Do Socialists Just Want To Take Your Stuff?

They aren't socialists or communists.

But there is a problem: Scandinavian “socialism” does not exist, except in the Marxian imagination of radical progressives. It is a chimera wrapped in an illusion inside a dream.

In fact, the economies of Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries are not socialist but capitalist. They depend on the free market to generate the funds that make their extensive welfare system possible. Former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen put it succinctly during a U.S. visit: “I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear: Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.” According to the Heritage Foundation’s 2021 Index of Economic Freedom, Denmark is the tenth freest country in the world, economically; the United States lags behind at No. 25.

Of course, if you have a mixed economy without a sovereign currency like Denmark and other Scandinavian countries, then you will fund your government-run social programs from the revenue generated by selling goods and services in the marketplace. However what you fail to realize is that Marx wrote that a society that is transitioning from capitalism to communism, might have markets at the beginning of its transition. That transition can take years or decades. etc. If Scandinavia isn't socialist, it's not because it has markets, due to the fact that markets can exist in socialism and don't even depend upon capitalism. Markets existed before capitalism, so your premise that one equates to the other is flawed. Denmark has both capitalism and socialism, namely, a "mixed economy", as I mentioned earlier.

It's interesting that the countries in Europe with the happiest, most satisfied citizenry, are Scandinavian nations with robust, government-run social programs (i.e. welfare programs), where everyone has free access at the point of service, to healthcare, and education. Even housing and food are considered human rights in Scandinavia. They know how to organize society, unlike us here in the United States.
I post this to all of the admins. You continually close or move all of my threads into some obscure corner of the forum. Why? This thread was originally placed in the debate section, in order to spark dialogue on socialism and communism. There are many Americans like myself who are socialists hence it's not an unreasonable expectation to be allowed to discuss and debate the topic. The title of this thread is a question:

"Do Socialists Just Want To Take Your Stuff?

Why was this thread moved to the general discussion section? Why are all of my threads on socialist topics closed or moved? What is the forum owner or the admins afraid of? Are you afraid of engaging socialists in a debate? Are you unable to have an open discussion on the issue? It seems, based on your actions, that you don't want anyone reading, or studying, the socialist perspective on the issues. Be courageous and honest and stop censoring socialist threads.
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I post this to all of the admins. You continually close or move all of my threads into some obscure corner of the forum. Why? This thread was originally placed in the debate section, in order to spark dialogue on socialism and communism. There are many Americans like myself who are socialists hence it's not an unreasonable expectation to be allowed to discuss and debate the topic. The title of this thread is a question:

"Do Socialists Just Want To Take Your Stuff?

Why was this thread moved to the general discussion section? Why are all of my threads on socialist topics closed or moved? What is the forum owner or the admins afraid of? Are you afraid of engaging socialists in a debate? Are you unable to have an open discussion on the issue? It seems, based on your actions, that you don't want anyone reading the socialist perspective on the issue from real socialists. Be courageous and honest and stop censoring socialist threads.
Stupid questions get stupid answers. Your asinine thread is redundant agitprop that has been refuted and ridiculed too many times as it is. Your continued refusal to accept that is your problem. You can either embrace reality, or maintain your bitter embrace of total ignorance.

I found it amusing though that none of the forum's other bed wetters even came to help you parrot collectivist dogma.
Stupid questions get stupid answers. Your asinine thread is redundant agitprop that has been refuted and ridiculed too many times as it is. Your continued refusal to accept that is your problem. You can either embrace reality, or maintain your bitter embrace of total ignorance.

I found it amusing though that none of the forum's other bed wetters even came to help you parrot collectivist dogma.

All you have are insults, the refuge of a weak argument and stance on the issues. It's your opinion that a particular topic has already been adequately covered in the past and debated and hence should be barred from the forum. That's absurd because the purpose of a forum is to discuss the issues. If you feel that my threads are "redundant" and of no value, you're welcome to ignore them. You can also ignore me. However, this forum is supposedly for discussing politics in America and there are many Americans today who are socialists, so it's disingenuous and quite weak for the owner/s of this forum and admin/s to censor dialogue on the topic of socialism and communism. Pete, again, you're welcome to place me on ignore.

Admins, why are you censoring socialists? What are you admins afraid of?
Nobody is censoring you thread, it wasn't even sent downstairs. It just was removed from the CDZ a zone 1 forum.
This is too hot of a topic to for the CDZ. I moved it to the General Discussion sub forum to where there was more latitude for
the subject matter to be discussed.

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