Do the board leftists support a $94 trillion dollar green new deal?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Just wondering. Explain it to us and how that gets done.

If not, then explain to us why you are against it.

We are waiting.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

The Democrats had the White House, Senate and House in large numbers and barely were able to pass Obamacare. As presented it will not pass even if the Democrats pick up the Senate. A Senator like Manchin doesn't vote to support it as presented and there will be others.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.
The Dems are doing what corporations have already began and what the Repubs wanted in the 2005 Energy Policy Act..
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

The Democrats had the White House, Senate and House in large numbers and barely were able to pass Obamacare. As presented it will not pass even if the Democrats pick up the Senate. A Senator like Manchin doesn't vote to support it as presented and there will be others.

What does that tell you? We have to hope beyond hope that the Senate doesn’t go to the Democrats to avoid complete disaster. Your common sense be saying “why in hell would I vote for a President that supports these crazy things and have to rely on the Senate to stop to avoid disaster? Maybe I should just not vote for a person that supports such disastrous policies in the first place. Hmmmm”

Just build a hundred nuclear power plants for about 1% of the new green deal cost.

Problem solved.


Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.
Just wondering. Explain it to us and how that gets done.

If not, then explain to us why you are against it.

We are waiting.
Nothing to explain because your $94 TRILLION is a BULLSHIT fake number.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

The Democrats had the White House, Senate and House in large numbers and barely were able to pass Obamacare. As presented it will not pass even if the Democrats pick up the Senate. A Senator like Manchin doesn't vote to support it as presented and there will be others.

What does that tell you? We have to hope beyond hope that the Senate doesn’t go to the Democrats to avoid complete disaster. Your common sense be saying “why in hell would I vote for a President that supports these crazy things and have to rely on the Senate to stop to avoid disaster? Maybe I should just not vote for a person that supports such disastrous policies in the first place. Hmmmm”

I didn't say all the ideas were crazy. I said I support some of it and some of it I don't.

I don't understand how being cleaner can be so controversial.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)
Just wondering. Explain it to us and how that gets done.

If not, then explain to us why you are against it.

We are waiting.
Nothing to explain because your $94 TRILLION is a BULLSHIT fake number.

The Green New Deal is meant to fool you lemmings while the fat cats get richer. Sheep will continue to be sheep and the Democrats know it all to well. They are at the point now where they can cheat in the open and their sheep won’t even see it.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)

Really? Pre-COVID the vast majority of people were better off than they were 4 years before.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

The Democrats had the White House, Senate and House in large numbers and barely were able to pass Obamacare. As presented it will not pass even if the Democrats pick up the Senate. A Senator like Manchin doesn't vote to support it as presented and there will be others.

Obamacare was passed during a previous era where it took 60 votes to advance legislation in the Senate. That will be changing if the D's take control.

Further, the Republicans have a groups of "reach across the aisle" types who would love to stick it to the Deplorable Chumps- Romney, Sasse, Collins, Murkowski- looking for their revenge.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
You fully realize 94 trillion dollars means everyone in the middle class loses their home, unless they can afford an annual 50k property tax bill right?
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.

What's there to debate? It was already debated in the Democrat Party and its a plank in their platform.

If the D's have a majority in both houses of Congress, it will pass. And if there is a Democrat President, it will be signed into law. If the D's don't have majorities in both houses, it will fail or probably not even offered for a vote.

Yes, but I am afraid many who voted for Biden/Harris aren’t aware of this. The left took advantage of a pandemic and an MSM that is in the bag to get their crazy left-wing nut agenda into office. Harris will be running the show in very short order. If Biden is president and they cheat again to win the 2 senate seats in GA, we are completely done and there is no one to blame except gullible, ignorant, childish Democrats.

If Trump had been even a little bit of a decent person he would have won again.

Once again, a horrible reason NOT to vote for a President. Pragmatism matters most. I don’t care if my football coach is a jerk if he wins. Bellicheck comes to mind.

And yet nearly 80 million decided the same.

Belicheck succeeded as a coach. Trump didn't. (other than stopping Hillary from being president)

Really? Pre-COVID the vast majority of people were better off than they were 4 years before.

No, no one was. We are now 27 trillion in debt. Let's say you give someone making $20k a year a $500,000 loan. They will spend and spend and say they are doing great. Until the payments come due.
Do I approve the idea of forwarding things like investments into renewable energy? Yes.

Your question is far too broad. What you ask about is a huge undertaking and not anywhere close to passing. It should get introduced into the House and debated. The Senate should get a crack at it and so on and so forth and then we can decide what we support and what we do not.

I do not support things like a carbon tax.
You fully realize 94 trillion dollars means everyone in the middle class loses their home, unless they can afford an annual 50k property tax bill right?

I realize that claim is complete B.S, and not even worth addressing.

It's like addressing how great it was that Mexico paid for the wall.

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