Do Socialists Just Want To Take Your Stuff?

Former CIA agents admitting they led propaganda campaigns against communism, creating false stories of atrocities and crimes:

I just wonder where the rest of the bed wetters are...

There's only one freakishly stupid moonbat that wants to make a fool of himself and assert that the free market economy of the USA prior to being undermined by regressive fascists was in anyway similar to global imperialism or medieval feudalism? Not one more that wants to make the asinine claim that repulsive "purple-haired, morbidly obese, gender-confused leftists" aren't promoting regressive and treasonous marxist dogma as they set cities on fire because some druggie in Minneapolis overdosed and died during an arrest for trying to use fake currency?

Why don't you bed wetters "occupy" some territory and "very easily organize worker cooperatives and produce everything they consume"?

Oh wait... A bunch of parasites did that and naturally it shit the bed before it even got started.

I just wonder where the rest of the bed wetters are...

There's only one freakishly stupid moonbat that wants to make a fool of himself and assert that the free market economy of the USA prior to being undermined by regressive fascists was in anyway similar to global imperialism or medieval feudalism? Not one more that wants to make the asinine claim that repulsive "purple-haired, morbidly obese, gender-confused leftists" aren't promoting regressive and treasonous marxist dogma as they set cities on fire because some druggie in Minneapolis overdosed and died during an arrest for trying to use fake currency?

Why don't you bed wetters "occupy" some territory and "very easily organize worker cooperatives and produce everything they consume"?

Oh wait... A bunch of parasites did that and naturally it shit the bed before it even got started.


There's no such thing as "free markets". Markets, commerce in general, heavily depend upon the government for infrastructure, regulatory and contractual enforcement, policing, education..etc. Without the authority and resources of the government (of the people), capitalists would be unable to produce or sell anything. I haven't even mentioned the fact that every 7 to 10 years capitalism goes into a serious recession (i.e. boom and bust business cycle), requiring the government (the people) to "bail out" the capitalists (save capitalism). The parasite capitalists are now talking about handing the working class a so-called "UBI" (i.e. Universal Basic Income) in order to save their butts from the coming tech apocalypse:

(BTW Yang is a multi-millionaire CEO/Capitalist)

Just as the left has its weirdos, so does the right, with its psychopathic Neocons, KKK, neo-Nazis, Evangelical Zionists (who love war against Muslims, because of their warped views on the secular Jewish State of Israhell and their worship of Jews). So again, you have no moral highground, stop with the stupid death toll count arguments. Both capitalism and communism have mountains of dead rotting bodies under their feet, so stop pretending to be free of carnage. A mountain of dead meat is under your feet.

The truth is that in the not too distant future our children are going to be faced with a choice between socialism and techno-feudalism. The former places the means of production (all of the machinery, facilities, advanced technology) in the hands of the people, who will own it collectively, together as a community, a nation. The later option is a modern form of feudalism, where the billionaires and multi-millionaires, the corporations, own the means of production and yet don't need anyone to work for them. They produce everything they consume, employing automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and machines, without human labor (or at best, very little human labor), hence the vast majority of people (your progeny) will be consigned to serfdon or the compost heap. The wealthy, ruling class will own everything and 95% of the population won't.

The UBI is only appealing to the billionaires when capitalism is on life support, depending upon a universal income for the consumer to purchase their products. Once technology permits, the rich ruling class won't need human labor or even paying consumers, hence what do you and those who you love do under these conditions? Ever watched the movie, "Soyent Green", watch it:

Soylent Green, that's what we will become if we leave it up to the billionaires.​

Either we say "No thanks, we will now own the robots and all of the technology and systems together, as a community, in order to produce everything we consume, meeting all of our needs" or Soylent Green. " No thanks, we're not going to be serfs or slaves, or reduced to your lamp shades, we the people will own the technology together as a community, all of the robots and automated systems, the artificial intelligence and autonomous running vehicles, the nanotechnology, and we will organize production to meet all of our needs". Everyone will have a good standard of living, we will all work 20 hours a week supervising the robots, and no one will become SOYLENT GREEN. We either all own the means of production together or no one owns the means of production. Our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, will not be consigned to the compost heap. They're not stupid, they will realize...HEY, WE DON'T NEED THESE BILLIONAIRES LORDING THEMSELVES OVER US, REDUCING US TO SERFDOM AND SLAVERY, WE WILL OWN THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION TOGETHER.

We have the technology to do all of the accounting, and logistics, allowing us to effectively, rationally centrally plan production, meeting all of our needs. Everyone that can work, will work a few hours daily, five days a week, supervising the system, and will have access to everything they need to live a good life. Food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation, spiritual, social, entertainment, hobbies, FREEDOM..etc, everything that we need and that imbues our lives with meaning and joy, we can and we will have, with modern, high-tech communism. No one will be lording themselves over anyone. The rednecks that are harping about communists taking their guns away are ignorant of the fact that American communists, for the most part, are for private firearms ownership. We want the working-class to be armed to the teeth. This is American communism, with its own set of unique values, characteristics, and temperament. We don't do communism in America as the Chinese do it, or the Russians did it, we will do it our own way, in a way that fits our American character and heritage.

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How many times have you heard the claim that socialism sounds good in theory, or that socialists are just lazy, or that socialists want to take your stuff? I'm sure you've lost count by now. I have too. This video is intended to be a resource for the people who make these misguided claims about socialism and help them understand why they're incorrect.

I do have some junk I need hauled off.
I don't want to" understand"

because I already u/stand that

socialism andcommunism are at best firstcousins, at worst siblings..

and why do socialists/communists always always accuse those who are not in their corner of being ignorant as to what those terms mean?

seen it many times

Socialism is the infection That weakens a countries immune system ……. Communism is the cancer that then attacks and kills a country…….it is socialism in hyper drive…
There's no such thing as "free markets". Markets, commerce in general, heavily depend upon the government for infrastructure, regulatory and contractual enforcement, policing, education..etc. Without the authority and resources of the government (of the people), capitalists would be unable to produce or sell anything. I haven't even mentioned the fact that every 7 to 10 years capitalism goes into a serious recession (i.e. boom and bust business cycle), requiring the government (the people) to "bail out" the capitalists (save capitalism). The parasite capitalists are now talking about handing the working class a so-called "UBI" (i.e. Universal Basic Income) in order to save their butts from the coming tech apocalypse:

(BTW Yang is a multi-millionaire CEO/Capitalist)

Just as the left has its weirdos, so does the right, with its psychopathic Neocons, KKK, neo-Nazis, Evangelical Zionists (who love war against Muslims, because of their warped views on the secular Jewish State of Israhell and their worship of Jews). So again, you have no moral highground, stop with the stupid death toll count arguments. Both capitalism and communism have mountains of dead rotting bodies under their feet, so stop pretending to be free of carnage. A mountain of dead meat is under your feet.

The truth is that in the not too distant future our children are going to be faced with a choice between socialism and techno-feudalism. The former places the means of production (all of the machinery, facilities, advanced technology) in the hands of the people, who will own it collectively, together as a community, a nation. The later option is a modern form of feudalism, where the billionaires and multi-millionaires, the corporations, own the means of production and yet don't need anyone to work for them. They produce everything they consume, employing automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and machines, without human labor (or at best, very little human labor), hence the vast majority of people (your progeny) will be consigned to serfdon or the compost heap. The wealthy, ruling class will own everything and 95% of the population won't.

The UBI is only appealing to the billionaires when capitalism is on life support, depending upon a universal income for the consumer to purchase their products. Once technology permits, the rich ruling class won't need human labor or even paying consumers, hence what do you and those who you love do under these conditions? Ever watched the movie, "Soyent Green", watch it:

Soylent Green, that's what we will become if we leave it up to the billionaires.​

Either we say "No thanks, we will now own the robots and all of the technology and systems together, as a community, in order to produce everything we consume, meeting all of our needs" or Soylent Green. " No thanks, we're not going to be serfs or slaves, or reduced to your lamp shades, we the people will own the technology together as a community, all of the robots and automated systems, the artificial intelligence and autonomous running vehicles, the nanotechnology, and we will organize production to meet all of our needs". Everyone will have a good standard of living, we will all work 20 hours a week supervising the robots, and no one will become SOYLENT GREEN. We either all own the means of production together or no one owns the means of production. Our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, will not be consigned to the compost heap. They're not stupid, they will realize...HEY, WE DON'T NEED THESE BILLIONAIRES LORDING THEMSELVES OVER US, REDUCING US TO SERFDOM AND SLAVERY, WE WILL OWN THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION TOGETHER.

We have the technology to do all of the accounting, and logistics, allowing us to effectively, rationally centrally plan production, meeting all of our needs. Everyone that can work, will work a few hours daily, five days a week, supervising the system, and will have access to everything they need to live a good life. Food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation, spiritual, social, entertainment, hobbies, FREEDOM..etc, everything that we need and that imbues our lives with meaning and joy, we can and we will have, with modern, high-tech communism. No one will be lording themselves over anyone. The rednecks that are harping about communists taking their guns away are ignorant of the fact that American communists, for the most part, are for private firearms ownership. We want the working-class to be armed to the teeth. This is American communism, with its own set of unique values, characteristics, and temperament. We don't do communism in America as the Chinese do it, or the Russians did it, we will do it our own way, in a way that fits our American character and heritage.

Moron...nazis are simply socialists who arent afraid to show their racism in public. The kkk is a democrat party brown shirt, terrorist group that has now been replaced by blm and antit’s.
There's no such thing as "free markets". Markets, commerce in general, heavily depend upon the government for infrastructure, regulatory and contractual enforcement, policing, education..etc. Without the authority and resources of the government (of the people), capitalists would be unable to produce or sell anything. I haven't even mentioned the fact that every 7 to 10 years capitalism goes into a serious recession (i.e. boom and bust business cycle), requiring the government (the people) to "bail out" the capitalists (save capitalism). The parasite capitalists are now talking about handing the working class a so-called "UBI" (i.e. Universal Basic Income) in order to save their butts from the coming tech apocalypse:

(BTW Yang is a multi-millionaire CEO/Capitalist)

Just as the left has its weirdos, so does the right, with its psychopathic Neocons, KKK, neo-Nazis, Evangelical Zionists (who love war against Muslims, because of their warped views on the secular Jewish State of Israhell and their worship of Jews). So again, you have no moral highground, stop with the stupid death toll count arguments. Both capitalism and communism have mountains of dead rotting bodies under their feet, so stop pretending to be free of carnage. A mountain of dead meat is under your feet.

The truth is that in the not too distant future our children are going to be faced with a choice between socialism and techno-feudalism. The former places the means of production (all of the machinery, facilities, advanced technology) in the hands of the people, who will own it collectively, together as a community, a nation. The later option is a modern form of feudalism, where the billionaires and multi-millionaires, the corporations, own the means of production and yet don't need anyone to work for them. They produce everything they consume, employing automated systems, robotics, artificial intelligence, autonomous vehicles and machines, without human labor (or at best, very little human labor), hence the vast majority of people (your progeny) will be consigned to serfdon or the compost heap. The wealthy, ruling class will own everything and 95% of the population won't.

The UBI is only appealing to the billionaires when capitalism is on life support, depending upon a universal income for the consumer to purchase their products. Once technology permits, the rich ruling class won't need human labor or even paying consumers, hence what do you and those who you love do under these conditions? Ever watched the movie, "Soyent Green", watch it:

Soylent Green, that's what we will become if we leave it up to the billionaires.​

Either we say "No thanks, we will now own the robots and all of the technology and systems together, as a community, in order to produce everything we consume, meeting all of our needs" or Soylent Green. " No thanks, we're not going to be serfs or slaves, or reduced to your lamp shades, we the people will own the technology together as a community, all of the robots and automated systems, the artificial intelligence and autonomous running vehicles, the nanotechnology, and we will organize production to meet all of our needs". Everyone will have a good standard of living, we will all work 20 hours a week supervising the robots, and no one will become SOYLENT GREEN. We either all own the means of production together or no one owns the means of production. Our grandchildren, our great-grandchildren, will not be consigned to the compost heap. They're not stupid, they will realize...HEY, WE DON'T NEED THESE BILLIONAIRES LORDING THEMSELVES OVER US, REDUCING US TO SERFDOM AND SLAVERY, WE WILL OWN THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION TOGETHER.

We have the technology to do all of the accounting, and logistics, allowing us to effectively, rationally centrally plan production, meeting all of our needs. Everyone that can work, will work a few hours daily, five days a week, supervising the system, and will have access to everything they need to live a good life. Food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation, spiritual, social, entertainment, hobbies, FREEDOM..etc, everything that we need and that imbues our lives with meaning and joy, we can and we will have, with modern, high-tech communism. No one will be lording themselves over anyone. The rednecks that are harping about communists taking their guns away are ignorant of the fact that American communists, for the most part, are for private firearms ownership. We want the working-class to be armed to the teeth. This is American communism, with its own set of unique values, characteristics, and temperament. We don't do communism in America as the Chinese do it, or the Russians did it, we will do it our own way, in a way that fits our American character and heritage.

Yes….communists want the working class to be armed which is why the first thing communists do is take everyone’s guns away from them……it is much harder to put innocent men, women and children in mass graves when they can shoot the communists….
Moron...nazis are simply socialists who arent afraid to show their racism in public. The kkk is a democrat party brown shirt, terrorist group that has now been replaced by blm and antit’s.
The poor bastard is just a mindless bed wetter parroting the inane shit he has been programmed to believe. Maybe someday he will have a job and grow out of it, but until he gets some pussy and has to work for a living to pay rent, drive a car he will probably remain a bed wetter.

Even when I was something of a commie myself, I still supported gun rights and I knew Nazis were big government leftwing asswipes. Once I grew up it became obvious that collectivism and rationing sucked ass and that if I worked harder I got promoted and paid more.

That is something bed wetters refuse to learn.

Socialism is the infection That weakens a countries immune system ……. Communism is the cancer that then attacks and kills a country…….it is socialism in hyper drive…

Socialism is the cure to capitalist plutocracy and autocracy.
The poor bastard is just a mindless bed wetter parroting the inane shit he has been programmed to believe. Maybe someday he will have a job and grow out of it, but until he gets some pussy and has to work for a living to pay rent, drive a car he will probably remain a bed wetter.

Even when I was something of a commie myself, I still supported gun rights and I knew Nazis were big government leftwing asswipes. Once I grew up it became obvious that collectivism and rationing sucked ass and that if I worked harder I got promoted and paid more.

That is something bed wetters refuse to learn.

Ignore every single point I made in my recent previous posts and continue with the silly, infantile insults.
Yes….communists want the working class to be armed which is why the first thing communists do is take everyone’s guns away from them……it is much harder to put innocent men, women and children in mass graves when they can shoot the communists….
The American socialism/communism of the Communist Front, is pro-gun rights and that includes the ownership of combat rifles and ammunition, so your point is moot. Show me where Karl Marx ever promoted the idea of disarming the people. Quote where Marx suggests the people should be disarmed and only the government own all of the weapons. I assure you, you won't find it.
Moron...nazis are simply socialists who arent afraid to show their racism in public. The kkk is a democrat party brown shirt, terrorist group that has now been replaced by blm and antit’s.

The above video completely eviscerates the moronic argument that the Nazis were socialists. Watch it and educate yourself.​

Nazis called themselves "National Socialists", but in practice, they weren't socialists, because they failed to implement any socialist policies. The capitalists were in full control of the German economy and supported Hitler. Nazi Germany murdered millions of socialists, so you're not making any sense when you claim Nazi Germany was actually socialist. The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. That Socialist Republic was Hitler's archenemy, so again, it's moronic for you to suggest Hitler was actually a socialist.
Ignore every single point I made in my recent previous posts and continue with the silly, infantile insults.
I've heard all that bullshit before, they're not "your points" either. It's inane drivel you've been programmed to parrot just like all sorts of other bed wetters I've heard regurgitate marxist agitprop. It doesn't interest me to argue about it. Either you'll grow up or you won't.

Not my problem.

I've heard all that bullshit before, they're not "your points" either. It's inane drivel you've been programmed to parrot just like all sorts of other bed wetters I've heard regurgitate marxist agitprop. It doesn't interest me to argue about it. Either you'll grow up or you won't.

Not my problem.

You're ignoring all of the points and arguments I've presented and now admit you're not addressing them, nor have any intentions of doing so. So why are you posting here? To just insult me? Grow up.
You're ignoring all of the points and arguments I've presented and now admit you're not addressing them, nor have any intentions of doing so. So why are you posting here? To just insult me? Grow up.
Insulting you is cathartic, I have to admit that. Like I said though, these ARE NOT "YOUR POINTS". This is 100% Pure, Concentrated Bullshit Syrup that bed wetting pseudo-intellectual asswipes began parroting decades ago. I've heard it all before, even repeated some of it myself 30 years ago. Then I started working, got an apt, a car and regular pussy. Hanging out in hackey sack circles with other moonbats parroting leftist agitprop fell by the wayside and the reality of real life took over.

Again, maybe you'll grow up, or maybe you'll be a green haired beta male soy boi all your life.

Not my problem.


How many times have you heard the claim that socialism sounds good in theory, or that socialists are just lazy, or that socialists want to take your stuff? I'm sure you've lost count by now. I have too. This video is intended to be a resource for the people who make these misguided claims about socialism and help them understand why they're incorrect.

Have you ever spent any time in Scandinavia?
Have you ever spent any time in Scandinavia?

They aren't socialists or communists.

But there is a problem: Scandinavian “socialism” does not exist, except in the Marxian imagination of radical progressives. It is a chimera wrapped in an illusion inside a dream.

In fact, the economies of Denmark and the other Scandinavian countries are not socialist but capitalist. They depend on the free market to generate the funds that make their extensive welfare system possible. Former Danish prime minister Anders Fogh Rasmussen put it succinctly during a U.S. visit: “I know that some people in the U.S. associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism. Therefore, I would like to make one thing clear: Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy.” According to the Heritage Foundation’s 2021 Index of Economic Freedom, Denmark is the tenth freest country in the world, economically; the United States lags behind at No. 25.

Now that is really funny....communism creates the ultimate plutocracy and totalitarian society........

Plutocracy is the rule of the aristocratic wealthy class. In communism, there are no economic classes bribing politicians to serve their vested interests because there are no markets hence no capitalists. Plutocracy, especially in the industrial age, relies on vested, big-money interests, something communism doesn't have.

Just like a totalitarian state like Saudi Arabia can have a capitalist economy, a state led by a tyrant can likewise have a socialist economy. Yeah? So what? However, as admitted by the former CIA agents in the videos below, much of what the American public has heard about the Soviet Union and other socialist states is nothing more than capitalist, imperialist rhetoric and propaganda (i.e. capitalist bullshit).

Half-truths and outright fabrications are all capitalists have against communists. Socialism and communism can be democratic, especially when it's not being attacked militarily and economically sanctioned by an empire like the United States and its allies.


8,000 US Marines deployed in Russia in 1918 with 14 other European powers.

The US invaded Russia in 1918, right after WW1 and they failed to defeat the Russian communists. However, the experience of being invaded by the US and several other Western powers after WW1 and the German Nazi invasion of Russia in WW2, contributed to the centralization of power in the Soviet Union, undermining its original plan to place state power in the hands of the local workers councils (i.e. soviets = "people's councils"). It required the USSR to become a highly militarized state, due to capitalist powers like the US and its allies trying to destroy it by various means, including sabotage, economic sanctions and of course, war.

In the not too distant future technology is going to require the American working-class to take control of the means of production and produce everything that is consumed to meet people's needs rather than for profits. Advanced 21st century technology will eventually automate most jobs, creating massive unemployment, hence the need to socialize and democratize production. All of you bitter old country bumpkins, brainwashed by decades of being fed cold war propaganda about the USSR and socialism, don't have clue of what socialism actually is and how the USA is going to have to adopt socialism in the future to avoid becoming a feudal state. So Bubba, become a socialist now, because either you or your progeny in the not too distant future, are going to become socialists to avoid becoming serfs.

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