Do Trump supporters actually believe Trump gives a shit about the Bible?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Wow. A politician is being diplomatic in trying to keep a portion of his base happy.

And you act like this is some new horrible crime?

Can you be any more hysterical?
I don't support him but judging those he has gathered around him I don't think so. He calls Paula White his pastor. Money is her "god".
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!
No. They don't care. He could be Beelzebub's brother, as long as he has a catchy phrase that pisses the fuck out of dem liburals!

I want a Wall, and better trade deals, and no new Cold War.

That that pisses off libs, is a bonus, not the reason.
Trumps favorite book -

"Shit On The 10 Commandments" ... For Dummies
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
Don't give damn. I voted for a President, not a Pastor. You lefties care more about Trump's spiritual condition than his supporters do. Funny.
I think Trump respects the Bible. Trump's mother was religious. I certainly wouldn't say Trump is a devout person, but at least he has been willing to defend religious freedom.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return as second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.
I suggest you lay off snorting Cocoa Puffs for a while.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools

Trump wants to Make AmeriKKKa White Again, brain wash the masses with 'The Bible' and create the AmeriKKKan Taliban.

In this 'system' women would return to being second class citizens with no rights, just as in Muslim nations.

Be careful what you wish for TrumpTards; you may just get it.

Shove your race baiting up your ass.

oh, get mad, 'cause you know it's true? Trump MAWA!!

Standard leftard assholeness.

Insult someone with a vile insult, and then act like there is something wrong with them, if they get pissed off.

Work fine.

You just have to be a soulless fucktard.

Like you.
His dumbass claims it is his “top book”, yet all he could do was fabricate a verse from it when asked on the campaign trail. The only reason why Trump is pushing for Bible study in public schools is because he knows it will score points with his followers. He’s so insecure and petty that he will say anything to keep people liking him.

Trump boosts bills to teach his favorite book — the Bible — in public schools
Again, we knew what we were getting when we voted for President Trump, the guy who said he would "touch women's pussies, because he could" because he was a much better candidate than the one that kept falling down and calling US deplorables, while she flew over most of the US. Shame you fucking MORONS just cant let it go..


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