Do Trump supporters believe everything Trump says?

Most of what he says? Half?

Can they even answer this question?

I would advise people to look at some of the great demagogues of history. Sure, there were the true believers who believed everything their leader said. As such, the leader new he could say anything and people would believe. Later on, it would become dangerous to openly question the leader.

Other people felt that they were a part of something larger than themselves. They came to believe that they were part of a movement. In such cases, an "us versus them" mentality takes over. You can see it everywhere in society from loyalty to rival pro sports team fans to loyalty to rival street gangs.

Trump can, and quite obviously will, say whatever he pleases regardless of how much or how little truth is associated with his statements. His entire life bears out that fact. However, although there is always a possibility that Trump may succeed as president, in my humble opinion, Trump will ultimately fail for 3 reasons.

The first reason is that he promises far TOO much (like what will replace Obamacare with will both be cheaper AND better than Obamacare), and he won't be able to deliver on his promises.

The second reason is that Trump is extremely undisciplined and is therefore his own worst enemy. As such, he's far less interested in the job at hand than he is on how he's perceived and what kind of press coverage he receives. In other words, he's a fundamentally flawed person who's unsuited to the job which naturally comes with more criticism than the average person would care to receive. So, how is a hypersensitive person supposed to handle it?

The third reason is that he's intentionally a divider. To clarify that statement, both Bush and Obama campaigned on being uniters, and while they both failed at the attempt, they didn't thrive on division and creating conflict. Trump does.
Did Hussein supporters believe everything he said? How about "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" or "the U.S. will be weaned off oil" or haw about "I will close Gitmo"?
No one ever said Obama didn't lie. Trump however holds the record of non stop fabrication
Why don't you name them. I named several lies just about Obama care alone
Oh you mean his lies about the economy, immigration, and Russia?
He is making the economy better.
He is deporting illegals.
The Russian story isn't true.
Did Hussein supporters believe everything he said? How about "republicans can come along for the ride but they have to sit in the back" or "the U.S. will be weaned off oil" or haw about "I will close Gitmo"?
No one ever said Obama didn't lie. Trump however holds the record of non stop fabrication
The only record Trump holds is the one for most panties saturated at once. Liberal panties
It's pretty sad how you live in this sheepish denial.
Who's living in denial?

Check out the recent thread about Sweden if you want to see people living in denial.
I believe some of what he says I don't believe anyone all the time. One has to wonder does the OP believe everything they post here most of it half of it. Can they even honestly answer the question emphasis on honestly.
Best response?

Yeah you're too much of a wuss to address the topic at hand.

I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
No all you can do is deflect to Obama without addressing Trump's bullshit. You're such a sheep.
Best response?

Yeah you're too much of a wuss to address the topic at hand.

I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
Best response?

Yeah you're too much of a wuss to address the topic at hand.

I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
Yeah you're too much of a wuss to address the topic at hand.

I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
It's JP Morgan and it got well because another ah repub wasn't in our wh any more and businesses did well which is why interest rates are going up The moron in the WH now wants to take credit for Obamas economy Are all repubs stupid ?
I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
It's JP Morgan and it got well because another ah repub wasn't in our wh any more and businesses did well which is why interest rates are going up The moron in the WH now wants to take credit for Obamas economy Are all repubs stupid ?
Its JP Getty...again you prove you know nothing.

Please dont try to school me on the markets, you didnt even know the difference between a day trader and a swing trader. A novice knows that
Yeah you're too much of a wuss to address the topic at hand.

I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
Well gee when you make lofty promises to investors stocks will rise. Any talking orangutan can do that.
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
It's JP Morgan and it got well because another ah repub wasn't in our wh any more and businesses did well which is why interest rates are going up The moron in the WH now wants to take credit for Obamas economy Are all repubs stupid ?
Its JP Getty...again you prove you know nothing.

Please dont try to school me on the markets, you didnt even know the difference between a day trader and a swing trader. A novice knows that



The First 100 Lies: The Trump Team's Flurry Of Falsehoods
The president and his aides succeeded in reaching the mark in just 36 days.
26/02/2017 8:44 AM CST | Actualizado Hace 5 horas
6.6 K

  • Igor Bobic Associate Politics Editor, The Huffington Post


To say that President Donald Trump has a casual relationship with the truth would be a gross understatement. He has repeatedly cited debunked conspiracy theories, pushed voter fraud myths, and embellished his record and accomplishments. The barrage of falsehoods has been so furious that journalists have taken to issuing instant fact-checks during press conferences and calling out false statements during cable news broadcasts.

All presidents lie, but lying so brazenly and so frequently about even silly factoids like his golf game has put Trump in his own category. His disregard for the truth is reflected in his top aides, who have inflated easily disproved figures like the attendance at his inauguration and even cited terror attacks that never happened.

The Huffington Post tracked the public remarks of Trump and his aides to compile a list of 100 incidents of egregious falsehoods. Still, it is likely the administration has made dozens of other misleading and exaggerated claims.

  1. White House press secretary Sean Spicer falsely claimed the crowd on the National Mall was “largest audience to ever witness an inauguration.” (Jan. 21)

  2. Trump falsely claimed that the crowd for his swearing-in stretched down the National Mall to the Washington Monument and totaled more than 1 million people. (Jan. 21)

  3. As Trump fondly recalled his Inauguration Day, he said it stopped raining “immediately” when he began his speech. A light raincontinued to fall throughout the address. (Jan. 21)

  4. During his speech at CIA headquarters, Trump claimed the mediamade up his feud with the agency. In fact, he started it by comparing the intelligence community to “Nazi Germany.” (Jan. 21)

  5. During his speech at CIA headquarters, Trump repeated the claim that he “didn’t want to go into Iraq.” He told Howard Stern in 2002 that he supported the Iraq War. (Jan. 21)

  6. During his speech at CIA headquarters, Trump said he had the “all-time record in the history of Time Magazine. … I’ve been on it for 15 times this year.” Trump had been featured on the magazine a total of 11 times. (Jan. 21)

  7. Trump claimed that his inauguration drew 11 million more viewers than Barack Obama’s in 2013. It didn’t, and viewership for Obama’s first inauguration, in 2009, was even higher. (Jan. 22)

  8. Spicer said during his first press briefing that there has been a “dramatic expansion of the federal workforce in recent years.” This isfalse. (Jan. 23)

  9. While pushing back against the notion of a rift between the CIA and Trump, Spicer claimed the president had received a “five-minute standing ovation” at the agency’s headquarters. He did not. The attendees were also never asked to sit down. (Jan. 23)

  10. Spicer claimed that “tens of millions of people” watched the inauguration online. In fact, about 4.6 million did. (Jan. 23)
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
It's JP Morgan and it got well because another ah repub wasn't in our wh any more and businesses did well which is why interest rates are going up The moron in the WH now wants to take credit for Obamas economy Are all repubs stupid ?
Its JP Getty...again you prove you know nothing.

Please dont try to school me on the markets, you didnt even know the difference between a day trader and a swing trader. A novice knows that
Sassy I don't day trade or swing trade BUT what I
do I do well damn well
I did..however you just didnt. Back on topic please
We both know you're full of shit.
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
Well gee when you make lofty promises to investors stocks will rise. Any talking orangutan can do that.

Its called optimism. Youre no more informed than the fraud edward.

Youre both a waste of bytes, gave a good day
You didnt like my answer, you want to moan about Trump lying while ignoring Obama lied at every turn.

P.S. You're off topic again
Damn that Obama Lied us into the greatest rise in our stock market lied us into 76 straight months of 150000 or more of job gains kept us safe ,,,and still the lowest of the low find room to bash him
The JP Getty wannabe still has no idea why the markets flourished...proving once again. he's nothing but a fraud
It's JP Morgan and it got well because another ah repub wasn't in our wh any more and businesses did well which is why interest rates are going up The moron in the WH now wants to take credit for Obamas economy Are all repubs stupid ?
Its JP Getty...again you prove you know nothing.

Please dont try to school me on the markets, you didnt even know the difference between a day trader and a swing trader. A novice knows that
Sassy I don't day trade or swing trade BUT what I
do I do well damn well

So you is cheap

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