Do uncultured liberals exist?


Gold Member
Apr 6, 2014
Can a liberal who is moderate on guns and supports gay marriage who has no interest in travel or other cultures who only likes video games, comic book movies, and HBO who says people in religious nations should have less children exist?

Can a person like that exist?
Can a liberal who is moderate on guns and supports gay marriage who has no interest in travel or other cultures who only likes video games, comic book movies, and HBO who says people in religious nations should have less children exist?

Can a person like that exist?

I'm not sure I understand.

Also, what day's definition of liberal are you using? An executive order fellow who supports tariffs? I remember when those things were the liberal curse against the free market and government checks and balances.

Don't be a name caller, debate issues.
Since today's liberals are violent, bloodthirsty, Antifa-like, child-threatening. rioting, hate-foaming, subhuman animals who belong in cages, I daresay pretty much ALL of them are uncultured. What the fuck is cultured about women running around in pink pussy hats SCREAMING about Trump causing their personal menstrual problems? What the fuck is cultured about burning American flags while waving Mexican ones? What is cultured about crashing one's political opponents' rallies with bloodthirsty riots, macing small children? What is cultured about Democrat liberalfilth actually calling for public violence against Republicans? What is cultured about an epidemic of crazed, random assaults, large-scale burning riots and harrassment and home invasions against Republicans?

Or in other words, WHAT THE FUCK is cultured about these evil, diseased, demonic, non-human LIBERALFILTH who are 100% incapable of behaving like civilized human beings....FUCKING TELL ME!!!!!!

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