary Clinton from incitement and prison just so she could remain in the race...

The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton the DNC nomination, one she could not win even with all of that and had to be GIVEN the nomination...

The Democrats claim President Trump illegally colluded with the Russians to attempt to alter the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama who took large sums of money from the Russians, although it was Hillary Clinton and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI who knowingly illegally presented a false report written by Russians as legitimate Intel to deceive Congress into appointing an already hand-picked Political Assassin as Special Counsel....

The Democrats claim Trump is a traitor who hates America and who hates Americans....yet he has done more for the prosperity and success of this country and its people in less than 2 years than Obama did his entire 8 years in office.

In all of their previous and continued actions it is the Democratic Party and Democrats who have proven and continue to prove THEY are the ones who hate this country, who hate the American people who are so 'stupid' they cheated them out of having Hillary Clinton for President, and who value what is best for their Party over what is best for this country.

Even if it means reversing all of this success...if it means driving manufacturing plants back over seas, sending the stock markets plunging, eliminating millions of jobs, putting countless Americans back on Welfare, Food Stamps, and u7nemployment, for the benefit of the Democratic party - to give them back the power to 'Rule' once again, they would do it in a they are trying to do now and have been trying to do for 2 years.

The Democrats today are traitors who are attempting to regain their lost power, even if it means having to destroy the nation to get it .

Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal

'Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.

The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors.'


Yea, but Putin controls Trump's every move according to an investigation that has yet to find proof and then there are those bimbo whores.

So what about that?

Now take it back!
And any of this BS has to do with WHAT regarding the booming economy and the successful new NAFTA?

Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....

By addressing the batshit conspiracy theory in OP and title of the thread: Your insane 'dems coup' nonsense.

My explanation is just far, far better and backed with actual evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

A republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated with the testimony of a republican......and you laughably claim its a 'dems coup'?

That's adorable.
By failing to address the massive, record-setting economic success of this President you are only providing more proof that the Liberal claim of 'illegal collusion', still unproven by any evidence, is nothing but Conspiracy theory.

I'm addressing your 'dems coup' nonsense in the title and dismantled the entire batshit conspiracy.

And you've abandoned your own argument. Which is wise. As a republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a hardly a 'dems coup'.

And predictably, you've abandoned your entire conspiracy.
What do you think about the US-Mexico trade agreement?
Strongest Economy In Decades
Lowest Unemployment In Decades
Lowest Black Unemployment In Recorded History
Lowest Asian Unemployment in Recorded History
Most Americans Working In Decades
Manufacturing Jobs Obama Said Were Gone Forever Have Returned
More Jobs
More Full-time Jobs
Higher Wages
Fewer Americans Dependent on Welfare/Unemployment/Food Stamps...Democrats


Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal...


The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Obama and his administration who protected Hillary Clinton from incitement and prison just so she could remain in the race...

The Democrats claim President Trump attempted to alter the results of the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and the DNC who rigged primaries, cheated in debates, engaged in election fraud, violated election laws, and broke campaign finance laws in an attempt to get Hillary Clinton the DNC nomination, one she could not win even with all of that and had to be GIVEN the nomination...

The Democrats claim President Trump illegally colluded with the Russians to attempt to alter the 2016 election, although it was Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama who took large sums of money from the Russians, although it was Hillary Clinton and Obama's DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI who knowingly illegally presented a false report written by Russians as legitimate Intel to deceive Congress into appointing an already hand-picked Political Assassin as Special Counsel....

The Democrats claim Trump is a traitor who hates America and who hates Americans....yet he has done more for the prosperity and success of this country and its people in less than 2 years than Obama did his entire 8 years in office.

In all of their previous and continued actions it is the Democratic Party and Democrats who have proven and continue to prove THEY are the ones who hate this country, who hate the American people who are so 'stupid' they cheated them out of having Hillary Clinton for President, and who value what is best for their Party over what is best for this country.

Even if it means reversing all of this success...if it means driving manufacturing plants back over seas, sending the stock markets plunging, eliminating millions of jobs, putting countless Americans back on Welfare, Food Stamps, and u7nemployment, for the benefit of the Democratic party - to give them back the power to 'Rule' once again, they would do it in a they are trying to do now and have been trying to do for 2 years.

The Democrats today are traitors who are attempting to regain their lost power, even if it means having to destroy the nation to get it .

Nasdaq hits 8,000 for the first time as US and Mexico move closer to striking NAFTA deal

'Stocks jumped on Monday as the United States and Mexico drew closer to a deal on NAFTA. Investors also digested reassuring comments from Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell on the central bank's policy-tightening path.

The Nasdaq Composite climbed 0.6 percent to an all-time high, breaking above 8,000 for the first time, as Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 214 points as Caterpillar outperformed. The S&P 500 gained 0.6 percent to hit a record high with materials and financials as the best-performing sectors.'


There's more than one way for Mexico to "pay for the wall".
Several Million Americans who have new jobs, raises, bonuses, and are off welfare / food stamps / unemployment are living proof of Trump's record-setting economic success....which is also a kick in the b@lls to Democrats trying to push for raising taxes, driving manufacturing jobs back overseas, eliminating jobs, putting more people on those social programs....

So, by this standard the 11,382,000 created during the Obama years, the drop in unemployment from 10% to 4.8% are living proof of Obama's economic success?
Several Million Americans who have new jobs, raises, bonuses, and are off welfare / food stamps / unemployment are living proof of Trump's record-setting economic success....which is also a kick in the b@lls to Democrats trying to push for raising taxes, driving manufacturing jobs back overseas, eliminating jobs, putting more people on those social programs....

So, by this standard the 11,382,000 created during the Obama years, the drop in unemployment from 10% to 4.8% are living proof of Obama's economic success?
Obama did have the backing of the federal banks in the tune of over 4 trillion infused into the economy during that period.
It must really bug the $h!t out of Obama worshippers how Trump has shattered records and delivered the strongest economy in decades that has made American so much better in only 2 years, something could not do in 8.

In defense of Obama, though, I am sure to a Community Organizer it looked like there was no way to being manufacturing plants to the US, that they were gone for good, and our economy was the best it was ever going to be again...... We just needed someone who understood business in the WH...and Buh-BAM!
or maybe it was more, as long as I'm around, obammy that is, there will be no manufacturing, I need people enslaved in welfare and food stamps.
Laughing.....that would the be part of your OP involving your batshit conspiracy theory about a 'dems coup'.

I've provided you with a far better explanation, actually backed by evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

Which yet again obliterates your silly conspiracy theories about the 'deep state', as Trump has admitted to what Mueller was seated to investigate. With Mueller also tasked to investigate any other crimes he finds along the way.

Which might explain why Trump has tried to shut that investigation down.
Actually you continue to spew BS and attempt to hijack the thread.....

By addressing the batshit conspiracy theory in OP and title of the thread: Your insane 'dems coup' nonsense.

My explanation is just far, far better and backed with actual evidence: Trump colluded with the Russians.

A republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated with the testimony of a republican......and you laughably claim its a 'dems coup'?

That's adorable.
By failing to address the massive, record-setting economic success of this President you are only providing more proof that the Liberal claim of 'illegal collusion', still unproven by any evidence, is nothing but Conspiracy theory.

I'm addressing your 'dems coup' nonsense in the title and dismantled the entire batshit conspiracy.

And you've abandoned your own argument. Which is wise. As a republican lead investigation, seated by a republican, under a republican administration, initiated by the testimony of a hardly a 'dems coup'.

And predictably, you've abandoned your entire conspiracy.
What do you think about the US-Mexico trade agreement?

Still much to find out about it.

Interesting that Mexico is calling it a revamping of NAFTA and Trump is saying NAFTA is dead.

The markets are still pretty happy about it and they have not been fond of most of Trumps trade dealings so that is a good sign as well.
It must really bug the $h!t out of Obama worshippers how Trump has shattered records and delivered the strongest economy in decades that has made American so much better in only 2 years, something could not do in 8.

In defense of Obama, though, I am sure to a Community Organizer it looked like there was no way to being manufacturing plants to the US, that they were gone for good, and our economy was the best it was ever going to be again...... We just needed someone who understood business in the WH...and Buh-BAM!
or maybe it was more, as long as I'm around, obammy that is, there will be no manufacturing, I need people enslaved in welfare and food stamps.

Yeah, manufacturing did not increase at all during the Obama years...

Do you ever get tired of being wrong?
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