Do Terrorists Get American Constitutional rights If They Operate on American Soil?

Does they do or does they dont?

  • Yes, all people get Constitutional rights in Americ a

    Votes: 6 60.0%
  • No, this is war, maybe they get Geneva Convention rights if we are feeling nice

    Votes: 4 40.0%
  • I dunno, I just like watching all the fires

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Your poll is not accurate. They get some (most) rights but not all. Such as..........they get due process.

Our Constitutional rights ensure that we can not be deported. Not so with a foreign "terrorist".
the real problem is its not specific as to what hes calling a terrorist,,

Yeah well, one can't get into this too deep. I have no boots on.
dont you just love random question with no context???
Please explain what rights terrorists get, dude. Can they vote from jail in our elections? lol
This is why Guantanomo was set up for terrorists captured over seas......they didn't want to give them access to our normal courts.....which happens when they are captured on U.S. soil.
Children conceived and born on American soil do not get birthright citizenship.


So it seems apparent that enemy combatants on American soil do NOT get due process rights, no?
Please explain what rights terrorists get, dude. Can they vote from jail in our elections? lol
This is why Guantanomo was set up for terrorists captured over seas......they didn't want to give them access to our normal courts.....which happens when they are captured on U.S. soil.
Children conceived and born on American soil do not get birthright citizenship.


So it seems apparent that enemy combatants on American soil do NOT get due process rights, no?
all you have to do is read the 5th amendment and you will see who gets that right,,,
My thoughts exactly....I detest the Patriot Act and all this "terrorist" crap....Declare Pantifa enemy combatants and go full Army on their asses.
I have a whole bunch of gripes with PA, especially all the FISA warrent processes, but when enemy combatants do not wear uniforms they are terrorists.
Pantifa is dressed in all black with their faces covered...Often timnes, the face coverings have symbols and logos which identify them....It's a defacto uniform, and they need to be treated as insurrectionists.
Simple question; in handling terrorists and their supporters, do they get due process simply because they are on American soil?
where you have to be careful is claiming someone is a terrorist,,as far as I'm concerned dems and repubes have shown themselves to be terrorist in my book,,,

so if I vote for a democrat you consider me a terrorist and think I should be executed?
I never said that,,,

"I never said that,,"

then you are a spineless coward


don't let politically correct liberals scare you from saying what you really want to say




or else forever be known as a lily livered coward

a sissy

a poof

a nancy

a girly boy
Simple question; in handling terrorists and their supporters, do they get due process simply because they are on American soil?
where you have to be careful is claiming someone is a terrorist,,as far as I'm concerned dems and repubes have shown themselves to be terrorist in my book,,,

so if I vote for a democrat you consider me a terrorist and think I should be executed?
I never said that,,,

pathetic coward

the KKK is very disappointed in you

they want you to turn in your cross and your hooded robe
Simple question; in handling terrorists and their supporters, do they get due process simply because they are on American soil?
If they are US citizens operating on US soil, unfortunately they do get constitutional rights. This way, one party cannot accuse the other of being terrorists.
Not since the PA was passed Jim

Well, some people still think they do.

Its kind of puzzling.

Well one could post all manner of rebuttals Jim>>>
But the general jist is, the PA allowed our Government the 'right' to trash our constitution , for our own safety

One should question this, imho

IF we view 'freedom' as a common denominator ,where one of us is cut we all bleed , the constitutional fundamentalists have a leg to stand on

IF our legal system is that 'effed up, the PA is wag the dog at best....

IF the ability to abuse exists , it will be abused....


If they are US citizens operating on US soil, unfortunately they do get constitutional rights. This way, one party cannot accuse the other of being terrorists.
So committing treason and engaging our officers with deadly violence doesnt change any of that?
IF we view 'freedom' as a common denominator ,where one of us is cut we all bleed , the constitutional fundamentalists have a leg to stand on
IF our legal system is that 'effed up, the PA is wag the dog at best....
IF the ability to abuse exists , it will be abused....
Well, I am not a conservative, more of a 1964 style classic liberal, but todays 'liberals' are not liberals, they are Marxists posing as liberals, mostly.

And though I detest Marxists, they have a right to peacefully protest. If they engage in acts of violence they get arrested like anyone else.

But if they are part of an organized effort to overthrow our government through insurgency and 5th generation warfare and fighting in effect for a foreign power that is paying their bills, their logistics, giving them warfare training and bringing vast harm to our citizens in an organized way, THEn they are not just bad acting American citizens, they are committ5ing treason and we need to start treating them as foireign enemy combatants that have betrayed the nation of their birth.

And that certainly includes Antifa, most of the BLM leadership, and various groups of anarchists.

We cannot let them dig into our social and political structure any more, not at all as far as we can stop them.

This is war for the survival of our Republic and letting these treasonous bastards hide behind the citizenshiop they have forsaken is stupid, cowardly and a prescription to FAILURE and letting them win.
IF we view 'freedom' as a common denominator ,where one of us is cut we all bleed , the constitutional fundamentalists have a leg to stand on
IF our legal system is that 'effed up, the PA is wag the dog at best....
IF the ability to abuse exists , it will be abused....
Well, I am not a conservative, more of a 1964 style classic liberal, but todays 'liberals' are not liberals, they are Marxists posing as liberals, mostly.

And though I detest Marxists, they have a right to peacefully protest. If they engage in acts of violence they get arrested like anyone else.

But if they are part of an organized effort to overthrow our government through insurgency and 5th generation warfare and fighting in effect for a foreign power that is paying their bills, their logistics, giving them warfare training and bringing vast harm to our citizens in an organized way, THEn they are not just bad acting American citizens, they are committ5ing treason and we need to start treating them as foireign enemy combatants that have betrayed the nation of their birth.

And that certainly includes Antifa, most of the BLM leadership, and various groups of anarchists.

We cannot let them dig into our social and political structure any more, not at all as far as we can stop them.

This is war for the survival of our Republic and letting these treasonous bastards hide behind the citizenshiop they have forsaken is stupid, cowardly and a prescription to FAILURE and letting them win.

You sound like you would have made for a proud Tory.
And as conservastives sit on their asses trying to decide what to do, the Marxist left moves full speed ahead in trying to intimidate the entire country with their bullshit narrative of 'America is Racist'.

They are attacking and eliminating or intimidating Good Americans into remaining silent.

huh? now you are claiming
IF we view 'freedom' as a common denominator ,where one of us is cut we all bleed , the constitutional fundamentalists have a leg to stand on
IF our legal system is that 'effed up, the PA is wag the dog at best....
IF the ability to abuse exists , it will be abused....
Well, I am not a conservative, more of a 1964 style classic liberal, but todays 'liberals' are not liberals, they are Marxists posing as liberals, mostly.

And though I detest Marxists, they have a right to peacefully protest. If they engage in acts of violence they get arrested like anyone else.

But if they are part of an organized effort to overthrow our government through insurgency and 5th generation warfare and fighting in effect for a foreign power that is paying their bills, their logistics, giving them warfare training and bringing vast harm to our citizens in an organized way, THEn they are not just bad acting American citizens, they are committ5ing treason and we need to start treating them as foireign enemy combatants that have betrayed the nation of their birth.

And that certainly includes Antifa, most of the BLM leadership, and various groups of anarchists.

We cannot let them dig into our social and political structure any more, not at all as far as we can stop them.

This is war for the survival of our Republic and letting these treasonous bastards hide behind the citizenshiop they have forsaken is stupid, cowardly and a prescription to FAILURE and letting them win.

You sound like you would have made for a proud Tory.

huh----you claiming that only tories is logical?
huh? now you are claiming
IF we view 'freedom' as a common denominator ,where one of us is cut we all bleed , the constitutional fundamentalists have a leg to stand on
IF our legal system is that 'effed up, the PA is wag the dog at best....
IF the ability to abuse exists , it will be abused....
Well, I am not a conservative, more of a 1964 style classic liberal, but todays 'liberals' are not liberals, they are Marxists posing as liberals, mostly.

And though I detest Marxists, they have a right to peacefully protest. If they engage in acts of violence they get arrested like anyone else.

But if they are part of an organized effort to overthrow our government through insurgency and 5th generation warfare and fighting in effect for a foreign power that is paying their bills, their logistics, giving them warfare training and bringing vast harm to our citizens in an organized way, THEn they are not just bad acting American citizens, they are committ5ing treason and we need to start treating them as foireign enemy combatants that have betrayed the nation of their birth.

And that certainly includes Antifa, most of the BLM leadership, and various groups of anarchists.

We cannot let them dig into our social and political structure any more, not at all as far as we can stop them.

This is war for the survival of our Republic and letting these treasonous bastards hide behind the citizenshiop they have forsaken is stupid, cowardly and a prescription to FAILURE and letting them win.

You sound like you would have made for a proud Tory.

huh----you claiming that only tories is logical?

I have no idea what you are asking.
Well, I am not a conservative, more of a 1964 style classic liberal,
And i may well be in the same camp Jim, but we speak in labels that are not relevant to those readers whom do not know how much they've changed , so much history to that.....

stop me if i'm preachin' to the choir .....~S~

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