Do they think this CAN'T happen, WON'T happen, or do they just NOT care?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"A chilling confession from a captured ISIS fighter has shed light on how the terrorist group intended to exploit the vulnerabilities of the U.S. border with Mexico, using English speakers and westerners to take advantage of smuggling routes and target financial institutions.

Seized ISIS fighter Abu Henricki, a Canadian citizen with dual citizenship with Trinidad, last month said that he was sought out by the violent insurgency’s leadership to attack the U.S from a route starting in Central America"

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that our southern border is as porous as a screen door on a submarine and has been for a long while.

It does not take a brain surgeon to see that the existing US Immigration laws are not being enforced, that current policies / rules / laws that are in place now seem to have been written FOR illegals to ensure they make it into the United States. For example, an unknown illegal only has to cross our border, flag down and surrender to a US Border Patrol Agent, claim they are 'seeking asylum', and they are given a court date much later and - without thorough background checks, etc... - ger released into the US on their own with no way to track them.

RIGHT now, as reported, illegals, 'coyotes', armed Mexican Drug Cartels, human / sex traffickers, and MS13 members have and continue to successfully make it into the US.

Do people / politicians think despite THESE people continuing to flow into the US illegally that terrorists haven't noticed and have decided to try to do the same, think terrorists are too stupid to come up with this idea, or that perhaps the US govt is allowing all of these illegals and criminals to continue to come into the country but that the govt is somehow able to single out and stop terrorists from coming in....or, like I mentioned earlier, are people just not thinking about it or just don't care?

Americans continued to be victimized by the criminals, violent gangs, and murderers who are coming in now, and these people so far are not terrorists / terrorist-related, and politicians have shown no concern for the security of this nation or Americans, not enough to act to stop it.

Has 9/11/01 been so long ago that we have forgotten the lessons of that attack, how we must do everything we can to protect this country and ensure something like that never happens again, that we must remain much so that we are not only NOT STOPPING the millions of illegals / criminals flowing into this country (1 Million so far this year...and it's only June) but our politicians are working to make sure it continues?

Is it going to take another 9/11, another 3,000 Americans to die in 1 day on US soil, to get people to wake up and demand our politicians do something to stop what's going on and to protect us? Or is it too late?

More importantly, how many of you think that terrorists will take advantage of our porous borders and disastrous state of Immigration (Non-)enforcement in the US, if they have not already done so by entering the country?

ISIS plotted to send westerners to U.S through Mexico border: report

Ever considered they HOPE it will happen?
TWAT (The War Against Terror) has made A LOT of millionaires...billionaires.
Its too late. The numbers that have come thru have passed the tipping point. The good news is, the decline will be long and slow.

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