Do Studies Show That Gun Control Laws Work?

Regulations on the excesses of firearms work. While still preserving the basics of what we would call 2nd Amendment freedoms. Any US citizen of good standing should be able to own guns.
So we don't have to go the way of several other 1st world foreign countries..and even others who have a lower gun death rate than we do.

Common sense. The way to preserve freedoms. I suspect will be the case, the zealots will come out in this thread as otherwise. :)
Regulations on the excesses of firearms work. While still preserving the basics of what we would call 2nd Amendment freedoms. Any US citizen of good standing should be able to own guns.
So we don't have to go the way of several other 1st world foreign countries..and even others who have a lower gun death rate than we do.

Common sense. The way to preserve freedoms. I suspect will be the case, the zealots will come out in this thread as otherwise. :)
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There is absolutely no scientific basis to claim gun control reduces gun violence.
Regulations on the excesses of firearms work. While still preserving the basics of what we would call 2nd Amendment freedoms. Any US citizen of good standing should be able to own guns.
So we don't have to go the way of several other 1st world foreign countries..and even others who have a lower gun death rate than we do.

Common sense. The way to preserve freedoms. I suspect will be the case, the zealots will come out in this thread as otherwise. :)
The biggest run-on platitude I've seen in some time.
Regulations on the excesses of firearms work.

Not sure what 'excesses' means. Are there not quite a few mass shootings that were undeterred by existing regulations? The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban didn't really work.

As with so many other issues, should gun control be a state issue rather than a federal one? I am unconvinced that regulations at any level actually work.

The federal ban became effective on Sept. 24, 1994. In the preceding decade, the Violence Project database shows that 25 mass shootings resulted in 156 total fatalities. Assault weapons were used in six of those shootings with 36 fatalities. During the ban, 33 mass shootings resulted in 173 total fatalities. Assault weapons were used in seven shootings with 42 fatalities. In the post-ban decade, 46 mass shootings resulted in 328 fatalities. Assault weapons were used in eight shootings with 70 fatalities.

The Violence Project database also shows that there were more mass shooting fatalities in the decade during the federal ban (173) than in the decade before the ban (156).

Mass shootings with assault weapons also did not spike once the ban expired. Such shootings increased from six (pre-ban) to seven (during the ban) to eight (post-ban) during this 30-year period. The post-ban increase is the continuation of an existing trend.

Mass shootings and fatalities did increase in the decade following the federal ban’s expiration, but that increase is mostly from incidents involving non–assault weapons. Pre-ban, 19 mass shootings with non-assault weapons resulted in 120 fatalities. During the ban, 26 such shootings resulted in 131 fatalities. Post-ban, 38 non-assault-weapon shootings resulted in 258 fatalities.

Source: The Violence Project

Mass Shooting Data & Research | The Violence Project

While still preserving the basics of what we would call 2nd Amendment freedoms.

Not sure what 'basics' means either.

Any US citizen of good standing should be able to own guns.

What is 'good standing'?

Common sense. The way to preserve freedoms.

One person's common sense is another person's violation of their constitutional rights.

And I would add this: an Assault Weapons Ban today probably would not have the desired effect because there are already so many guns of that type already out there in circulation, by some estimates 20-40 million. It is my considered opinion that an AW Ban would not confiscate existing guns; I have little doubt that for the most part the mentally ill, criminals, and terrorists and others bent on doing harm to multiple people would be able to acquire their weapons in spite of any ban, OR acquire unbanned weapons that can do just as much damage.
Not sure what 'excesses' means. Are there not quite a few mass shootings that were undeterred by existing regulations? The 1994 Assault Weapons Ban didn't really work.

As with so many other issues, should gun control be a state issue rather than a federal one? I am unconvinced that regulations at any level actually work.

The federal ban became effective on Sept. 24, 1994. In the preceding decade, the Violence Project database shows that 25 mass shootings resulted in 156 total fatalities. Assault weapons were used in six of those shootings with 36 fatalities. During the ban, 33 mass shootings resulted in 173 total fatalities. Assault weapons were used in seven shootings with 42 fatalities. In the post-ban decade, 46 mass shootings resulted in 328 fatalities. Assault weapons were used in eight shootings with 70 fatalities.

The Violence Project database also shows that there were more mass shooting fatalities in the decade during the federal ban (173) than in the decade before the ban (156).

Mass shootings with assault weapons also did not spike once the ban expired. Such shootings increased from six (pre-ban) to seven (during the ban) to eight (post-ban) during this 30-year period. The post-ban increase is the continuation of an existing trend.

Mass shootings and fatalities did increase in the decade following the federal ban’s expiration, but that increase is mostly from incidents involving non–assault weapons. Pre-ban, 19 mass shootings with non-assault weapons resulted in 120 fatalities. During the ban, 26 such shootings resulted in 131 fatalities. Post-ban, 38 non-assault-weapon shootings resulted in 258 fatalities.

Source: The Violence Project

Mass Shooting Data & Research | The Violence Project

Not sure what 'basics' means either.

Any US citizen of good standing should be able to own guns.

What is 'good standing'?

One person's common sense is another person's violation of their constitutional rights.

And I would add this: an Assault Weapons Ban today probably would not have the desired effect because there are already so many guns of that type already out there in circulation, by some estimates 20-40 million. It is my considered opinion that an AW Ban would not confiscate existing guns; I have little doubt that for the most part the mentally ill, criminals, and terrorists and others bent on doing harm to multiple people would be able to acquire their weapons in spite of any ban, OR acquire unbanned weapons that can do just as much damage.
Your parsing is exactly why I referred to his brain droppings as the run-on platitude that it is.

He said a lot without saying anything at all.
Like England, where knifing deaths skyrocketed!
And where with strict firearm controls the firearm homicide rate is a fraction of that of the US. Just how fucking dumb and ignorant do you want to pretend to be?
Evidence from other developed countries shows actual gun control works.
No it doesn't

The murder rate in the UK is about what it was in 1950 before all their draconian gun laws were passed.

The murder rate in the US is about what it was in 1950 despite more than 20000 gun laws being passed in that time and more people than ever owning guns.

CA has very strict gun laws but the murder rate in CA is more than 6 times higher than the murder rate in NH which has very relaxed gun laws.

CA has very strict gun laws but in the last 20 years CA has had more mass shootings than any other state and more than twice as many as the state in second place.

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